I Deserve A Medal


Verified User


If message boards awarded the equivalent of a military Medal of Honor I would have a drawer full. The latest one would be awarded for singlehandedly charging against enemies advancing with needles like they are fixed bayonets.

For the record. I call coronavirus a scam rather than a new hoax because it is about tens of billions of tax dollars combined with a media scare tactic aimed at stampeding the American people into rolling over for forced vaccinations.


I am fairly certain that “treatment” means vaccinations.


Once the enemy’s weapon of choice is fully developed it will be more devastating than Nazi Germany’s V-2 rockets that could not reach the U.S.

The first-ever clinical trial in a quest for a coronavirus vaccine began Monday as the first injections were administered at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle.

Four volunteer participants were given injections of a vaccine created by Moderna Inc. in collaboration with the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) and the National Institue of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Published 8 hours ago
First person dosed in US study for potential coronavirus vaccine, officials say
By Vandana Rambaran


In war, truth is the first casualty. Aeschylus (523 BC - 456 BC)

The lying scum on FOX is the worst enemy of truth because FOX’s large audience cowers in fear every time FOX comes out with another scare tactic.

The political weapon —— TELEVISION —— is far more deadly than Gates’ needles.


Lying scum on the alphabet networks tell the same lies FOX tells, while the boobs who get their opinions from FOX’s big names never doubt they always tell the truth.

In that sense there is not a whit of difference between coronavirus lies and illegal aliens carrying a disease poring thru still open borders lies. Notice that a few criminals were deported while not one diseased illegal alien was ever deported. Illegal alien criminals go to sanctuary cities for a cure against the police, while diseased illegal aliens go to hospitals for free treatment.

The scary part is that television parasites with fewer ethics than scorpions spent the last 60 years convincing the public that the American people are the first loyalty of television liars.

Thanks to the Internet it will take a lot less than 60 years for Americans to see exactly what lying television scum stand for.

If message boards awarded the equivalent of a military Medal of Honor I would have a drawer full. The latest one would be awarded for singlehandedly charging against enemies advancing with needles like they are fixed bayonets.

For the record. I call coronavirus a scam rather than a new hoax because it is about tens of billions of tax dollars combined with a media scare tactic aimed at stampeding the American people into rolling over for forced vaccinations.


I am fairly certain that “treatment” means vaccinations.


Once the enemy’s weapon of choice is fully developed it will be more devastating than Nazi Germany’s V-2 rockets that could not reach the U.S.

The first-ever clinical trial in a quest for a coronavirus vaccine began Monday as the first injections were administered at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle.

Four volunteer participants were given injections of a vaccine created by Moderna Inc. in collaboration with the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) and the National Institue of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Published 8 hours ago
First person dosed in US study for potential coronavirus vaccine, officials say
By Vandana Rambaran


In war, truth is the first casualty. Aeschylus (523 BC - 456 BC)

The lying scum on FOX is the worst enemy of truth because FOX’s large audience cowers in fear every time FOX comes out with another scare tactic.

The political weapon —— TELEVISION —— is far more deadly than Gates’ needles.


Lying scum on the alphabet networks tell the same lies FOX tells, while the boobs who get their opinions from FOX’s big names never doubt they always tell the truth.

In that sense there is not a whit of difference between coronavirus lies and illegal aliens carrying a disease poring thru still open borders lies. Notice that a few criminals were deported while not one diseased illegal alien was ever deported. Illegal alien criminals go to sanctuary cities for a cure against the police, while diseased illegal aliens go to hospitals for free treatment.

The scary part is that television parasites with fewer ethics than scorpions spent the last 60 years convincing the public that the American people are the first loyalty of television liars.

Thanks to the Internet it will take a lot less than 60 years for Americans to see exactly what lying television scum stand for.

That's a nice Mauser you're carrying. I sold one a few years ago, but not that nice.
Private Legion has been stripped of his rank and any other medals, awards, ribbons, etc., and drummed out of the Normal Human Regiment.
The lying scum on FOX is the worst enemy of truth because FOX’s large audience cowers in fear every time FOX comes out with another scare tactic.

One more medal for my collection:


Hannity Delivers Over 1 Million Viewers in the Key A25-54 Demo, Tops all of Cable News in Both Viewership Categories

March 19, 2020
Cable News in the era of coronvirus: Skype rules as Fox News rules the cable news ratings
By Peter Barry Chowka

having just watched 1917 I was struck by the fact the WW2 soldier appears to be walking across the same field of flowers as was in the opening scene of the WW1 movie......