i rather wish that the gnostics had won

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
they at least supported a better form of religion

manichaeism almost won but the christians came down hard on it and started executing its followers

seems that they believed in self knowledge and that is a no no for religion
they at least supported a better form of religion

manichaeism almost won but the christians came down hard on it and started executing its followers

seems that they believed in self knowledge and that is a no no for religion

Gnosticism was an exceptionally deluded cult. All Gnostics are in Hell. Why? For many reasons, one being their rejection of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Even in my perpetually deluded and extremist Christian church, it was considered wrong to constantly play God and decide whether or not other people were in hell.

I'm not in the habit of saying who (specifically) is in Hell, as I don't think that is my place - especially considering what an asshole I've been as of late. That said, the Bible is clear that people who deny the resurrection are going to Hell. So it is safe to say that anyone who passes into eternity believing Gnosticism will end up in Hell. Sad, but true.
I'm not in the habit of saying who (specifically) is in Hell, as I don't think that is my place - especially considering what an asshole I've been as of late. That said, the Bible is clear that people who deny the resurrection are going to Hell. So it is safe to say that anyone who passes into eternity believing Gnosticism will end up in Hell. Sad, but true.

so according to your belief over 2/3 of the people in the world are going to hell

you are cordially invited to the christian place of eternal punishment


Rev Rich
Probably more like 4/5, sadly. Even most "Christians" will go to Hell.

too true, it would be better if they practiced what they preach

in fact if more religious adherents practiced what their religions truly advocated the world would be a much better place

love is the answer, never hate
Gnosticism was an exceptionally deluded cult. All Gnostics are in Hell. Why? For many reasons, one being their rejection of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.

watch the movie
I try not to hate people. However, I openly hate liberalism (as an ideology). I think it is imperative that liberalism in every form is annihilated. The world will be a MUCH better place as a result. :)

while i do not consider myself to be a liberal per se, i am a social progressive
Anywhere that Ghandi is NOT welcome, I don't want to go. I will save a seat for any of you that ask. Shit we will be so busy greeting people we knew in life that hell will seem like a party. Who the fuck would want to live somewhere that you had no needs or wants, streets of gold and all that other shit? And eternity of that would be hellish.
If they taught Gnostic Christianity in the church I grew up in, I doubt I would have left the church.
Gnosticism was an exceptionally deluded cult. All Gnostics are in Hell. Why? For many reasons, one being their rejection of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jesus was not the only one resurrected. Read your scriptures, after the cruxifixation many men of note or somesuch we seen waking the streets for days or something like that according to the bible.
Anywhere that Ghandi is NOT welcome, I don't want to go. I will save a seat for any of you that ask. Shit we will be so busy greeting people we knew in life that hell will seem like a party. Who the fuck would want to live somewhere that you had no needs or wants, streets of gold and all that other shit? And eternity of that would be hellish.

anywhere that hater Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell is welcome I don't want to go.
Jesus was not the only one resurrected. Read your scriptures, after the cruxifixation many men of note or somesuch we seen waking the streets for days or something like that according to the bible.

There is a difference. Those people eventually died a second time. Jesus did not. He rose from the grave, never to die again.
There is a difference. Those people eventually died a second time. Jesus did not. He rose from the grave, never to die again.

I don't think the bible said they died a second time.

They seemed to be around a few days and then dissappeared like Jesus did.
I don't think the bible said they died a second time.

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

All sinners will die. Even Enoch and Elijah, who will be slain during the Tribulation.

They seemed to be around a few days and then dissappeared like Jesus did.

Unknown. Whether or not they were taken up is irrelevant however, as sooner or later they will have to die in order to be glorified.