I think I understand liberals today

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Today's liberals seem to have abandoned rational public discourse.

I believe that's due partly to the logical indefensibility of many widely-held liberal positions.

Instead of deliberating, weighing the available evidence, and forming a cohesive argument based in fact, they erupt with emotional outbursts like spoiled children whose desires are thwarted when they are questioned or challenged.

Hence the lack of evidence-based discussion obvious in liberal "debate".

They also seem unable to separate individuals from the concept of identity politics. This is group-think. Questioning is hostility in liberal psychology, and must not be tolerated by the truly tolerant. Thus we have liberal double-speak.

Consider these examples (liberals won't):

If a liberal is challenged on any point, the validity of the challenge is not considered. Rather, the group identity of the challenger becomes the focus. For example, if a Caucasian male questions liberal dogma, he must be a misogynist, an Islamophobe, a Nazi, a homophobe, etc., so the challenger may be dismissed as unworthy without any rebuttal of the challenge.

In liberal-land, nothing that a conservative says need be refuted with evidence or logic, because conservatives are "_____" (insert popular pejorative).

In liberal-land it's not the position of an opponent that receives consideration, it's the identity of the "opponent". The "other". The "not-one-of-us". This is the tribal mentality of group-think.

This would also explain the popularity of virtue signaling in the liberal bubble. Liberals seem to compete with one another by striving to publicly exhibit liberal symbology. That's ironic, since modern liberalism does not endorse competition and has sought to erase the concepts of "winning" and "losing".

Liberals have embraced the group-think of identity politics to such an extreme degree that criticism of any liberal woman is deemed "sexist". Naturally, their manufactured umbrage does not compel them to denounce vile slurs against any women who are not liberals. Even more ironically, they pretend to embrace gender equality in theory at the same time their emasculated beta males rush to the defense of the "weaker" sex.

They have embraced the group-think of identity politics to such an extreme degree that criticism of any liberal non-Caucasian or non-Christian is deemed "racist". Of course, they permit themselves to say what they like about conservative non-Caucasians or non-Christians, because they believe that their imaginary moral superiority inoculates them from the putrid taint of hypocrisy.

They have embraced the group-think of identity politics to such an extreme degree that criticism of any liberal idea, policy, or, individual, or group is deemed "Nazi".

Liberals are constantly on the alert for things to be offended by, so that they can apply their catch-all "hate speech" deflection in any discussion.

The criticism of the scared cows of liberalism need not be stated overtly.

Liberals believe they have an ability to detect invisible "institutional" sexism, racism, or Nazism that was never expressed or intended.

They clearly do not posses the ability to persuade by argument and understanding. Instead they have substituted ideological tribalism, which makes it impossible for them to debate effectively or influence people through logical means.

Instead of considering the merits of a report whose fats are detrimental to liberalism, they prefer to dismiss the evidence out of hand, while simultaneously declaring that the old media they prefer are the only reliable sources, despite considerable proof to the contrary.

Liberals are intellectually unable to debate an issue on the facts, so they use emotional defense mechanisms to exclude all information they deem "unpleasant" or "hateful". Then they defend people who march through the streets burning cars and assaulting bystanders while chanting "death to cops", without a shred of irony.

Liberals cling to outdated notions that have clearly failed and insist doggedly that they must and will work somehow.

Their minds are not open to new possibilities or advances in technology. Thus, we see Hillary destroying digital evidence with a hammer, and her supposed "IT" adviser plaintive asking an online forum how to delete emails.

Perhaps the liberal stranglehold on public education and the old media will be enough to propel their identity politicians to power in 2018 and 2020.

Somehow, I'm not convinced.
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It seems to me that ignorance and arrogance are the twin pillars of liberalism.

Based on my personal observations in interactions with liberals, I can say that they generally seem to think they are morally and intellectually superior to the rest of humanity.

Having donned their self-woven robes of righteousness, liberals are comfortable forgiving themselves and their fellow travelers for words and deeds they would roundly condemn if the source was conservative or centrist.

The crown that liberals wear is the diadem of ignorance. Seldom will a liberal refrain from gathering any facts before making ponderous pronouncements on subjects they have not studied and never will. They feel that their self-assumed superior moral authority gives them the right to brush the scientific method, the laws of logic and the rules of debate aside with a contemptuous sneer.
You're just learning this now?

Not exactly. I've been observing liberal behavior for some time.

Unlike liberals, I hesitate to draw any conclusions until I see a clear pattern over time.

I believe I have correctly identified some general trends in liberal behavior.
It appears that liberals exhibit many of the traits of totalitarians. Totalitarians are emotional thinkers. They cling to an emotional connection to a race, a leader, or a political ideology, and anything that deviates from totalitarian norms must be crushed.
Heh, that's hilarious. Your first three sentences show that *you* have abandoned "rational discourse" with your blanket attack on people you apparently know nothing about.

I'm a liberal. Let's talk. Tell me what you believe, and I will reciprocate.
It appears that liberals exhibit many of the traits of totalitarians. Totalitarians are emotional thinkers. They cling to an emotional connection to a race, a leader, or a political ideology, and anything that deviates from totalitarian norms must be crushed.
Today's libs are doing a great job of alienating even other liberals who don't meet their expectation of what a liberal should be. Goes back to totalitarianism.
I'm not sure about that.
I'm a case in point. I'll probably vote for trump in 2020 even though I'm quite liberal on many issues and disagree with him on many others. I haven't voted for a repub candidate since Dole.
The left has alienated me that much. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Also think about this... you know trump got votes from some of the Bernie bros. because they were disgusted with hrc and the DNC.
I'm a case in point. I'll probably vote for trump in 2020 even though I'm quite liberal on many issues and disagree with him on many others. I haven't voted for a repub candidate since Dole. The left has alienated me that much. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Also think about this... you know trump got votes from some of the Bernie bros. because they were disgusted with hrc and the DNC.

Can't argue with that. I will wait until I see who the DEMOCRATS come up with next time.

My hopes aren't high, but I am willing to keep an open mind.
Leftist philosophy comes from Communism. There must always be an oppressor & an oppressed, even if there isn't, and if there isn't they pretend there is.

Once you understand this, their ideology becomes clear.
What a pile of crap. You make up premises that are fake then pretend to answer them. This is so wrong. You should be ashamed .
Today's liberals seem to have abandoned rational public discourse.

I believe that's due partly to the logical indefensibility of many widely-held liberal positions.

Instead of deliberating, weighing the available evidence, and forming a cohesive argument based in fact, they erupt with emotional outbursts like spoiled children whose desires are thwarted when they are questioned or challenged.

Hence the lack of evidence-based discussion obvious in liberal "debate".

They also seem unable to separate individuals from the concept of identity politics. This is group-think. Questioning is hostility in liberal psychology, and must not be tolerated by the truly tolerant. Thus we have liberal double-speak.

Consider these examples (liberals won't):

If a liberal is challenged on any point, the validity of the challenge is not considered. Rather, the group identity of the challenger becomes the focus. For example, if a Caucasian male questions liberal dogma, he must be a misogynist, an Islamophobe, a Nazi, a homophobe, etc., so the challenger may be dismissed as unworthy without any rebuttal of the challenge.

In liberal-land, nothing that a conservative says need be refuted with evidence or logic, because conservatives are "_____" (insert popular pejorative).

In liberal-land it's not the position of an opponent that receives consideration, it's the identity of the "opponent". The "other". The "not-one-of-us". This is the tribal mentality of group-think.

This would also explain the popularity of virtue signaling in the liberal bubble. Liberals seem to compete with one another by striving to publicly exhibit liberal symbology. That's ironic, since modern liberalism does not endorse competition and has sought to erase the concepts of "winning" and "losing".

Liberals have embraced the group-think of identity politics to such an extreme degree that criticism of any liberal woman is deemed "sexist". Naturally, their manufactured umbrage does not compel them to denounce vile slurs against any women who are not liberals. Even more ironically, they pretend to embrace gender equality in theory at the same time their emasculated beta males rush to the defense of the "weaker" sex.

They have embraced the group-think of identity politics to such an extreme degree that criticism of any liberal non-Caucasian or non-Christian is deemed "racist". Of course, they permit themselves to say what they like about conservative non-Caucasians or non-Christians, because they believe that their imaginary moral superiority inoculates them from the putrid taint of hypocrisy.

They have embraced the group-think of identity politics to such an extreme degree that criticism of any liberal idea, policy, or, individual, or group is deemed "Nazi".

Liberals are constantly on the alert for things to be offended by, so that they can apply their catch-all "hate speech" deflection in any discussion.

The criticism of the scared cows of liberalism need not be stated overtly.

Liberals believe they have an ability to detect invisible "institutional" sexism, racism, or Nazism that was never expressed or intended.

They clearly do not posses the ability to persuade by argument and understanding. Instead they have substituted ideological tribalism, which makes it impossible for them to debate effectively or influence people through logical means.

Instead of considering the merits of a report whose fats are detrimental to liberalism, they prefer to dismiss the evidence out of hand, while simultaneously declaring that the old media they prefer are the only reliable sources, despite considerable proof to the contrary.

Liberals are intellectually unable to debate an issue on the facts, so they use emotional defense mechanisms to exclude all information they deem "unpleasant" or "hateful". Then they defend people who march through the streets burning cars and assaulting bystanders while chanting "death to cops", without a shred of irony.

Liberals cling to outdated notions that have clearly failed and insist doggedly that they must and will work somehow.

Their minds are not open to new possibilities or advances in technology. Thus, we see Hillary destroying digital evidence with a hammer, and her supposed "IT" adviser plaintive asking an online forum how to delete emails.

Perhaps the liberal stranglehold on public education and the old media will be enough to propel their identity politicians to power in 2018 and 2020.

Somehow, I'm not convinced.

Good stuff. Lefties won't understand any of it though. Ever try to track a dog how to read a book?
To even think that Trump has a chance of winning the next election means you have to be in a very very special place

To give him zero chance when it is three years away and the Democrat Party has no candidate yet is foolish and and shows you have learned nothing from 2016

For one thing how are you going to stop the Russians?
Heh, that's hilarious. Your first three sentences show that *you* have abandoned "rational discourse" with your blanket attack on people you apparently know nothing about.

I'm a liberal. Let's talk. Tell me what you believe, and I will reciprocate.

She will discuss until you defeat her argument, then ignore you.