I Love It


The Republicans are losing special election after special election in conservative districts, and are being forced to spend millions to defend their most loyal territory.

Meanwhile, on JPP, sqeakers like indisputable haven't read the newspapers in about two years, and are busy searching obscure websites for names of dead democrats who might have fucked somebody's wife 50 years ago.

And, they think this is going to affect the 2008 election

Ohhh, how sweet it all feels.

I can't even stop laughing.

As Losses Mount, GOP Begins Looking in the Mirror

By Paul Kane
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, May 11, 2008; A13

Since losing 30 seats and their 12-year stranglehold on power in 2006, House Republicans have kept asking themselves the same question: Can it get any worse?

On Tuesday, they may get another answer they won't like.

With lots of help from Washington -- including more than $1.3 million in campaign cash and a last-minute visit by Vice President Cheney -- Mississippi Republicans are desperately trying to retain a congressional seat in one of the most reliably conservative districts in the nation.

The stakes in the 1st District special election couldn't be higher, strategically or symbolically. The loss of a traditionally GOP seat to a Democrat would be the third in a special election this spring and the second in the Deep South after the May 3 victory of Rep. Don Cazayoux (D-La.).

Rank-and-file Republicans say that would force a day of reckoning for their leadership.

"When you connect three dots in anything, that's a bad thing. This connects the dots. At that point, everybody's got to come together and have a come-to-Jesus meeting," said Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.), a retiring centrist who will help form a new advisory panel at the National Republican Congressional Committee.

"It's a time of sober reflection and, to some extent, resolve. I hope these special elections are a wake-up call," said Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Tex.), the leader of the conservative Republican Study Committee.

Democratic leaders have stopped tamping down expectations and instead have set a new goal for the November elections of establishing a long-lasting majority that could dominate the chamber.

"We will have a strong, confident, predictable Democratic majority to take us forward, and then we will be in 2010, 2012, on the path to a strong Democratic leadership for a long time to come," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Just when Republicans thought they had seen everything, Rep. Vito Fossella (R-N.Y.) admitted Thursday that he has a 3-year-old daughter from a long-running extramarital affair with a retired Air Force officer. Fossella, who is married and has three young children at home in Staten Island, is also facing drunken-driving charges in Virginia. GOP strategists are debating whether he should resign or announce that he will not seek reelection in November.

Fossella's resignation would mean another special election, this one in the nation's most expensive media market.

Independent analysts agree that a loss Tuesday would leave Republicans with no excuses. They blamed poor candidates in races in Louisiana and Illinois, where the GOP lost a special election for the seat long held by former House speaker J. Dennis Hastert.

"The Republicans would be ignoring reality if they try to explain away this race," said Nathan Gonzales, political editor of the Rothenberg Political Report.

Since 1994, Republican Roger Wicker has been reelected to his House seat with between 63 and 79 percent of the vote.

But with Wicker appointed to the Senate to fill the seat vacated by Trent Lott, who retired, Republicans are having difficulty unifying behind Greg Davis, the mayor of Southaven, a Memphis suburb in the northwest corner of the 1st District. Davis beat a Republican from the eastern portion of the district in the March primary. That win puts Davis on the ballot in November, whether he wins or loses this week's special election.

Democrat Travis Childers, a court officer in Prentiss County, came within a few hundred votes of outright victory in the first round of special-election balloting April 22, prompting national Republicans to send out an SOS for Tuesday's runoff. Davis, the NRCC and conservative allies have flooded the airwaves with a multimillion-dollar campaign that tries to negatively tie Childers to Pelosi and Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

This is the second special election this month in which House Republicans have tried to turn the race into a referendum on a Democratic candidate's ties to Obama. The strategy was unsuccessful in Louisiana, but Republicans view the Mississippi district as more receptive because it is slightly more conservative and has fewer African American voters.

The NRCC already has committed $1.3 million to the approach in Mississippi, triple the amount it spent in Louisiana.

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R), a former Republican National Committee chairman, has collected donations for Davis from party committees in such far-away states as Pennsylvania and Michigan. Cheney arrives Monday evening for a get-out-the-vote rally.

"Republicans are committed to winning in Mississippi, and we believe the momentum is on our side," said Ken Spain, NRCC spokesman.

Democrats say they have nothing to lose. "It's hard to see any upside for Republicans," said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which had a cash advantage of $44.3 million to $7.2 million over its counterpart on March 31.

By pouring $2.9 million into the Louisiana and Mississippi special elections, the Democrats have forced the NRCC to spend $1.7 million to defend its territory.

Tom Davis, who chaired the NRCC for four years, said he doubts the effectiveness of the anti-Obama strategy because of the contrast between the consistently unpopular Bush and the likely Democratic nominee.

"When Bush tries to articulate a vision," Davis said, pausing to choose his words carefully, "he will butcher the Gettysburg Address. Obama, he will make an A&P grocery list sing."

House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), in a private meeting with Republicans on Tuesday, admitted the limitations of the anti-Obama strategy and tried to sell his troops on an Obama-like message of "change" as their only hope for success.

"We can't win SOLELY by tying our opponents to Barack Obama and his liberal views. We also have to prove Republicans are agents of change," Boehner told his colleagues, according to talking points prepared by his staff and provided to The Post.

Boehner expects to unveil portions of a new policy agenda this week, part of a year-long effort to "rebrand" his party's image.

yeah they cant even cheat big enough to win this election.

I fear for Obama's life though.

Would you stop saying that Desh! I don't want to think about that

Sometimes though, I wonder if that's not why the Clintons are staying in. Just in case.

His ss agents wont' take a dive though. He won't be so easy to get to. I just really don't want to think about it.
"We can't win SOLELY by tying our opponents to Barack Obama and his liberal views. We also have to prove Republicans are agents of change," Boner told his colleagues, according to talking points prepared by his staff and provided to The Post.

Jesus, somebody better tell the cyberspace wingnuts. They've spent months trying to push the Obama "racist" christian church/wright/some 60s radical narrative, with nary a thing to say in support of their own candidate. I really think they think they can cling to power on the backs of the Wright thingy.

I had no idea about this Mississippi race, wow you're right it will be hilarious if the repukes lose that seat. One thing you can say about Bush - he helped destroy the republican brand name. But, at least I didn't vote for Gore/Kerry!
Would you stop saying that Desh! I don't want to think about that

Sometimes though, I wonder if that's not why the Clintons are staying in. Just in case.

His ss agents wont' take a dive though. He won't be so easy to get to. I just really don't want to think about it.

You have really made me feel better about this one by your inside information.

If there are attempts I want the American people to ask questions instead of just buying the lone nutball theory though.
You have really made me feel better about this one by your inside information.

If there are attempts I want the American people to ask questions instead of just buying the lone nutball theory though.

It's good info too, I promise. It's made me feel better too, especially after reading that NY Times piece, which you posted. But it's like everywhere else; those are the old guys, the guys on top of the hierarchy. The men and women on the ground who would actually have to be between Obama and harm's way, are younger, and I think we have seen one thing in this election and that is that the young people don't have the same bigotry that the old people have. You and I are in between, and we'll get to see this country after the old bigots die off, and the young take over. I think it's going to be a nicer place.
Jesus, somebody better tell the cyberspace wingnuts. They've spent months trying to push the Obama "racist" christian church/wright/some 60s radical narrative, with nary a thing to say in support of their own candidate. I really think they think they can cling to power on the backs of the Wright thingy.

I had no idea about this Mississippi race, wow you're right it will be hilarious if the repukes lose that seat. One thing you can say about Bush - he helped destroy the republican brand name. But, at least I didn't vote for Gore/Kerry!

Even if the R's squeak that one out, they had to spend millions to guard a very safe seat. They're dead.

And I'm looking forward to watching the cyberspace wingnuts get run over by mack trucks. They will never see it coming. Everyone else will, including most Republicans, but they won't. It's funny.
It's good info too, I promise. It's made me feel better too, especially after reading that NY Times piece, which you posted. But it's like everywhere else; those are the old guys, the guys on top of the hierarchy. The men and women on the ground who would actually have to be between Obama and harm's way, are younger, and I think we have seen one thing in this election and that is that the young people don't have the same bigotry that the old people have. You and I are in between, and we'll get to see this country after the old bigots die off, and the young take over. I think it's going to be a nicer place.

Yeah I know every time they talk about hillary has the old lady vote this old lady says "the fuck you say?" Our kids like to leave behind the stupidity of the past generation. Yeah they will have something thier kids will leave behind too but I really think this next generation is a good bunch of folks.

Experts: Sirhan Sirhan Did Not Kill RFK

POSTED: 12:18 pm EDT March 26, 2008
UPDATED: 2:04 pm EDT March 26, 2008

MASHANTUCKET, Conn. -- New forensics evidence presented Tuesday during a symposium at Foxwoods suggests Sirhan Sirhan did not fire the fatal shots that killed Sen. Robert Kennedy in 1968.

Experts from all over the world met Wednesday to discuss problems in crime solving during the annual symposium, hosted by the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science. This year’s event was about conspiracies and solving complex crimes.

Dr. Robert Joling, a forensics investigator who has studied the Robert Kennedy assassination for almost 40 years, determined that the fatal shots must have come from behind the senator.

Sirhan, however, was 4 to 6 feet in front of Kennedy and never got close enough to shoot Kennedy from behind, the investigator said.

The other evidence was the Pruszynski recording. This is the only audio recording of the assassination. Another scientist analyzed it and concluded that at least 13 shots were fired from two different guns.

Philip Van Praag, a forensic engineer, said he made three discoveries.

The first two demonstrate that there must be more than one shooter, he said. The third conclusion is that the shots fired by the second shooter matched the firearm a security guard behind Kennedy carried.

Joling and Van Praag presented their findings together, although the two investigated the Kennedy shooting independently. They had never met until last year. During a seminar, they realized their separate findings were perfectly wed.

Sirhan Sirhan remains jailed in California.
The Security guy behind him at the time now lives in the Phillipeans and moved there right after the death.
Republicans looking in the mirror will not help. Isn't there something about the devil having no reflection ?
It would be awesome if the Democrats could chalk up another win here. I know they were beat down badly during the statewide this year, but the candidates were crappy.

The Democrats shouldn't count to much on conservative Democrats to shore up a majority, though. It's not a stable strategy.

Experts: Sirhan Sirhan Did Not Kill RFK

POSTED: 12:18 pm EDT March 26, 2008
UPDATED: 2:04 pm EDT March 26, 2008

MASHANTUCKET, Conn. -- New forensics evidence presented Tuesday during a symposium at Foxwoods suggests Sirhan Sirhan did not fire the fatal shots that killed Sen. Robert Kennedy in 1968.

Experts from all over the world met Wednesday to discuss problems in crime solving during the annual symposium, hosted by the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science. This year’s event was about conspiracies and solving complex crimes.

Dr. Robert Joling, a forensics investigator who has studied the Robert Kennedy assassination for almost 40 years, determined that the fatal shots must have come from behind the senator.

Sirhan, however, was 4 to 6 feet in front of Kennedy and never got close enough to shoot Kennedy from behind, the investigator said.

The other evidence was the Pruszynski recording. This is the only audio recording of the assassination. Another scientist analyzed it and concluded that at least 13 shots were fired from two different guns.

Philip Van Praag, a forensic engineer, said he made three discoveries.

The first two demonstrate that there must be more than one shooter, he said. The third conclusion is that the shots fired by the second shooter matched the firearm a security guard behind Kennedy carried.

Joling and Van Praag presented their findings together, although the two investigated the Kennedy shooting independently. They had never met until last year. During a seminar, they realized their separate findings were perfectly wed.

Sirhan Sirhan remains jailed in California.

Sirhan admitted to the murder.