I Can Sum All This Up in One Question:


New member
Exactly WHAT was IN Barack Obama's HEART?
But alas, we will NEVER KNOW that, for sure.
All we can GO by, are his associations, and the Length of Time he was IN these Associations.
We all KNOW, now, about Rev. Wright. I get a kick out of Onceler saying, "He's being judged for 20 years by a 3-min. YouTube clip. HA! That's a GOODONE> ONCELER> Rev. Wright has been saying this stupp FOR 20 YEARS, and YOU, and the rest of the Libs KNOW it. You don't just "come up with" something like: "The White Man INJECTED the Black Man with AIDS, so they could KILL as MANY as possible! The White Man's Gdid that!"

And there's Malik Shabazz, NBPP, and James Meeks, Michelle, etc, etc.
He's a goner.
What - do you think they're going to pick the sermon about Jesus for the youtube clip?

How do you judge what is in anyone's heart? I thought Bush was hopelessly unqualified for the Presidency, but still thought he had a good heart. Then, he goes & kills 100,000 Iraqi's on me.

Go figure...
But onceler, be reasonable, this guy, if he's so smart, he should have KNOWN that this stuff would come OUT!! The Presidency has the MOST INTENSIVE political rectal examination known to Man! Everything from your childhood, to all your freinds and acquaintances, but most IMPORTANTLY, your BELIEFS, be they religious, political, sociological, racial, ALL these things will be known when you run for this HIGHEST of offices. As it SHOULD be.
"ALL these things will be known when you run for this HIGHEST of offices. As it SHOULD be."

Yeah - this kind of vetting has really helped us get the best & brightest for the top job...
When Reagan ran, they made fun of his chimpanzee movies, called him a "B" movie hack, and Larry Flint took out 3 pages in one of his porno mags to smear Reagan, saying "Ronnie wielded a hefty meat cleaver among the budding young starlets, saying that Reagan screwed all the young starlets. That was aBAD thing, way back in the late 70's, hahaha! How FAR we've come!

Bush had his butt probed, too. The "drunk driving" charge, they called him a Yale dummy(even though he got higher marks than "genius" John Kerry, haha), they tried to say he never went to National Guard, you may remember, Dan Rather even found, or printed, some fake, phony 1970's document about Bush's Texas Air Nat. Guard Service! Too bad they had Microsoft Superscript marks on them, HA!

But Obama really is not the person for you Liberals to back, seriously. NO ONE in America believes he was a Member of Rev. Wright's "flock" a MAIN Member, writing BOOKS with the "Rev", and NEVER HEARD those "Hate Whitey", Hate America", "Hate Rich Whitey American" sermons, that WE "gave Blacks AIDS", etc. It's DISGUSTING, JUST LIKE WHITE RACISM IS DISGUSTING. It has NO place in the White House, in 2008.