I came back here because of Palin


But now--I am pretty much done with you commies. Here I sit--wasting life with about a half dozen commie freaks (not all of course), when I relized--when seeing the movie "An American Carrol" that you freaks are just a little bunch of bitches. The movie house showed 5 shows on it's first day. I saw the 4th show, and it was sold out. The usher told me the three previous shows were sold out. Sounds like plenty of Palin supporters to me.

That is when I realized that---you freaks don't matter. Your nothing but a few liberal bitches that fit nowhere in the mass population. Your lesbo focus groups don't mean squat!!

I am out of here--I have real Americans around me--and you fuckers are not them. I have no use for you--and the real USA has no use for you either.

Go see "An American carrol", and learn how to at least like the country your in.

later loosers!! I have my dream to chase (unlike you)--and you fuckers are not going to stop me.

To the commies on here (darla, lady t, citicen my ass, oncler (or what ever), waterspurt and pin hole)----have a rotten life---you deserve it. Your rotten people, and pittifull so called Americans. I just realized America is strong--and you commies are misfits. Die commies die,--or get the fuck out of our country.--I will make you a deal--you get out of the country--and Americans won't kill you.

Your a bunch of cry baby worthless toads. Yea--get used to it! I have a country to love--but I will always hate the commies.

Good luck being worthless in USA.
Maj, Maj, Maj... You are letting them get to you. I can give you some advice, as a poster who got fed up with it and left, then came back. You have to approach this as entertainment. It's like torching ants with a magnifying glass. You need to understand you are completely wrong about them being "commies." Granted, there are a few of them who are liberally educated in the finer points of Marxist Socialism, and are indeed Communists, but the vast majority of these pinheads are just too stupid to understand Communism. They are merely useful idiots, who have jumped on the hip and cool bandwagon because they are foolish and naive. Like Emu's who are attracted to shiny objects, they flock to the espoused ideology of an underground Socialist party McCarthy tried to warn us about years ago.

Through the years, beginning with Madeline Murray-Ohare, the Socialists have infiltrated our public schools and college campuses, filling the minds of our youth with these suggestions and hints of Socialist policy, increasing the levels each generation, until we now have outright Socialism being commonly accepted practice in every area of education. I affectionately use the term "pinhead" to describe the disciples of this flawed teaching, because they are the product of what they have read and studied. They have no idea they are aligned with the same Communist Socialism our American soldiers have given their lives to defeat for the past century, they just think it sounds cool and hip, and it goes against the 'establishment' policies.

So, when you call them "commies" you may as well be calling them "Martians" it's the same difference, they don't realize or understand that is what they are. They just know what they have learned from that really 'smart' professor in college, or from that really 'smart' guy who wrote the book they read, with all the cool ideas for how to 'solve' all our problems. That has always been the fundamental problem with Socialism, it looks and sounds great, until it is implemented. There is no way to convince people who support it, that it doesn't work in practice.

In any event, I am saying this to make a point. You can't expect to change minds here. They have been brainwashed. Programmed to think like Socialists, to talk like Socialists, to act like Socialists. They don't know they are promoting Socialism, that's why they are called 'useful idiots' ...they are idiots who are useful to the Socialist movement in America, and it's alive and well. They can't be convinced they are wrong, even when you can show them valid proof, they will just refute the proof and continue supporting what they believe in. They will probably end up succeeding in turning America into a Socialist nation, and never even realize that's what they've done, until it's too late. We're not going to keep that from happening by calling then "commies" with every breath. So the best thing to do, is have some fun with them. Frustrate the shit out of them with truth, and expose their lies. Pop them in the kisser with their own stupidity, and watch them spin and twist in the wind, run from the debate, or better yet, try to divert the conversation to avoid the tangled mess they've created for themselves. It's not going to 'save the world' but then again, we can't really save the world from idiots bent on destroying it. Best we can do is enjoy tormenting them on the way.
Oh please Dixie. Nobody is going to shoot anyone for "talking like a foreigner".

And if Maj has already gone your words are wasted. If he isn't gone this was a plea for attention.

I, for one, have a great life and I am as happy as can be.
you redneck barely got out of highschool republicans need to stop running a 1980's election. Obama is goingto beat you like the retard rented mule you are. Palin is commically not ready to be president.
Majority how bout you leave and come back after you take remedial English and actually get into your dream community college.
Majority how bout you leave and come back after you take remedial English and actually get into your dream community college.
A low blow, coming from Top, but I agree with you that Majority's writing sucks and his command of the English language in non-existent.
Fuck you teenage jobless virgin. I was pointing out his Neanderthal views, fuck you and the rest of the time waisting can't make a point spelling police.
I am out of here--I have real Americans around me--and you fuckers are not them. I have no use for you--and the real USA has no use for you either.

Go see "An American carrol", and learn how to at least like the country your in.

Since you're not here anymore you probably won't see this message. ...Right?

But anyway, my theatre in Livonia didn't have American Carol, so I went to see Religulous instead. ...It was okay.

Okay, let me be honest. It's a coincidenece that my theatre didn't have American Carol. I wasn't actually going to see it anyway. I saw some preview clips that made me sick and I decided against it. Something about faux-George Washington asking faux-Michael Moore if he would feel responsible for 9/11 on judgement day put me off.

Final anyway...I like the people on this forum, even when I disagree with them, and I think they're all patriots just trying to express their thoughts about how this country could be better governed by better people.

And I think nearly all of us agree with that.
Fuck you teenage jobless virgin. I was pointing out his Neanderthal views, fuck you and the rest of the time waisting can't make a point spelling police.
I don't think there are any teenagers left on this site, dumbass. And if you have a problem with Majority's views, say it, rather than pointing out his obvious inability to script a coherent sentence.
Adam your way nicer than me. I guess all countries are loaded with morons like Dixie and maj who think dissatreement is communism.
Me I'll stick with fuck the rednecks they give the south a bad name. It's as if theses turf brains are stuck in 1960 Mississippi.
Maj, Maj, Maj... You are letting them get to you. I can give you some advice, as a poster who got fed up with it and left, then came back. You have to approach this as entertainment. It's like torching ants with a magnifying glass. ......

Damn right....and entertaining it is....gives us a new insight into the sad state of mental health of Democrats and a better understanding of why we are as fucked up as we are....otherwise...:gives: