I present todays deep Red Republican party...


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Criminality is the feature, not the bug!

Note that the more Deep Red a republican district is, and the less impact Indendepents and Dems have, the more criminals feel at home to run and are also more likely to win!

When asked for a show of hands on who has been 'arrested', 6 of the 9 candidates raise their hands and end up getting laughter and applause.


Todays Republicans, the more Red a district is, value criminality as a plus on the resume, and thus why George Santos will only be the beginning of a trend in the party.
How refreshingly honest! They don't even pretend to pay lip service to "law and order" any more! I guess white criminals are okay; it's the non-white ones that need locking up/execution, eh?
I can’t wait until the Republican Party is smaller than the libertarian party

Parties die some times

The Republican Party is a prime candidate for death now
Out and out criminals that try to have sex in public and then scream when the people around them get disgusted by their actions so then they throw stomping fits

The Republican Party is full of idiot losers
I can’t wait until the Republican Party is smaller than the libertarian party

Parties die some times

The Republican Party is a prime candidate for death now

It's hard to imagine that something even worse could take its place, but then I thought that about George W. too. lol
How refreshingly honest! They don't even pretend to pay lip service to "law and order" any more! I guess white criminals are okay; it's the non-white ones that need locking up/execution, eh?


I say this with no partisan bent intended.

Having the criminality in your background is a benefit to those who run in deep red districts. Once upon a time the vast majority of people with these backgrounds, like Boebert would have been too ashamed to run and smart enough to know they would not win. Too stupid, too criminal, too dishonest.

NOw those people sitting at home, think the Magat party is exactly where they belong.

Trump was the inspiration for George Santos to run. Santos looked and said:

- Trump had a fake criminal University that defrauded people ... I have a fake University resume to defraud people
- Trump had a fake criminal Charity that defrauded veterans and others of the most vulnerable .... I too defrauded veterans (dogs) on a much smaller scale

If you look at Santos list of frauds and crimes they are all baby, lesser versions of the crimes and frauds Trump was already found guilty of doing.

So how could Santos not think he needed to step up his grifter game, seeing someone with worse frauds and crimes become POTUS, in Trump??
It's hard to imagine that something even worse could take its place, but then I thought that about George W. too. lol

Grub and Cheney were just some of the criminals

Reagan sold weapons to terrorists as well as cheated in elections

The party has been evil this way since Nixon

Ike was the last good Republican

I say this with no partisan bent intended.

Having the criminality in your background is a benefit to those who run in deep red districts. Once upon a time the vast majority of people with these backgrounds, like Boebert would have been too ashamed to run and smart enough to know they would not win. Too stupid, too criminal, too dishonest.

NOw those people sitting at home, think the Magat party is exactly where they belong.

Trump was the inspiration for George Santos to run. Santos looked and said:

- Trump had a fake criminal University that defrauded people ... I have a fake University resume to defraud people
- Trump had a fake criminal Charity that defrauded veterans and others of the most vulnerable .... I too defrauded veterans (dogs) on a much smaller scale

If you look at Santos list of frauds and crimes they are all baby, lesser versions of the crimes and frauds Trump was already found guilty of doing.

So how could Santos not think he needed to step up his grifter game, seeing someone with worse frauds and crimes become POTUS, in Trump??

Exactly. #TRE45ON brings out the absolute worst in his followers. So far though he's managed to mostly get away with it because he has had 1) years of practice, and 2) can use $$ to buy his way out of legal trouble. Now that the chickens are coming home to roost, so to speak, he's finding out that even his millions can't save him. These wannabe jokers like Santos and Boebert don't even have that to save themselves.
The Repub party barely exists. It is completely subservient to the Trumpist party. The Repubs know Trump can take away their seats. Trump holds no political position, yet when he told the Repubs to stop the Biden bill, they did.
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The Repub party barely exists. It is completely subservient to the Trumpist party. The Repubs know Trump can take away their seats. Trump holds no political position, yet when he told the Repubs to stop the Biden bill, they did.

Yes and the Trumpist Magats are overwhelming law breakers and nihilists. They have zero interest in doing a single thing for the voters they serve. They will vote against EVERY single bill to benefit their communities and yet show up on ground breaking day and try to take credit for the 'great things happening in the community under their watch'.

And Magat voters see it. They see this dishonesty and grift and still support them.
Six out of nine Republicans admitted they had been arrested... Did the other three just lie?