I could shoot someone and would not lose any voters!


Verified User
I am curious if Trump voters know he is mocking your stupidity and ethics when he made this comment, which we saw prove out time and again with his numerous crimes.


What Trump is saying above is that he could 'get away with doing even heinous crimes with republican voter base as they are dumb and he could manipulate them such that he would lose no votes or support'.

Trump was to the left of many Dem politicians prior to running, on many major issues, but he did not see the opportunity to manipulate Dem voters, in that way, and as such he ran as a republi'can'.

So my question is 'are you Trump voters at least smart enough...self aware enough... to know he was mocking your intelligence and ethics or are you so dumb you are unable to make that connection??
They know he’s mocking them, and they love it!

I am not so sure.

I think they perfectly understand the part about him 'criming', but i am not sure that they understand inherent in that is that he is saying the reason he could 'get away with it and not lose voters', is because they are 'dumb and gilliblke and easily manipulated'. I think the latter part is lost on a lot of them.

But lets see what they have to say.

how many of you understand that latter part? That he is mocking you for being dumb, gullible and easily manipulated??
Are these "whistleblower" individual posts created by Russia?

Is that your best way to equate what Trump HIMSELF recognized and PROVED to be true of his base?

willful ignorance appears to be a necessary trait for both liberals and conservatives.............
I am curious if Trump voters know he is mocking your stupidity and ethics when he made this comment, which we saw prove out time and again with his numerous crimes.


What Trump is saying above is that he could 'get away with doing even heinous crimes with republican voter base as they are dumb and he could manipulate them such that he would lose no votes or support'.

Trump was to the left of many Dem politicians prior to running, on many major issues, but he did not see the opportunity to manipulate Dem voters, in that way, and as such he ran as a republi'can'.

So my question is 'are you Trump voters at least smart enough...self aware enough... to know he was mocking your intelligence and ethics or are you so dumb you are unable to make that connection??

As we have seen, they, and the they includes the majority of the Republican Party plus a major news network, could care less what Trump did or said, even if it is breaking the law. To them, Trump is above the law, which is why many see it as a cult
I am not so sure.

I think they perfectly understand the part about him 'criming', but i am not sure that they understand inherent in that is that he is saying the reason he could 'get away with it and not lose voters', is because they are 'dumb and gilliblke and easily manipulated'. I think the latter part is lost on a lot of them.

But lets see what they have to say.

how many of you understand that latter part? That he is mocking you for being dumb, gullible and easily manipulated??

No, Trump is saying his supports like him because he is a fascist.
willful ignorance appears to be a necessary trait for both liberals and conservatives.............

Willful ignorance is thinking there is any value in quoting a few one of posts, by individuals, in the day and age of bot's and trolls.
Even in the best case of us acknowledging a 2-3 crazies on the left, that does nothing to equate to the LEADER of the right, acknowledging that his ENTIRE base would let him get away with the worst crimes and then proving that correct.

That is a foolish attempt at a WHATABOUT!

It was not me making that point. That was Trump himself recognizing that his base was stupid and gullible and immoral that even if he did the most heinous of crimes they would let him get away with it.

That recognition by Trump (proved now true) should shock and insult any fair minded person.
Locomotive Breath Trump thought that if he threw the handle off the train, that no one would be able to slow him down.

But, I know this, every runaway train before him has met a certain disastrous tragic ending!

And Trump will too! All in time folks- All in time!
I am not so sure.

I think they perfectly understand the part about him 'criming', but i am not sure that they understand inherent in that is that he is saying the reason he could 'get away with it and not lose voters', is because they are 'dumb and gilliblke and easily manipulated'. I think the latter part is lost on a lot of them.

But lets see what they have to say.

how many of you understand that latter part? That he is mocking you for being dumb, gullible and easily manipulated??

Some enjoy being victims.
In fact, that statement about shooting someone on 5th Avenue was when Trump realized his con was working on a national level. He too was incredulous that his blustering was actually working. it still does. He should have said I could rape someone and my followers would not leave me. I could steal a truckload of classified documents and they would not care. Whatever I do, they will stay. If other presidents did those things, they would be building gallows.
I am not so sure.

I think they perfectly understand the part about him 'criming', but i am not sure that they understand inherent in that is that he is saying the reason he could 'get away with it and not lose voters', is because they are 'dumb and gilliblke and easily manipulated'. I think the latter part is lost on a lot of them.

But lets see what they have to say.

how many of you understand that latter part? That he is mocking you for being dumb, gullible and easily manipulated??

He can mock me all he wants, I only care about his job performance, the rest has no impact on me.

I would rather have a president that’s an ass than a president who talks nice about me but ruins the nation.

I hire him to do a job, not to blow smoke up my ass.
He can mock me all he wants, I only care about his job performance, the rest has no impact on me.

I would rather have a president that’s an ass than a president who talks nice about me but ruins the nation.

I hire him to do a job, not to blow smoke up my ass.

well then you are in luck as Biden is doing what Trump would not.

Trump was all about the Sugar high, of providing tax cuts to the rich and corporations while ballooning the deficit and debt. Something that could provide short term stock market boosts but long term harm to the US economy as debt continued to pile up.

Biden has been making significant and substantial investments in America that will pay back over decades to come while reducing the deficits, and investing in infrastructure, which also will pay back for decades to come.

The republiclowns are drooling over taking power after Biden, just as they did after Clinton and Obama, all of whom handed the Republiclowns, economies that were on significant improvement trajectories and booming, only then for the republiclown to step in, take credit, as Trump did, and then hand the next Dem administration a broken economy tending towards the toilet.

Its laughably predictable at this time, that Dems will hand off a good economy trending the right way, and republicans will hand back a shit one, while offering only a handful of excuses of why THIS TIME AGAIN, they are handing back shit for Dems to fix.
I am curious if Trump voters know he is mocking your stupidity and ethics when he made this comment, which we saw prove out time and again with his numerous crimes.


What Trump is saying above is that he could 'get away with doing even heinous crimes with republican voter base as they are dumb and he could manipulate them such that he would lose no votes or support'.

Trump was to the left of many Dem politicians prior to running, on many major issues, but he did not see the opportunity to manipulate Dem voters, in that way, and as such he ran as a republi'can'.

So my question is 'are you Trump voters at least smart enough...self aware enough... to know he was mocking your intelligence and ethics or are you so dumb you are unable to make that connection??

We are witnessing at least ONE THING that Trump wasn’t lying about. This one is it.