I hope America tries to remember!


Well-known member
Lets try hard to remember who and how we got into this mess. In 8 or 12 years another Bush type will be trying to get elected to be our next president...

Please lets remember how we got where we are. Clinton cleaned Bush I's mess. Obama will clean Bush II's mess. Lets please try to not elect a Bush III.
No more phoney cowboys who tell you you can cut taxes and spend on massive killing machines and prosper.
Unfortuantely we will always have those types of fools. Eternal vigilance is required to keep them beat down.
It seems like every 8 years they rear there ugly head, and not just in Alaska. They take us a step back, then we get a Democrat who will move us forward two.
It seems like every 8 years they rear there ugly head, and not just in Alaska. They take us a step back, then we get a Democrat who will move us forward two.

Well it finally added up to a major fall back. It will take quite a while to get back on track. Most of the Dems got in the same boat with the rebutlickens and kept us going down the wrong brown smelly stream.
It will be a long hard paddle back up that stream, and I am not convinced America still has the balls to do it.
I think this current situation has killed the myth in the American mind that Republicans are the fiscal party.

That little gem is now dead.

Its the only thing that kept getting them elected , well that and cheating at the polls.
I still belive people will forget as soon as we get back on the right track.

It seems when times are good, the idiots worry about lapel pins and who they perfer to have a beer with and Republicans win... When times get bad, they start to worry about real issues and Democrats win, wouldent it be great if we could just keep the good times rolling?
about 1/3 of Republicans still have the faith.

Yeah they are the nutball right who dont use their brains to deside issues.

They are the ones who will whipping into a frenzy their sons and daughters until one or more gives us a Oklahoma style incident after Obama is elected.

Its how we got McViegh
I still belive people will forget as soon as we get back on the right track.

It seems when times are good, the idiots worry about lapel pins and who they perfer to have a beer with and Republicans win... When times get bad, they start to worry about real issues and Democrats win, wouldent it be great if we could just keep the good times rolling?

yeah it would be great but the power game using peoples short memeory will not allow it to happen. Politics especially Republicken politics is not out for the good of America, but just for selected parts of it.
yeah it would be great but the power game using peoples short memeory will not allow it to happen. Politics especially Republicken politics is not out for the good of America, but just for selected parts of it.

I just hope a majority remember...
I hope this election marks a gigant step forward where we never again reward the use of religen as a wedge and patirotism as a bludgon.