I Thought Right Wingers Weren't Racist?


Following the recent walkout of Democrat Congressmen and women (white and black) during the Eric Holder witch hunt, the racists over at Breitbart.com had a field day of bigotry. Kinda makes the Teabagger argument "We're not racist!!" look a little stupid, huh?
Every one of them has been accused, investigated or convicted of a crime.


Looks like a zoo exibit that got loose. Oh, you said criminals, I thought it said animals, oopsy.


I hope they keep walking — right out of the country. A swift kick to their white-hating asses would be in order too.


Which part of BLACK caucus don’t you understand? That’s racist to the max,


When you listen to these folks speak, please take note of the difficulty they each have constructing a single coherent sentence - the best and the brightest, to be sure.


It’s not what you think people! There was a pole smokers for pedophiles fund raiser just down the street……….. These spunk chuggers just wanted to get good seats.


‘Affirmative Action’: n***g**s new proxy.


They stand there, with their racism on full display, and not a single one of them realizes that they, themselves, are the racists/bigots. The old, ingrained plantation mentality blinds them all.


I hope we have a good election turnout to get these spooks out of office and get people in their that willwork for the people!


Blakks holding public office are traitors to our country. This example shows that blakks scoff at their oath of office because it forces them to obey whitey’s laws. They are through obeying whitey’s laws because Obama disobeys whitey’s laws. Obama has set them free to outwardly disregard our form of government and fight for a single purpose, to rob whitey to feed their own. Dammmmn our country, get revenge on it. That is their oath of office.


To bad there wasn’t a drive by or a runaway bus while they were gathered all together.


The leaves on the tree of liberty are starting to look a little dry.


Why are these blakks assembled as a gang showing the world they hate whites? Aren’t they racist? I don’t care if they are racist, I want them out of our white country, as they are destroying it.


pot calling kettle black, good one.


I think it’s time to bring back the old derogatory names which were used against these race baiters as they have not progressed beyond race and probably never will.


That be Rayciss! And I agree.


Uh, in Texas, those designations never went out of style.

And what Yankees call a “slingshot” still goes by its original name here.


There actions make white people think black people are stupid.


Black Congressional Caucus ’ values and mentality are skin deep only


Those uppity slaves have crossed the reservation and need to be taught a lesson.


Where is the White Caucus, to protect White people from these racists?


May I still say how I hate these people? Or have we lost that freedom too?


They are good at giving away whitey’s money.


The flying monkeys from Oz.


..and Representative Cummings say, “We iz ded serius - oh yess we iz! Y’all kin tell by how set our faces iz. We meens bidness!”


Then he axed, “were da baffroom be at?”




No, they walked out because they heard there was a watermellon truck that over-turned on South Capital street.


House Niggas


When they do this as a group they display their COLLECTIVE ignorance , put these animals back in cages


Betcha they would have stayed if there would have been free chicken & ribs being served inside…….WHAT YOU TALKING BOUT, WILLIS??????????
Too funny, he lied, people died.....and you idiots don't care....y'all black folk need some integrity.
What do we want white power?!!
