I Don't see any More Like Him, Either.


New member
Today would have been Ronald Reagan’s 97th birthday. Happy Birthday to The Gipper, the greatest President of my lifetime.

It’s a shame that the political party he led to prominence has forgotten itself and lost its way to become a Mini Me to the Democrats’ Dr. Evil in terms of big government socialism.

Two memorable Reagan quotes:

"A government that is big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take everything you have."

"Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem."

Once again, it’s too bad that Ronald Reagan’s party is about to put forward a ticket for the November election of a presidential candidate that loves and actually gets ebullient at the prospects of sticking his finger in the eye of Reagan conservative and a likely vice presidential candidate who smeared Reagan’s memory during this campaign season by describing Ronaldus Magnus as just another tax-and-spend liberal in order to justify his record as a tax-and-spend liberal while governor of Arkansas and his liberal policies.

Here, in three parts, is President Reagan’s first inaugural address, which came at a time after four years of Jimmy Carter, America’s worst president in the post-Civil War era, which gave us runaway inflation, double digit interest rates, high unemployment and a dramatic loss of prestige abroad.