I may switch to McCain if this happens...


Abreast of the situations
Hillary Clinton will be offered a dignified exit from the presidential race and the prospect of a place in Barack Obama's cabinet under plans for a "negotiated surrender" of her White House ambitions being drawn up by Senator Obama's aides.

The former First Lady would get the chance to pilot Mr Obama’s reforms of the American healthcare system if she agrees to clear the path to his nomination as Democratic presidential candidate.

Senior figures in the Obama camp have told Democrat colleagues that the offer to Mrs Clinton of a cabinet post as health secretary or to steer new legislation through the Senate will be a central element of their peace overtures to the New York senator.

Mr Obama said on Thursday that he believed he would have secured the support of enough delegates to make him the standard bearer of his party in November’s presidential election by the end of this week.

After today’s primary election in Puerto Rico and Tuesday’s final contests in Montana and South Dakota, the remaining super-delegates will come under huge pressure from fellow party grandees to declare their hands.

The Obama camp, however, remains nervous about Mrs Clinton’s intentions and ambitions, and is preparing a face-saving package that will allow her to continue to play a role in health care reform, which has been her signature issue for more than a decade. Despite pressure from some Clinton allies, Mr Obama and his advisers do not wish to ask her to be his vice-presidential running mate. “They will talk to her,” one Democrat strategist close to senior figures in the Obama camp told The Sunday Telegraph. “They will give her the respect she deserves. She will get something to do with health care, a cabinet post or the chance to lead the legislation through the Senate.”

Another Democrat who has discussed strategy with friends in the Obama inner circle said that Mr Obama was openly considering asking Mrs Clinton to join his cabinet, alongside two other former presidential rivals: John Edwards, who is seen as a likely attorney general; and Joe Biden, who is a leading contender to become Secretary of State.

Mr Obama hinted at the plan last week. “One of my heroes is Abraham Lincoln,” he said. “Lincoln basically pulled in all the people who had been running against him into his cabinet because whatever personal feelings there were, the issue was 'how can we get this country through this time of crisis?’ And I think that has to be the approach that one takes.”

Informal talks have already begun between Obama and Clinton fundraisers to discuss a merger, enabling Mr Obama to pay off Mrs Clinton’s campaign debts of $11 million (£5.6 million). The third element of a peace deal was being worked out last night as Mr Obama’s allies tried to arrange a compromise over the delegates from Florida and Michigan — states which Mrs Clinton won but which were stripped of their voting rights after moving election dates in breach of party rules.

Hundreds of Clinton supporters, mostly women, gathered in Washington yesterday to protest at what they saw as an injustice, as the Democratic Party’s “rules and bylaws committee” worked on a way of ending the controversy.

Delegates are likely to be awarded in proportion with the votes cast, but in only half the numbers originally intended, a move that would help Mrs Clinton save face but would not challenge Mr Obama’s delegate lead. “Hillary will get a win, but a small win,” said the first Democrat strategist.

Tentative contacts have already taken place between Obama and Clinton aides over the endgame, but there have been no formal talks. Mrs Clinton’s aides, while acknowledging that she will have to abandon her White House dream, do not feel they are in a position to negotiate on her behalf. “She has not surrendered in her own mind yet and until she does it’s very difficult to have these conversations,” the second strategist said.

Dee Dee Myers, the former press secretary to President Clinton, said: “It seems clear to me from watching her, and talking to people, that she doesn’t really know what she wants.” But after 17 months of campaigning, and $150  million (£76 million) spent, the question that haunts the Clinton camp is: how did someone who a year ago had unrivalled name recognition, a legendary campaign organisation and more money than her opponent contrive to throw it all away?

The answers come down to wrong message, wrong tactics, complacency, character – and, ultimately, the opponent. Even Clinton aides agree that she wrongly sold herself as a candidate of experience, when voters yearned for Barack Obama’s message of change. Her campaign machine then failed to win January’s crucial opening Iowa caucuses, handing lethal momentum to Mr Obama.

Her staff mistakenly believed they could knock her rival out by “Super Tuesday” on February 5, when 22 states voted. When that did not happen, she had neither the resources nor the organisation to compete in the succession of caucuses that followed, allowing Mr Obama to build the delegate lead he maintains to this day.

Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster not affiliated to either camp, told The Sunday Telegraph: “We have known for two years that Democrats and voters in general are much more interested in change. Yet for reasons that are inexplicable, the Clinton campaign chose to be on the short end of that message stick.”

Backed into a corner, Mrs Clinton responded with increasingly outlandish claims about her qualifications, including a ludicrous statement that she had braved sniper fire on a trip to Bosnia.

That, plus her subsequent insistence that she had merely “mis-spoken” rather than admitting she had got her facts wrong, raised new issues about her character.

In any case, Mr Mellman believes the decisive factor in her defeat was the one she couldn’t control. “The most important thing was that she was up against Barack Obama. He is enormously talented.”
Do you mean to say that you may switch to McCain if Hillary is anywhere in Obama's adminstration?

I think that's an extreme position.

I don't want to see her as VP, but I could live with her as Health czar .. putting forth Obama's plan.
To vote fro McCain in this election is to vote for more of what is so wrong with America at this very momment.

To rationalize it for any reason is self deception. Havent we had enough of self deception in America?
To vote fro McCain in this election is to vote for more of what is so wrong with America at this very momment.

To rationalize it for any reason is self deception. Havent we had enough of self deception in America?

McCain is a very different candidate from President Bush.

Your assertion that this would be a "third Bush term" is ludicrous.
Hillary Clinton will be offered a dignified exit from the presidential race and the prospect of a place in Barack Obama's cabinet under plans for a "negotiated surrender" of her White House ambitions being drawn up by Senator Obama's aides.

The former First Lady would get the chance to pilot Mr Obama’s reforms of the American healthcare system if she agrees to clear the path to his nomination as Democratic presidential candidate.

Senior figures in the Obama camp have told Democrat colleagues that the offer to Mrs Clinton of a cabinet post as health secretary or to steer new legislation through the Senate will be a central element of their peace overtures to the New York senator.

Mr Obama said on Thursday that he believed he would have secured the support of enough delegates to make him the standard bearer of his party in November’s presidential election by the end of this week.

After today’s primary election in Puerto Rico and Tuesday’s final contests in Montana and South Dakota, the remaining super-delegates will come under huge pressure from fellow party grandees to declare their hands.

The Obama camp, however, remains nervous about Mrs Clinton’s intentions and ambitions, and is preparing a face-saving package that will allow her to continue to play a role in health care reform, which has been her signature issue for more than a decade. Despite pressure from some Clinton allies, Mr Obama and his advisers do not wish to ask her to be his vice-presidential running mate. “They will talk to her,” one Democrat strategist close to senior figures in the Obama camp told The Sunday Telegraph. “They will give her the respect she deserves. She will get something to do with health care, a cabinet post or the chance to lead the legislation through the Senate.”

Another Democrat who has discussed strategy with friends in the Obama inner circle said that Mr Obama was openly considering asking Mrs Clinton to join his cabinet, alongside two other former presidential rivals: John Edwards, who is seen as a likely attorney general; and Joe Biden, who is a leading contender to become Secretary of State.

Mr Obama hinted at the plan last week. “One of my heroes is Abraham Lincoln,” he said. “Lincoln basically pulled in all the people who had been running against him into his cabinet because whatever personal feelings there were, the issue was 'how can we get this country through this time of crisis?’ And I think that has to be the approach that one takes.”

Informal talks have already begun between Obama and Clinton fundraisers to discuss a merger, enabling Mr Obama to pay off Mrs Clinton’s campaign debts of $11 million (£5.6 million). The third element of a peace deal was being worked out last night as Mr Obama’s allies tried to arrange a compromise over the delegates from Florida and Michigan — states which Mrs Clinton won but which were stripped of their voting rights after moving election dates in breach of party rules.

Hundreds of Clinton supporters, mostly women, gathered in Washington yesterday to protest at what they saw as an injustice, as the Democratic Party’s “rules and bylaws committee” worked on a way of ending the controversy.

Delegates are likely to be awarded in proportion with the votes cast, but in only half the numbers originally intended, a move that would help Mrs Clinton save face but would not challenge Mr Obama’s delegate lead. “Hillary will get a win, but a small win,” said the first Democrat strategist.

Tentative contacts have already taken place between Obama and Clinton aides over the endgame, but there have been no formal talks. Mrs Clinton’s aides, while acknowledging that she will have to abandon her White House dream, do not feel they are in a position to negotiate on her behalf. “She has not surrendered in her own mind yet and until she does it’s very difficult to have these conversations,” the second strategist said.

Dee Dee Myers, the former press secretary to President Clinton, said: “It seems clear to me from watching her, and talking to people, that she doesn’t really know what she wants.” But after 17 months of campaigning, and $150  million (£76 million) spent, the question that haunts the Clinton camp is: how did someone who a year ago had unrivalled name recognition, a legendary campaign organisation and more money than her opponent contrive to throw it all away?

The answers come down to wrong message, wrong tactics, complacency, character – and, ultimately, the opponent. Even Clinton aides agree that she wrongly sold herself as a candidate of experience, when voters yearned for Barack Obama’s message of change. Her campaign machine then failed to win January’s crucial opening Iowa caucuses, handing lethal momentum to Mr Obama.

Her staff mistakenly believed they could knock her rival out by “Super Tuesday” on February 5, when 22 states voted. When that did not happen, she had neither the resources nor the organisation to compete in the succession of caucuses that followed, allowing Mr Obama to build the delegate lead he maintains to this day.

Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster not affiliated to either camp, told The Sunday Telegraph: “We have known for two years that Democrats and voters in general are much more interested in change. Yet for reasons that are inexplicable, the Clinton campaign chose to be on the short end of that message stick.”

Backed into a corner, Mrs Clinton responded with increasingly outlandish claims about her qualifications, including a ludicrous statement that she had braved sniper fire on a trip to Bosnia.

That, plus her subsequent insistence that she had merely “mis-spoken” rather than admitting she had got her facts wrong, raised new issues about her character.

In any case, Mr Mellman believes the decisive factor in her defeat was the one she couldn’t control. “The most important thing was that she was up against Barack Obama. He is enormously talented.”

Unless Obama has Hillary executed on television, I'm going to vote for John McCain too.

I will settle for nothing less!
McCain is a very different candidate from President Bush.

Your assertion that this would be a "third Bush term" is ludicrous.

I agree. McCain says he's going to give us even more tax cuts, and make the bush tax cuts permenant! Plus, he's going to bomb Iran and refuse to withdraw from Iraq.

That is ludicrous!

John McCain! Four more wars!
Thorny I think Ive asked you before but lets try again, What are the major differances between Cain and McBush oh I mean McCash and Buin oh Oh I mean McBuin and Cash eeeerrr Bush and McCain?
Hillary Clinton will be offered a dignified exit from the presidential race and the prospect of a place in Barack Obama's cabinet under plans for a "negotiated surrender" of her White House ambitions being drawn up by Senator Obama's aides.

The former First Lady would get the chance to pilot Mr Obama’s reforms of the American healthcare system if she agrees to clear the path to his nomination as Democratic presidential candidate.

Senior figures in the Obama camp have told Democrat colleagues that the offer to Mrs Clinton of a cabinet post as health secretary or to steer new legislation through the Senate will be a central element of their peace overtures to the New York senator.

Mr Obama said on Thursday that he believed he would have secured the support of enough delegates to make him the standard bearer of his party in November’s presidential election by the end of this week.

After today’s primary election in Puerto Rico and Tuesday’s final contests in Montana and South Dakota, the remaining super-delegates will come under huge pressure from fellow party grandees to declare their hands.

The Obama camp, however, remains nervous about Mrs Clinton’s intentions and ambitions, and is preparing a face-saving package that will allow her to continue to play a role in health care reform, which has been her signature issue for more than a decade. Despite pressure from some Clinton allies, Mr Obama and his advisers do not wish to ask her to be his vice-presidential running mate. “They will talk to her,” one Democrat strategist close to senior figures in the Obama camp told The Sunday Telegraph. “They will give her the respect she deserves. She will get something to do with health care, a cabinet post or the chance to lead the legislation through the Senate.”

Another Democrat who has discussed strategy with friends in the Obama inner circle said that Mr Obama was openly considering asking Mrs Clinton to join his cabinet, alongside two other former presidential rivals: John Edwards, who is seen as a likely attorney general; and Joe Biden, who is a leading contender to become Secretary of State.

Mr Obama hinted at the plan last week. “One of my heroes is Abraham Lincoln,” he said. “Lincoln basically pulled in all the people who had been running against him into his cabinet because whatever personal feelings there were, the issue was 'how can we get this country through this time of crisis?’ And I think that has to be the approach that one takes.”

Informal talks have already begun between Obama and Clinton fundraisers to discuss a merger, enabling Mr Obama to pay off Mrs Clinton’s campaign debts of $11 million (£5.6 million). The third element of a peace deal was being worked out last night as Mr Obama’s allies tried to arrange a compromise over the delegates from Florida and Michigan — states which Mrs Clinton won but which were stripped of their voting rights after moving election dates in breach of party rules.

Hundreds of Clinton supporters, mostly women, gathered in Washington yesterday to protest at what they saw as an injustice, as the Democratic Party’s “rules and bylaws committee” worked on a way of ending the controversy.

Delegates are likely to be awarded in proportion with the votes cast, but in only half the numbers originally intended, a move that would help Mrs Clinton save face but would not challenge Mr Obama’s delegate lead. “Hillary will get a win, but a small win,” said the first Democrat strategist.

Tentative contacts have already taken place between Obama and Clinton aides over the endgame, but there have been no formal talks. Mrs Clinton’s aides, while acknowledging that she will have to abandon her White House dream, do not feel they are in a position to negotiate on her behalf. “She has not surrendered in her own mind yet and until she does it’s very difficult to have these conversations,” the second strategist said.

Dee Dee Myers, the former press secretary to President Clinton, said: “It seems clear to me from watching her, and talking to people, that she doesn’t really know what she wants.” But after 17 months of campaigning, and $150  million (£76 million) spent, the question that haunts the Clinton camp is: how did someone who a year ago had unrivalled name recognition, a legendary campaign organisation and more money than her opponent contrive to throw it all away?

The answers come down to wrong message, wrong tactics, complacency, character – and, ultimately, the opponent. Even Clinton aides agree that she wrongly sold herself as a candidate of experience, when voters yearned for Barack Obama’s message of change. Her campaign machine then failed to win January’s crucial opening Iowa caucuses, handing lethal momentum to Mr Obama.

Her staff mistakenly believed they could knock her rival out by “Super Tuesday” on February 5, when 22 states voted. When that did not happen, she had neither the resources nor the organisation to compete in the succession of caucuses that followed, allowing Mr Obama to build the delegate lead he maintains to this day.

Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster not affiliated to either camp, told The Sunday Telegraph: “We have known for two years that Democrats and voters in general are much more interested in change. Yet for reasons that are inexplicable, the Clinton campaign chose to be on the short end of that message stick.”

Backed into a corner, Mrs Clinton responded with increasingly outlandish claims about her qualifications, including a ludicrous statement that she had braved sniper fire on a trip to Bosnia.

That, plus her subsequent insistence that she had merely “mis-spoken” rather than admitting she had got her facts wrong, raised new issues about her character.

In any case, Mr Mellman believes the decisive factor in her defeat was the one she couldn’t control. “The most important thing was that she was up against Barack Obama. He is enormously talented.”

Chap, don't shit us. You were for McCain at the start. You don't give a fuck about our dying boys.
i dont like the idea of Hillary being in his administration and most definitely driving the healthcare initiative. Then bring in Edwards and biden and all the other same as usual suspects and their goes the change out the window.

On a side note did u guys see hillary pimping potential 51s state to Puerto Rico in exchange for votes?
Chapdog, this is the best "I'm an indepedent-conservative and I might even vote for a democrat!" post yet!

Let me see if I have this straight: You wouldn't vote for Obama, because Hillary Clinton might be involved in his adminstration? Yet, you remain dead silent on the fact that a host of immoral NeoCons, Karl Rove, nutbag rightwing preachers, and a host of less than savory sorts might be involved in a McCain adminstration? LOL. I always knew you'd drift back to the GOP! :)

Chapdog: "i dont like the idea of Hillary being in his administration and most definitely driving the healthcare initiative. Then bring in Edwards and biden and all the other same as usual suspects and their goes the change out the window."

Hey dude, the whole "change" thing is a campaign slogan. A marketing tool.

Of course Obama is going to rely on Democratic heavyweights in his adminstration. Your going to see people from the Clinton adminstration put in positions of power, you're going to see Biden play a role in statecraft and foreign policy.

But, the one thing that I am sort of excited about is Obama's brain trust - his personal advisors - on foreign policy. He's going to bring back that Samantha Powers lady. She is awesome, and way outside the box of conventional thinking. Her whole background is outside the box on conventional thinking; with an emphasis on human rights, genocide, and social justice. In fact, it was the mere presence of Samantha Powers that made me think Barack could be a very good foreign policy president, particularly if he had a woman with the stature and moral standing of Samantha Powers as his closet adviser on foreign policy.
Chapdog, this is the best "I'm an indepedent-conservative and I might even vote for a democrat!" post yet!

Let me see if I have this straight: You wouldn't vote for Obama, because Hillary Clinton might be involved in his adminstration? Yet, you remain dead silent on the fact that a host of immoral NeoCons, Karl Rove, nutbag rightwing preachers, and a host of less than savory sorts might be involved in a McCain adminstration? LOL. I always knew you'd drift back to the GOP! :)

Hey dude, the whole "change" thing is a campaign slogan. A marketing tool.

Of course Obama is going to rely on Democratic heavyweights in his adminstration. Your going to see people from the Clinton adminstration put in positions of power, you're going to see Biden play a role in statecraft and foreign policy.

But, the one thing that I am sort of excited about is Obama's brain trust - his personal advisors - on foreign policy. He's going to bring back that Samantha Powers lady. She is awesome, and way outside the box of conventional thinking. Her whole background is outside the box on conventional thinking; with an emphasis on human rights, genocide, and social justice. In fact, it was the mere presence of Samantha Powers that made me think Barack could be a very good foreign policy president, particularly if he had a woman with the stature and moral standing of Samantha Powers as his closet adviser on foreign policy.

Cypress, where did you hear he's bringing Powers back? I would love to see that.
Cypress, where did you hear he's bringing Powers back? I would love to see that.

I read it somewhere a while back. I'll see if I can find a link.

Basically, the scuttlebutt I heard was that Samantha was going to "dissapear" for a while, after the Hillary insult. But, that Obama would bring her back eventually, into his adminstration.

So, you know about her too? She's written some awesome books evidently.
I read it somewhere a while back. I'll see if I can find a link.

Basically, the scuttlebutt I heard was that Samantha was going to "dissapear" for a while, after the Hillary insult. But, that Obama would bring her back eventually, into his adminstration.

So, you know about her too? She's written some awesome books evidently.

Yeah, I've seen her on Amy Goodman and I thought that she was so great. I was really upset when he cut her loose. He had to because of what she said, and she shouldn't have said that, but considering the LIVES SHE MIGHT SAVE, you know, I really don't care about that stupid shit of who called whom what.
Yeah, I've seen her on Amy Goodman and I thought that she was so great. I was really upset when he cut her loose. He had to because of what she said, and she shouldn't have said that, but considering the LIVES SHE MIGHT SAVE, you know, I really don't care about that stupid shit of who called whom what.

I agree with you.

I think Obama really respects her, and I think he will ultimately bring her into his adminstration. I think it was just for silly political reasons that she had to dissapear.