I Can Help Hillary


New member
I've been listening to yesterday's speeches from Hillary, and Barack Obama. I'm starting to feel sorry for her. She's going back to that shrill, witches' cackle in her voice, no doubt from the pressure of getting KILLED by a ROOKIE, a Community Organizer! She was supposed to be "The Inevitable"! Now she's saying "Words are fine, but what has he DONE?" She better watch it. If I was barack, I'd finish her OFF TODAY, with a simple, "Hillary, you've been crying every day, how you've been "fighting for 35 YEARS for ".......? (who?) She never says who's she's been fighting for! Because Barack can easily say "You're screaming about the SAME THINGS you were screaming about in 1992! You were in the WHITE HOUSE FOR 8 YEARS! What have YOU done?!?"(I'm gonna give that one to John McCain, if Hillary wins)
But this isn't a bash on Hillary. I'm here to help her. The woman can't seem to do anything right. She messed up with the Rose Law Firm papers. She messed up with the Travel Office, and firing all those nice people. She messed upwith Cattle Futures. And NOW, she's messed up an Inevitable Candidacy, to a ROOKIE COMMUNITY ORGANIZER!

She's in trouble. She can call me. Because it's an emergency, I'll help her. What she needs to DO is get back to basics. Get back to what GOT her here. What is Hillary's "Claim to Fame"? You know th old saying "Dance with the one what brung ya"? Well, that's what Hillary needs to do. And Bill isn't helping. Every time he opens his mouth, she loses voters. Hillary NEEDS my advice. She's MISUSING Bill. All they need to do is ONE thing. It may sound exteme, but it worked once before.
They need to call the CNN cameras to Bill's office, and when the cameras get there, Bill needs to be "inflagrante' delecti"(gettin' DOWN, for you Libs), with a nice, 22-yr.old chippie, the younger and hotter, the better. When Bill gets caught ON CAMERA with his boxers around his ankles, and a 22-yr-old blonde on his desk with her skirt up, Hillary will get ALL the sympathy, ALL the "women's(and gay men's) support from all those Liberals AGAIN, just like she did BEFORE, when she won her only elected office "Mrs. Liberal Sympathy from New York.....or Arkansas......or Illinois.

Whaddya think, I'm a genius, right? Haaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha!!!
And the best part is, it won't cost her 100 Million dollars, like she's already spent, when Bill said last week, "We're getting delegates on a shoestring, Haaaaaaaahahahaha!