I need some guidance, or at least information.


1960s Chick Magnet
I've been here five minutes and I'm already being banned from threads.

I don't understand.

If I disagree with your views, I may berate your views but I certainly wouldn't make it personal about you.

Please explain to this newcomer the theory behind thread bannings and what provokes them....before I'm banned from the entire forum.
I've been here five minutes and I'm already being banned from threads.

I don't understand.

If I disagree with your views, I may berate your views but I certainly wouldn't make it personal about you.

Please explain to this newcomer the theory behind thread bannings and what provokes them....before I'm banned from the entire forum.

You need a certain number of posts before you are allowed to take certain actions, or post in certain areas.

Of course, the mentally ill such as Legion might just ban you from his threads because he does not want intelligence in his topics.
Legina is a good example. I believe he's about 39, lives in his Mother's basement, and has never held a job. Seems to be frightened of the outside world. His Therapist said coming to these Internet Chatrooms would be good for him. He bans everybody and just talks to his imaginary friend most days, if you see him, pat him on the head, and just smile and nod at whatever gibberish comes out of his mouth. Try to be gentle and kind, he's very fragile, oh, and did I mention frightened?
I've been here five minutes and I'm already being banned from threads.

I don't understand.

If I disagree with your views, I may berate your views but I certainly wouldn't make it personal about you.

Please explain to this newcomer the theory behind thread bannings and what provokes them....before I'm banned from the entire forum.

Perhaps you are operating under the false assumption that freedom of speech is allowed in this country.