I TRULY Believe that Obama WILL Bring Change.


New member
I'm really starting to LIKE what Obama'a saying, now. He's FINALLy starting to be HONEST with the American People. He's right, there ARE a "lot of bitter people", out in America. The only thing he got WRONG, was the Geography! It's not MIDDLE America, the Entire HEARTLAND of America, that Obama Insulted and Defamed, that's bitter. BITTER?? This man has the NERVE to talk about BITTER? Barack Obama, who has SURROUNDED HIMSELF WITH BITTERNESS? The man, whom the Media forgot to "vet" for the past year, the man who has as his CORE people like the right rev. Jerimiah Wright, the very PICTURE of bitterness, and that other pastor, Murray, or whatever, his Good Freind William Ayers, the man who ADMITTED to Bombing the pentagon, the Capitol, and the NYPD headquarters, and "WISHES HE DID MORE"?? Think HE is bitter? Why, Barack even MARRIED a BITTER WOMAN, Michelle, who says, "America is an Evil, Greedy Country!" These 2, who've led a CHARMED Life, compared to most "QWhites", yet are BITTER.

Why I LIKE Obama NOW, is that he's staring to be HONEST, when he says, "Middle America is full of Bitter People, who RUN to Guns and Religion!" Right ON, Barack, you TELL America how you HATE its people!

Here's what a defender, Alan Colmes, said. HA!

"And just where is he wrong? Pointing out why people may be bitter or frustrated, that there is xenophobia, that people sometimes cling to religion or feel paranoid about the government and embrace guns doesn’t mean you hate or disdain a portion of the population. "

First of all, people do not "cling" to guns and religion because of what a government does or does not do. It is especially demeaning to people's religious sentiment to say that government is their reason for "clinging" to their religion. And secondly, Obama did not mean to say that people were merely frustrated. He was clearly trying to paint Middle America as racist, gun-nuts that were too stupid to understand what was going on around them.
This guy tried to tell us HE was "The Savior", that HE was ABOVE Race, Partisan Squabbling, etc. So FAR, his ENTIRE CAMPAIGN has been about NOTHING but 1)Race 2.) Hate 3.) Bitterness 4.) Class Warfare and 5.) Raising everyones taxes, so he could put our grand
Sorry- had to run-let's take from "so he could put our grand" children in debt, with the ONE TRILLION PER YEAR of NEW SPENDING, and of course, with his taxes, will SHRINK the Rate of Increase, rate of GROWTH of our ECONOMY. So what's the MATTER, Liberals? All of you are just TOO ASHAMED, you're TOO HUMILIATED and EMBARRASSED in your Candidate to Speak UP for him, Huh????????????? I guess that means Barack is TOAST, then.