I like rum.


Verified User

I like rum. That's the key to my account name. Capt Morgan rum is my preference. That explains my avatar.

Trump supporter. US born and raised. Divorced heterosexual Christian guy. US Army veteran and patriot.

The dishonest media has misinformed us and kept us from knowing certain information in order to influence us to act in a way which furthers their agenda of overthrowing our government without a shot. And that is just what they have done.

The USA now has a Chinese operative for a POTUS and an Antifa member for a VEEP.

And not many seem much bothered by it.
Welcome and thank you for your service to our country.
I put away a lot of rum in my younger days but prefer whisky these days.
The left craves being on their knees for some reason so its not surprizing they like the PRC way of ruling.
And it is just what the DC swamp loves which is why none of them lifted a finger to stop the fraud.
The rest of us are not amused but will take some enjoyment watching the left squirm when their overlords start turning the screws on them.