I am Yurt

PMP doesn't know what the c word means, it would seem. Or that a Christian wouldn't use such hate words. I don't know why the kids chiming in on the Yurt charades anyway.
I can't understand why you find it so offensive. You are a female, yet you treat being called a woman as an insult.

I like the act, but he hated being referred to Yurt so much, that he never would go by this name. It would have worked better if you made up a screen name, and just acted like him. He called me a girl no matter what, even with a pic of myself. I kind of feel bad I didn't get to show pics of the guy, that obviously wasn't me, that I must have stalked through through Canada, and the Northwest. :thinking:

Here he is now, at Hell's Canyon.

I can't believe I got him to pose for all my pictures.