I have been hacked on here!


Villified User
I did not enter "insane level of addiction" beside my avitar....

Either straighten up and fess up or give me the pw to do it to others.
Yeah, got to thinking maybe it is because of my number of posts....
if so I will just change it to most devoted poster :D

this is really the only place I spend any fun time on the net.
Well, I notice it has been that way for some time. It is because that is the automatic title given if you pass 20K posts....

You can, of course, set anything you wish and that will override any automatic titles that set themselves by post counts.
I Kinda thought that might be it. After I thought about it fot a while.

Yeah it is true, might change it or might not.
actually, I hax0red you, then I hax0red damo's account to make up a viable excuse. then i found the real damo and have tied him up in my basement. I am now in control of his account and this site.
actually, I hax0red you, then I hax0red damo's account to make up a viable excuse. then i found the real damo and have tied him up in my basement. I am now in control of his account and this site.

Can you post some pics of him in his underwear Grind?
actually, I hax0red you, then I hax0red damo's account to make up a viable excuse. then i found the real damo and have tied him up in my basement. I am now in control of his account and this site.
Tied up or chained to the wall? I have my doubts about you Grind. I think you kink that way.
Can you post some pics of him in his underwear Grind?

Here's a picture of him and his cat:
