I am getting my money back already--here is how.


Now--I know many blacks are dependants, there fore will always vote for welfare. This time, I think they got it. My customer base is growing because of distribution of wealth. It seems the people who are gettingthis free money--pay the bills (may be), and then just spend it in about a week in the free market. I have been into motor sports all my life, and been in business for myself for aobut 7 years now (last 2.5 full time), and I have never seen this big of a black influx in a motorsport as I have in the last 6 months. Some are people on disability, totally dependant, and giving me 1 or 2 thousand dollars worth of business.

For you producers who make the world turn, there is a way to get your money back. Find what the benificary wants to buy with their extra un earned cash that exceeds the pay of general labor--and sell it to them. You can get your money back in spades, as soon as one week after the hand out check is cashed. I suppoort anybody adding to my customer base, and i have even inspired a black group on the East coast to staret their own racing organization--to try to get their dream.--And they seem to be doing it (congrats guys--not going to be wealth envious when you make it--not my styule). They will be Conservatives soon. :)

I like the sound of those words in the quotes and know they are wise men driven by personal experience and the ability to think. But I think you precieve different meanings for words as a progressive, than rational
thinking human beings do.

I am wondering---do you have any thoughts of your own? Or are you going to follow misconstrued writings all of your life?

For your question mark of confusion. I understand--because it is a simple and effective thing that is happening. This is how it works. I make money because I have my own mind and desire. The progressives take away about 70% of my profit (soon) and redistribute to the poor in the USA--and all around the worlds poor nations. Well, I may not be able to get much back from other nations, but the poor here are now buying $2,000 remote control model toys with my hard earned money---and I am in a indsutry they are expanding for me as new consumers. They are spending distributed money, not earned money, and It looks like I will not only get my money back---but many of the tax payers money that simply work for as an employee a pay check. Then I will be taxed, and the non productive cycle repeats.

It is easier to sell something to somebody who has extra money--who did not earn it. It will be in my hands in one week after they pay the utility bills--and they will still be poor (accept for the buys I encouraged to do their own business--and I hope they do well).
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I'm still trying to figure out how you are going to make your money back. You never got to the point.
He's in tax rage. I agree with him on most points too. I've been waiting to see someone really pissed about taxes and Obamas redistribution. Maybe cause this dude has his own business he's closer 2 cutting uncle Sam the monthly check.
I'm still trying to figure out how you are going to make your money back. You never got to the point.

I did--you fail to read and understand what you read, because your mind is full of progressivism (you understand what you want to understand only--and twist the rest).

1--I make money the progressives now spread around to welfare at record rates.

2--the money goes to welfare recipients, but they are paid more than a general worker, and with other subsidies, can now afford expensive toys where the man taking care of himeslf with general labor (or even skilled labor today) can not afford the toys I work with.

3--since being poor is a state of mind and a lack of action in the USA, after they get our money handed to them, they simply pay the needed subsidized utilities and subsidized home payment--and blow the rest in about a week--all the time laughing at the working stiff who earns his own money.

4--since they are blowing our money on toys I am involved with, the dependants who are into the expensive hobby--they come to me to build their engine as my customer base expands with dependants spending other peoples money, and my money.

5--now when they come to this overpaying tax payer to get a service that they now have our hard earned money to blow on---they end up paying me back my money as customers.

Overview and moral. If you want to get some of your money back, that the progressives stole from you to hand to welfare recipients---sell something to the welfare recipients that they want to blow your money on (a true windfall profit for them--meaning profit for absolutly nothing).

It is not that hard to figure out, but I hope talking to you like a 4 year old helped.
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I did--you fail to read and understand what you read, because your mind is full of progressivism (you understand what you want to understand only--and twist the rest).

1--I make money the progressives now spread around to welfare at record rates.

2--the money goes to welfare recipients, but they are paid more than a general worker, and with other subsidies, can now afford expensive toys where the man taking care of himeslf with general labor (or even skilled labor today) can not afford the toys I work with.

3--since being poor is a state of mind and a lack of action in the USA, after they get our money handed to them, they simply pay the needed subsidized utilities and subsidized home payment--and blow the rest in about a week--all the time laughing at the working stiff who earns his own money.

4--since they are blowing our money on toys I am involved with, the dependants who are into the expensive hobby--they come to me to build their engine as my customer base expands with dependants spending other peoples money, and my money.

5--now when they come to this overpaying tax payer to get a service that they now have our hard earned money to blow on---they end up paying me back my money as customers.

Overview and moral. If you want to get some of your money back, that the progressives stole from you to hand to welfare recipients---sell something to the welfare recipients that they want to blow your money on (a true windfall profit for them--meaning profit for absolutly nothing).

It is not that hard to figure out, but I hope talking to you like a 4 year old helped.
I don't know, talking like a four year old seems to be your regular practice. Don't worry we figured it out without you.
I don't know, talking like a four year old seems to be your regular practice. Don't worry we figured it out without you.

We figured it out? How many progressives did it take to get it? (and I am sure all three of your personalities are still twisted)

I just don't talk over peoples heads in a smug mannor that is condesending to those who actually work for a living, and may actually have a higher IQ than the elitist wanna be with the superiority complex. You can pretend a Harvard education makes a person wise---but I think you thought we would be in a better position as a nation by now---1 year ago. You follow the arrogant unwise, with a silver tounge and a talented way with words. The superficial feel good temporary high of somebody who really understands your insecurities. This is pay back time for you, and you think---justice will finally be done!!! You want to have that feeling forever. So much that the idea of admitting that you may have made a mistake--is enough to make you go straight---because you are super intelect human super man, where you were the smartest guy in sociology class, as long as you agreed with the progressive professor. "Boy--you are a smart lad---just like me" said your professors---- as sure as obama saying, 5 days before the election, "We are five days away from changing the fundementals of the United States of America!" Cheeer cheer--the fools in the room--not understanding what he is talking about--because they think he is talking to them, and they think it is pay back time for all their insecurities also.

Not bad for a red neck--huh? Progressives--I seeeee yoooouuuuuu.--And I know I can beat you. Your not as sharp as you think you are. You are only as sharp as you have been told--in a effort, to seperate you (the followers)---from the common unwashed masses. We are in the same boat against progressivism--weather you understand that or not.
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We figured it out? How many progressives did it take to get it? (and I am sure all three of your personalities are still twisted)

I just don't talk over peoples heads in a smug mannor that is condesending to those who actually work for a living, and may actually have a higher IQ than the elitist wanna be with the superiority complex. You can pretend a Harvard education makes a person wise---but I think you thought we would be in a better position as a nation by now---1 year ago. You follow the arrogant unwise, with a silver tounge and a talented way with words. The superficial feel good temporary high of somebody who really understands your insecurities. This is pay back time for you, and you think---justice will finally be done!!! You want to have that feeling forever. So much that the idea of admitting that you may have made a mistake--is enough to make you go straight---because you are super intelect human super man, where you were the smartest guy in sociology class, as long as you agreed with the progressive professor. "Boy--you are a smart lad---just like me" said your professors---- as sure as obama saying, 5 days before the election, "We are five days away from changing the fundementals of the United States of America!" Cheeer cheer--the fools in the room--not understanding what he is talking about--because they think he is talking to them, and they think it is pay back time for all their insecurities also.

Not bad for a red neck--huh? Progressives--I seeeee yoooouuuuuu.--And I know I can beat you. Your not as sharp as you think you are. You are only as sharp as you have been told--in a effort, to seperate you (the followers)---from the common unwashed masses. We are in the same boat against progressivism--weather you understand that or not.
First you'll have to find a Progressive.
First you'll have to find a Progressive.

There is some indoctrinated in all of us at varying degrees. It has been a while since I was here--but I thought you agreed with statism. I thought you voted for the marxist. (well--the most progressive one on the top of the ticket--or in the history of the Senate anyway)
There is some indoctrinated in all of us at varying degrees. It has been a while since I was here--but I thought you agreed with statism. I thought you voted for the marxist. (well--the most progressive one on the top of the ticket--or in the history of the Senate anyway)
I voted Libertarian. McCain had no shot at winning and I figured if I was going to throw a vote away, it may as well go there. If the R had a shot at winning that one, I would have voted party and went republican.