I can't wait!


New member
Until this election is over. I HONESTLY don't care who wins the White House. Either way someone I don't really like will lose and I can always find some petty and spiteful joy in laughing at them and their supporters. :) It probably won't be as fun as the loss of McCain/Palin, but that may have been a once in a lifetime moment of pure joy.

I wish the debates would have been about something more substantive than this stupid Benghazi crap, but...

More importantly, I cannot wait for this to be over because then I will be able to look away from the train wreck that is politics in this nation and go back to something more productive.

The things I am most hopeful in are on some of the amendments and referendums. Either victory will be achieved for my position or they will record growth in my position. It will be fun to see how some spin it.

I did support a couple candidates and I am pretty sure they will win. Whether I that brings me any joy will be more dependent on how they govern, though.

I don't think it is looking good for Gary Johnson to break 1%. The election is too close and too contentious. But according to Reason Johnson did promise to run again in 2016 and that should be a positive for the LP. He and Judge Gray are a great improvement over Barr and Root and probably the best candidates the LP has ever had.
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Man, I love the Presidential election years... It's like the World Cup of politics. Once every four years we get the big one. The debates are awesome to watch. Whoever wins or loses I still enjoy the year.
yeah elections are awesome. I am going to miss it. what the fuck are we going to talk about now.
Think of all the better uses for money than having spent in on political ads and such for this election....
About a trillion dollars?
I sort of enjoy it too. I am just glad it will be over soon. I do dislike the way it dumbs down political debate.

The entire flap over Benghazi was disgraceful and had no real substance. It seems to me that it hurt Romney.
Talk about cognitive dissonance

Not really. The elections are exciting, but a distraction and I prefer more substantive discussions. The first debate was exciting and seemed to offer some promise but then things got really stupid. Partisans get really dumb during elections, try to make issues out of stupid shit and take really weird positions. Like the right wing douchebags that seemed to argue the storm was some sort of media plot and then complain that the response was over the top but insufficient. What??? Or when all the candidates commented on the referee strike.

In fact, it is sort of like the Super Bowl. It's exciting but the spectacle and circus draw in people that only care about the pageantry and have no real respect for the game. Meanwhile, the fans with a team in the game engage in stupid hyperbole. At least with the Super Bowl most people understand that the poseur who demands that you take a side is just a douchebag.
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