I´m hoping to find some intelligent debate here.

After much time searching for just the right forum and much time thinking that I may have found what I was looking for, an anti-gun, Trump hater would show up accusing everyone who understands things like ¨the two parties never switched sides, more than 70% white on black hate crimes are hoaxes, and there was no Russian collusion¨ of being a troll and a Russian bot.

I took a little time to look around your forum before post and quickly realized that you also have the same Trump hater problem most other forums also have.
I would quickly leave right now then. I'm sure you can find some reincarnation of Storm Front that will satisfy all of your inner Nazi desires.

Love, AntiGunHumper TrumpDepising FemiNazi
After much time searching for just the right forum and much time thinking that I may have found what I was looking for, an anti-gun, Trump hater would show up accusing everyone who understands things like ¨the two parties never switched sides, more than 70% white on black hate crimes are hoaxes, and there was no Russian collusion¨ of being a troll and a Russian bot.

I took a little time to look around your forum before post and quickly realized that you also have the same Trump hater problem most other forums also have.

Edgy AF.
After much time searching for just the right forum and much time thinking that I may have found what I was looking for, an anti-gun, Trump hater would show up accusing everyone who understands things like ¨the two parties never switched sides, more than 70% white on black hate crimes are hoaxes, and there was no Russian collusion¨ of being a troll and a Russian bot.

I took a little time to look around your forum before post and quickly realized that you also have the same Trump hater problem most other forums also have.
Mueller documented plenty of Russian collusion, just nothing that amounted to criminal conspiracy.

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