I am microcephalic and have an outie bellie button..


Verified User
I am also too stupid to know where threads go, and I deserve to be mocked incessantly for my micropenis.
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I have not figured out a good reason not to share a Kumquat Cake and Coffee with cigars after with Earl on my front porch.
In my own view, the Fuhrer pays his wages in as many drugs as he could possibly use. It doesn't make him lucid, but it keeps up his half-witted groaning - while he lasts, which can't be much longer now.

where do you keep your Hitler finger when you aren't pointing it at someone?......
IMO Earl is one of the better posters on this board. Smart, informed, always quick with a joke. But one of his best qualities is his ability to show mercy on the simple minded and generally stay above the fray . Classy. NONE of these things can be said of the OP.
IMO Earl is one of the better posters on this board. Smart, informed, always quick with a joke. But one of his best qualities is his ability to show mercy on the simple minded and generally stay above the fray . Classy. NONE of these things can be said of the OP.

Thanks, if nominated, I will not run, if elected, I will not serve.

I would not beLong to any club that would have me as a member.

Another brilliant reply from the JPP Master Moron.


Originally Posted by Trumpet View Post
“Another genus reply from the JPP Master Moron.“


Takes a “genius” to know a “genus” Trumper
Well, Super Moderator, why is this attack thread still in the Forum: Current Events Forum
Political forum for Current News Events?

You are skilled at moving conservative threads.

Do your job.
I am also too stupid to know where threads go, and I deserve to be mocked incessantly for my micropenis.

Honesty like this is why we made the board. It makes my heart warm.

BTW if you want the thread to exist, put it in the War Zone or Off Topic, stop using Current Events for your stupid nonsense.