I so predicted this.

I have enough discipline to not go to fast food restaurants. But I guess we need the government to hold our hands again.
Hey I know lets start a war on Fat and create the office of the Fatty Czar. We can can crowd ten people into a two man cell for being caught with an ounce of Margarine while we're at it.
Thank all the little gods for the Great And Good Big Brother to watch over us!

This won't effect me all that much, there aren't too many Vegetarian meals with huge amounts of transfat...
I have enough discipline to not go to fast food restaurants. But I guess we need the government to hold our hands again.

yeah its not bad enough that mcdonalds and others were using extremly cheap oils w/ high content of fat and people didn't know it..

its also bad that cigarettes put more nicotine in their cigs now but no one knew...

b/c we can trust businesses to make moral decisions...
A requirement that such foods or cigarettes be labeled as such is sufficient. Banning it outright is unnecessary.

If you want to put a Surgeon generals warning on McD French Fries go ahead. They shouldn't be illegal.
Look, you had to be retarded not to know that McDonald's was bad for you or that you should quit smoking. Big Brother doesn't need to ensure we get even closer to the "Joy-Joy" society presented in Demolition Man.
yeah its not bad enough that mcdonalds and others were using extremly cheap oils w/ high content of fat and people didn't know it..

its also bad that cigarettes put more nicotine in their cigs now but no one knew...

b/c we can trust businesses to make moral decisions...

Do they really put more nicotine in cigarettes these days? Seriouosly, I don't see why they would want to do that, it makes little sense.
yeah its not bad enough that mcdonalds and others were using extremly cheap oils w/ high content of fat and people didn't know it..

And this is laughable. What kind of retard doesn't think that McDonalds food has high fat content.
Doctors agree that trans fats are unhealthy in nearly any amount, but a spokesman for the restaurant industry said he was stunned the city would seek to ban a legal ingredient found in millions of American kitchens.

On a case-by-case basis, elected officials and public agencies should look at public heath threats, and ways to mitigate them.

Its the same reason we banned lead from paint, and DDT pesiticides from our produce.

I don't know much about the body of medical knowledge about trans-fat, but I'd be willing to have a transparent and public discussion of public health and policy implications.
Look, you had to be retarded not to know that McDonald's was bad for you or that you should quit smoking. Big Brother doesn't need to ensure we get even closer to the "Joy-Joy" society presented in Demolition Man.

I love that movie. I don't really think its far off the mark either.

I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal?
yeah its not bad enough that mcdonalds and others were using extremly cheap oils w/ high content of fat and people didn't know it..

And this is laughable. What kind of retard doesn't think that McDonalds food has high fat content.
That's kind of elitist, you know.

There is a way we could find out. I'm using the collective or editorial "we" here, not in reference to we denizens of Damo's den of deconstruction. Take a good poll of several thousand Americans, taking care to sample all strata of our society, including the high school dropouts and under-employed, in representative proportions. Ask 'em "is McDonalds' food healthy?" and "Does it contain more fat than most nutritionists say is good for you?"

I'm not arguing for the ban, actually. I'm just saying that you're too dismissive of the concern on which it's based.
Go ahead. I'm sure it would be a small number. However perhaps I put to much faith in the American public. After all a significant number of Americans believed man and dinosaurs lived at the same time.
Go ahead. I'm sure it would be a small number. However perhaps I put to much faith in the American public. After all a significant number of Americans believed man and dinosaurs lived at the same time.
I'm sorry, I don't know even one person who doesn't know that McDonald's food is fattening. Including my 5 year old daughter.
Go ahead. I'm sure it would be a small number. However perhaps I put to much faith in the American public. After all a significant number of Americans believed man and dinosaurs lived at the same time.
Well of course we do. I saw that movie/historical document with Raquel Welsh and the dinosaurs ;)
yeah its not bad enough that mcdonalds and others were using extremly cheap oils w/ high content of fat and people didn't know it..

its also bad that cigarettes put more nicotine in their cigs now but no one knew...

b/c we can trust businesses to make moral decisions...

Those are good points Rob, but in my opinion, laws requiring labeling are the answer. Then people will know what they are putting in their bodies, and it's their choice.