I have listened to Air America for the last three hours.


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God almighty does it suck. The tone of it is droning, I want to sleep from listening to it. They have got to step up the tempo
God almighty does it suck. The tone of it is droning, I want to sleep from listening to it. They have got to step up the tempo

Far be it for me to defend Air America but listening to any talk station for three hours straight could get very boring.
Wow, 3 hours of Air America? That's considered torture in GITMO... You shouldn't do that, it is against the Geneva Convention!
they lost Randi Rhodes... Say what you want about her... but she has tempo.
Air America, otherwise known as Air Israel, is boring as hell and lacks diversity of thought.

Franken is unbearable and Rhodes was over-the-top.

The only host I could bear listening to was Racheal Maddow and Mark whatshisname who came on late at night.
Air America, otherwise known as Air Israel, is boring as hell and lacks diversity of thought.

Franken is unbearable and Rhodes was over-the-top.

The only host I could bear listening to was Racheal Maddow and Mark whatshisname who came on late at night.

lacks diversity of thought ?

Really?....What in Gods name would cause you to think for a nanosecond that Air America was EVER meant to have an iota of diverse thought...????

It started as a Bush bashing, mouthpiece of the far left Democrats and never once, ever gave a hint of offering diverse debate in its entire existence...

Rhodes was the listeners darling on AA, like Obermann is now on MSNBC

The more radical, the more hate filled the Bush bashing, the more the loons liked them.....
Racheal Maddow is very sharp and is very entertaining as well.

Maddow is the only one that came across as sane...and compared to the others she seemed intelligent by comparison ...actually, I liked her too.....

Left wing, but the most civil of the lot, and that was refreshing in itself...handles herself well in interviews and knows her material...shes a good spokesperson for liberals in general....