I Really Do Empathize with You


New member
All Political Battle aside, I feel for some of you Liberals, the decent ones, I mean, that don't act like total jerks and have more to offer than name-calling.

I know it must hurt, when you have someone that you put SO MUCH faith in, that you thought was "the solution to your problems", let you down, when you find out something SO UGLY about them that you have to try and "explain it away", or Attack the Bearers of Bad News, who are only trying to assure that our country is not made any WORSE.

But maybe you can take some GOOD lessons from this experience. It's a GOOD thing, not to RELY on GOVERNMENT for your Happeiness. That's what we, as Conservatives, have been trying to TELL you for YEARS.

The Founding Fathers said "Our CREATOR, (God), had edowed us with certain unalienable rights, among those, Life, Liberty, and the PURSUIT of Happiness." Government cannot GUARANTEE Happiness, it should not TRY, because Happiness comes from(my experience) Love, fulfillment, freindship, being needed, children, etc. It does NOT come from Taxes, Government Programs, Quotas, Abortions, Letting Murderers and Rapists and Molesters off easy. We have LOST SIGHT of many things in this Modern World. But if you look around you, at the simple everyday things that can make you happy, you CAN find fulfillment. Help a Homeless Persson, don't stand in front of City Hall and scream with a sign.
I notice THERE IS NOT ONE LIBERAL who has the nuts, the COURAGE, to adress my thoughts in this post, or tell me I;m wrong. I know SOME Liberals are REAL GOOD at calling me NAMES, but they obviously DON'T have the guts, the Courage of their CONVICTIONS, to at least RESPOND to what I'm saying here.
Jollie, your simplistic notions are fanciful and amusing, but the fact is that our society is heading rapidly toward fascism, and brainwashed idiots like you lap it up like pukey little puppies.

For the past twenty years they have been spinning a hypnotic lie on the airwaves, based on some legitimate criticism of government which had gotten too heavy during the seventies. But they're trying to take it completely to the other extreme, and make our government completely subservient to the whims of corporations and elitists. Fascism is just as bad as the communism you're trained to hate. Both are forms of totalitarianism, and whether you call the elites CEOs or Party Members is irrelevant. Get a clue, please, for all our sakes.