I made the "Brown" style the new default...


Staff member
All of the choices are still available, if you find the new default to be bad, choose a different style...


The Management

Easier on the eyes....the old Black&White must have been a shocker for those just entering the board...kinda depressing...I have been using the brown for awhile...! Good move buddha!
Easier on the eyes....the old Black&White must have been a shocker for those just entering the board...kinda depressing...I have been using the brown for awhile...! Good move buddha!
Yeah, I still use black. But I thought it would be better for the n00bs...
I am conservative, I set mine back in black.

Darned screen progressive liberals.

You wouldn't be suggesting that conservatives prefer the black to carry out their every whim, would you US? That would be most pixieish.
Wow, a skin where rolling over a link does NOT cause the letters to fade completely into the background!

Good job, Damo. :^)
Damo said I made brown.


every time I look at the title I see one of the southparks kids saying this.
I just may try this brown on for size for a while

I just put it on an its kinda interesting.

Nope cant take it it clashes with the header of the site.

Ill stick with oldstyle.
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If Brown is the default theme, the banner up there has to go. It looks ridiculous in combination. Is it possible to put up a different banner for each theme? Or allow people to disable it? Because I just can't stand the clash, as faggoty as that may sound.
If Brown is the default theme, the banner up there has to go. It looks ridiculous in combination. Is it possible to put up a different banner for each theme? Or allow people to disable it? Because I just can't stand the clash, as faggoty as that may sound.
Yes, it is possible to have a different one for each theme. However I suck at banners and have already asked members who have a better eye to make some for me. I also have some software that can make the banners rotate with some cool effects.
Somehow I am not losing as much sleep as others seem to be, worrying whether the banner matches the background or complements it or whatever that issue is.

I like the board to be easily readable and not harsh in color. Once it's like that (and it is now, good job), I pay no more attention to color schemes.