I want to do Keith Olbermann


JPP Modarater
The dude just gave the best speech about Bush EVER.

I mean seriously, I love that guy!

I hope its up on you tube soon.
The dude just gave the best speech about Bush EVER.

I mean seriously, I love that guy!

I hope its up on you tube soon.

Wow, I'll check it out tonight.

Women dig olberman, I think. At least, a lot liberal women. But, what do I know? :clink:
Wow, I'll check it out tonight.

Women dig olberman, I think. At least, a lot liberal women. But, what do I know? :clink:

To die for. The passion was almost hot. He was so intense at one point I thought he was going to tear up.
So he went into Michael savage I might have a heart attack on the air mode? That's why I watch him.
One right here!


A lot of my friends do too. I don't, even though I really like him. I think it's that he 's just not poor, or socially akward enough, or out of the mainstream enough for me to really fall for and want to sleep with.

My mother didn't raise no fool.

"Mr. President," he was asked, "you haven't been golfing in recent years. Is that related to Iraq?
"Yes," began perhaps the most startling reply of this nightmarish blight on our lives as Americans -- on our history.
"It really is. I don't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the Commander-in-Chief playing golf. I feel I owe it to the families to be as -- to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."
Golf, Sir?
Golf sends the wrong signal to the grieving families of our men and women butchered in Iraq?
Do you think these families, Mr. Bush - their lives blighted forever -- care about you playing golf?
Do you think, Sir, they care about you?
You, Mr. Bush, let their sons and daughters be killed.
Sir, to show your solidarity with them - you gave up golf?
Sir, to show your solidarity with them - you didn't give up your pursuit of this insurance-scam, profiteering, morally and financially bankrupting war.
Sir, to show your solidarity with them - you didn't even give up talking about Iraq - a subject about which you have incessantly proved without pause or backwards glance, that you may literally be the least informed person in the world?

Sir, to show your solidarity with them, you didn't give up... your
4,000 dead Americans and your response... was to stop playing golf!
Not "gulf" - golf.


I ask any of you, how could you not want to do that!?
A lot of my friends do too. I don't, even though I really like him. I think it's that he 's just not poor, or socially akward enough, or out of the mainstream enough for me to really fall for and want to sleep with.

My mother didn't raise no fool.

I know it seems like I'm settling but think I can manage to live with a rich, famous, cool, and attractive man.
To die for. The passion was almost hot. He was so intense at one point I thought he was going to tear up.

I hear ya. Get control of yourself! j/k. Stephanie Miller, on Air America, is always drooling over him, and calling him her future husband.
Olberblown is a big loud dope..he should of stuck with sports:cof1:
LOL. We've found out one thing. If you act mad and point at a desk you have made the "best speech ever"...

I noticed this effect when another person made a speech and was pointing at the screen... That was also touted as one of the "best speeches ever".

I did agree with Bush at least once. When he said people tried to run from their votes. People here still pretend that the President was the only source those people who voted had for intel. That is BS. They even had the "need to know" and could directly go to the source.
Keith's girlfriend:

Is she the manly looking one in the back or the black-bra'd girl in the front?

The manly looking one is a man, which would make him difficult to label as a "girlfriend", unless in some pseudo-machoistic rant against homosexuals, whom Olbermann would be labeled as (in that scenario).