I don't like the NewsBoy.....

What dixie does not like is that most current news is not favorable to Bush.....
Most current reported news is not favorable to Bush. This does not mean that all things in the world are unfavorable to Bush, just that the things that are get reported.

I'm still tweaking newsboy. I'm making him post less often, and I am working on spreading out the sources. Amazingly most of the Lib stories against Bush are from Grind's favorite site.
What dixie does not like is that most current news is not favorable to Bush.....

NewsBoy actually tends to be non partisan, that's not what bugs me. It's almost like Desh's flooding of the board, with stuff we are already discussing anyway. It's just annoying to me, and the "ignore" feature doesn't keep the threads from appearing, it just blanks out the individuals posts.
yeah, maybe if you could get him to post like 1/4 of the time it would be better.
I've cut it back from every 2 hours to every 12. I think that is pretty good. It should pretty much insure it is about every 6 or so we should see three stories...