I Just Wanna Say................


New member
................, for the RECORD, so there are NO MISTAKES. I LOVE most Black Chicks. Maybe I'M racist, because there are things about Black Chicks I like MORE than White Chicks. As LONG as they don't HATE MY COUNTRY, and think that the Races should be Separated, and that Even after she gets to go to PRINCETON, and HARVARD LAW SCHOOL, she STILL thinks America is a "Stinking Cesspool of racism, where I will Never be able to assimilate, and will ALWAYS be on the Periphery." SOME Periphery. I'D like to be on THAT Periphery, making HER Salary, (which, BTW, was TRIPLED, after barry got elected to Senate, wink, wink)

So as I said, I LOVE Black Chicks. Except the Nasty, Ungrateful Bitches like the one described above.

:mun: :mun: :mun: