I Disagree, this isn't a "Trip Up", it's a Fruedian Slip!


Staff member

Obama trips up over Russian leadership tandem

MOSCOW (Reuters) - In a slip of the tongue, U.S. President Barack Obama described Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday as president, echoing the widely held view that he remains Russia's most powerful man.

Putin surrendered the presidency to protege Dmitry Medvedev last May to take the lesser post of prime minister, but most political analysts say Putin remains Russia's ultimate decision maker.

The dual leadership has left foreign leaders to walk a difficult diplomatic tightrope. In line with protocol Obama met Medvedev ahead of talks with the lower ranking Putin.

At a news conference Obama gave a carefully worded reply about the effectiveness of the leadership tandem when a U.S. journalist bluntly asked "who is really in charge here in Russia?"

But minutes later, speaking about Medvedev's objections to a controversial missile defense system planned for central Europe, Obama slipped:

"I suspect when I speak to President..eh.. Prime Minister Putin tomorrow, he will say the same thing." (Writing by Conor Humphries; Editing by Richard Williams)
I just watched an episode of Charlie rose where he was talking to our ambassador to Russia and others about this very issue. It appears that Obama has gotten some bad advise on dealing with Russia and is off the correct path.

Obama trips up over Russian leadership tandem

MOSCOW (Reuters) - In a slip of the tongue, U.S. President Barack Obama described Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday as president, echoing the widely held view that he remains Russia's most powerful man.

Putin surrendered the presidency to protege Dmitry Medvedev last May to take the lesser post of prime minister, but most political analysts say Putin remains Russia's ultimate decision maker.

The dual leadership has left foreign leaders to walk a difficult diplomatic tightrope. In line with protocol Obama met Medvedev ahead of talks with the lower ranking Putin.

At a news conference Obama gave a carefully worded reply about the effectiveness of the leadership tandem when a U.S. journalist bluntly asked "who is really in charge here in Russia?"

But minutes later, speaking about Medvedev's objections to a controversial missile defense system planned for central Europe, Obama slipped:

"I suspect when I speak to President..eh.. Prime Minister Putin tomorrow, he will say the same thing." (Writing by Conor Humphries; Editing by Richard Williams)

It's the fault of the guy on the other end of the tele-prompter.
Looks like the unemployment figures will be up by one more.
I just watched an episode of Charlie rose where he was talking to our ambassador to Russia and others about this very issue. It appears that Obama has gotten some bad advise on dealing with Russia and is off the correct path.

so obama obviously can't think for himself...got it
Fuck you bitch. I have already spoken out more against Obama that you EVER did Bush. Your lips have the imprint of Bushes sphincter on them.
LOL You come up with the funniest shit man.

If Bush had done this it would be solid news analysis about it for two weeks. *shrug*
In defense of Obama, the PM-Pres. system is retarded. Its like at Versaille where Georges Clemenseau was PM of France but Raymond Poincare was President. Clem did all of the real work, but Poincare was the figurehead head-of-state who did not play a role in the Paris Peace Talks. I believe under this system, the PM is supposed the be the head of the legislature, although clearly in Russia the President actually wields more power.

That said, if Putin was serious, he should have walked away from government.