I Understand, Finally.


New member
I've been doing a LOT of thinking, these past weeks, about WHY, and HOW, can it BE, that even with LOADS of Evidence, about Barack Obama's Inexperience, Naivite, when it comes to Foreign Affairs, and our Enemies, in this Incredibly Dangerous World we live in, in 2008, WHY, and HOW, can it BE, that Liberals cannot SEE these things, that the REST of America SEES, WRITES ABOUT, and Obama REFUSES to ADDRESS, a SURE SIGN OF GUILT.

Then it came to me. It's so simple, I'm embarrassed, but Psychology is not one of my Main Fields of Interest. It's about 2 very powerful emotions, Pride, and Guilt. Human Pride. Sometimes, a cause of War. And Guilt. It starts with our Parents, and can make us do the Wrong Thing, sometimes.

WHY, with the Skeletons piling up, OUTSIDE the Closet Door, WOULD LIBERALS IGNORE, All the things that would make ANY OTHER PERSON IN HISTORY an IMPOSSIBLE Prospect for President? Pride, and Guilt. Simple.

First, I have just ONE Question: Where do you think Barack Hussein Obama would BE, if we KNEW ALL THE INFORMATION WE HAVE NOW, IF WE HAD IT BEFORE THE IOWA CAUCUS? That's RIGHT, he'd be back home in Chicago, going to Church and Listening to "Hate-Whitey Speech", for the "Rev.'s" Wright and Phlagel, and throwing Parties, for his Friends the TERRORISTS, William Ayers, and Bernie "Stick a Fork in 'Em" Dohrn.

Ok, I digress. Pride. A strong Human Emotion. Once you are SO HIGHLY INVESTED in a person, even an Anti-American, Racist, Terrorist-Befreinding person, and you have BACKED THEM WITH YOUR HEART AND SOUL, even when,(if you're a Liberal) you find out they have done DISQUALIFYING ACTIONS, your PRIDE will not ALLOW you to SEE the TRUTH, won't ALLOW you to SPEAK OUT FOR WHAT YOU KNOW IN YOUR HEART IS RIGHT, to speak out, and say, "THIS man is NOT FIT, to be President of these United States. He has TOO MANY ASSOCIATIONS WITH UNSAVORY CHARACTERS, RACE-HATERS AND TERRORISTS WHO BOMB THE PENTAGON, THE CAPITOL, NYPD HEADQUARTERS."

But Liberals are AFRAID to say it. That's where the GUILT comes in. For African-Americans, they are AFRAID, they will be branded "TRAITORS", or "UNCLE TOMS". They KNOW, from EVERYTHING THEY WERE TAUGHT IN CHURCH, ABOUT RIGHT AND WRONG, that it is WRONG, to support this man, but only a BRAVE FEW have spoken out. I have seen them on TV, heard them on radio, and read their columns.
But when BRILLIANT MEN AND WOMEN, like Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Condoleeza Rice, Alan Keys, or the dozens MORE I could name, ALL Black, when THEY speak out against Abortion, and even KILLING LIVE BABIES THAT SURVIVED ABORTION, like BARACK OBAMA SUPPORTED, when they REFUSE TO MAKE EXCUSES FOR RAPISTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, MURDERERS, DRUG DEALERS, whether Black OR White, when these GREAT BLACK ROLE MODELS SPEAK OUT, for what they were taught in Church, what they KNOW in their HEARTS to be RIGHT, the REST of the "Black Community" not only IGNORES them, they BASH these Leaders!

The Very People that theBlack Community should be HOLDING UP TO THEIR YOUTH, and saying THIS is a Person you can Model your Life around, they call NAMES! And WHY? Because of Racists and Poverty Pimps, because of SCAM ARTISTS, like Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Rev. Jerimiah Wright, and others, have the Majority of Blacks SO SCARED to go against the SCAM ARTISTS, they refuse to do what they KNOW is right.
And I don't EVEN have to TELL you about Guilty White Liberals. The kind who say, "Oh, yes, I'm voting for Obama, but ASK them if their 14-YR OLD DAUGHTER BROUGHT HOME A BLACK BOYFRIEND, or ask them HOW MANY BLACK PEOPLE THEY INVITE OVER FOR DINNER, and you will see the Liberal Hypocracy in Action. Many of these Idiots think that if they Vote for an Inexperienced, Naive, White Hating(or at LEAST, "White-Disliking", going by HIS OWN WORDS),if they VOTE for this Black Man, it will ABSOLVE them of "GUILT FOR SLAVERY", which was NEVER THEIR GUILT, IN THE FIRST PLACE! So sad, and SO Ridiculous, and SO Dangerous for America.
Pride and Guilt.
woo-hoo!!! World record people I made it through the 2nd Paragraph. Beat that Onceler!

"Then it came to me. It's so simple, I'm embarrassed, but Psychology is not one of my Main Fields of Interest. It's about 2 very powerful emotions, Pride, and Guilt. Human Pride. Sometimes, a cause of War. And Guilt. It starts with our Parents, and can make us do the Wrong Thing, sometimes"

BTW - totally LOLing at "I'm embarrassed, but Psychology is not one of my Main Fields of Interest."
woo-hoo!!! World record people I made it through the 2nd Paragraph. Beat that Onceler!

"Then it came to me. It's so simple, I'm embarrassed, but Psychology is not one of my Main Fields of Interest. It's about 2 very powerful emotions, Pride, and Guilt. Human Pride. Sometimes, a cause of War. And Guilt. It starts with our Parents, and can make us do the Wrong Thing, sometimes"

BTW - totally LOLing at "I'm embarrassed, but Psychology is not one of my Main Fields of Interest."

ughh my head hurts now. you can keep your damn world reacord LadyT.
ughh my head hurts now. you can keep your damn world reacord LadyT.


well, it was tough.......its been like 4 years with this poster. Its not easy adn I don't expect a newbie to be able to jump right in and handle it. Don't beat yourself up over. In about 4 or 5 years time you too can make it to the 2nd paragraph.