I hate progressives


Now that liberalism is dead, some old liberals are trying to ressurrect it under the bland and boring name "progressive". Basically what these people have done is to take all the things America hated about what liberalism had become ( socialism, collectivism, high taxes), throw away everything everyone loved about liberalism (individualism, liberty, fairness, compassion) and run this necromanced zombie under a new banner.

These people are stupid. That is all.
To not change is to stagnant and you know what stagnation means...

Stop me if you know this already...oh you can't. Oh well, hold me in contempt if you already know this.

Because the term "liberal" has been completely twisted, debased and generally been thrashed within an inch of its life, the term "progressive" has had to be adopted to try and escape the opprobrium of the loonie Right.

I say gutless.

Those slightly to the right should just give the finger to the loonie Rightists. Say it loud and say it proud, "Left!" After all, if you ain't right then you must be left, right?

Oh I know, chickens will refuse to lay, a plague of amphibians of various types will descend on Manhattan, fresh water will turn brackish. Voters will shit their pants because Fox tells them to.

Stuff the labels, get the policies out. Make it more than cartoonish.
Progressive thought has always prevailed in the end, and always will prevail. It has been constant throughout history; short-term defeats, long-term preserverance & victory.

Ha ha.
Yep if conservatives had prevailed, we would still be living in caves.
Religion would never have happened, etc...
You're an idiot incapable of understanding even the barest of concepts, and a conservative masquerading as a false-outrage queen liberal. It's truly a site to behold.
where do those little bastiges winter anyway? One 70 deg day here and those suckers were eating me up.

I know, sneaky little bitches, the girls are the ones that bite you, right?
Up here they are so large they can carry you off! They are our state bird (he he, bad Alaskan humor)
You can't be the voice of the future by simply declaring yourself to be. The reactionary anti-liberals that have abandoned all that was good about liberalism and fashioned themselves "Progressives", although they really have nothing at all to do with the progressive party/movement of the past, are not the voice of the future.
You can't be the voice of the future by simply declaring yourself to be. The reactionary anti-liberals that have abandoned all that was good about liberalism and fashioned themselves "Progressives", although they really have nothing at all to do with the progressive party/movement of the past, are not the voice of the future.

Apparently you don't know the "secret" :clink: