I WILL Vote for Barack Obama.


New member
I will SWEAR, on my Honor as a Father and a Man, I will Vote Democrat, and for Obama, if Liberals can just tell me WHY he has Good Judgement, and HOW he could say the things he does, and have the Long-Term Associations with Certain People, and NOT have it rub off, like, for instance, Bernadine Dohrn:

Bernadine Dohrn was, we can be confident, something less than a model of compassion back then -- like at the Weathermen “War Council” meeting in 1969, when she famously gushed over the barbaric Manson Family murders of the pregnant actress Sharon Tate, coffee heiress Abigail Folger, and three others: “Dig it! First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach! Wild!”

Charming. The “War Council,” it should be noted, concluded by first condemning the United States for -- what else? -- its pervasive racism, then formally declaring war against what the Weathermen called “AmeriKKKa.” Rev. Wright would have understood.

Or, maybe Bill Ayers, who Obama's wife Michelle, WHO MADE THE GUEST LIST, invited, to sit with Barack, to sit and chat, have discussions, on a "board":
Ayers didn’t just carry a sign outside the Pentagon on May 19, 1972. He bombed it. As his memoir gleefully recalled, “Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.”

Whether Pentagon bombing day was more or less ideal than other days, when he, Dohrn and their Weathermen comrades bombed the U.S. Capitol, the State Department, and sundry banks, police stations and courthouses, Ayers does not say. But on each occasion, there was surely optimism that the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.

There were lots of bombs. There is no remorse. “I don’t regret setting bombs,” he told the New York Times in 2001, sorry only that he and the others “didn’t do enough.” Like what? We can’t be sure, though National Review Online’s Jonah Goldberg recounts Ayers’s sentiments back in the day: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”

Barack Obama made a joint appearance with Bill Ayers in 1997 at a University of Chicago panel on the outrage of treating juvenile criminals as if they were, well, criminals. Obama apologists say, “So what? People appear with other people all the time.” Nice try. This panel was orchestrated by none other than Michelle Obama, then an Associate Dean of Student Services. Ayers didn’t happen to be there -- he was invited by the Obamas to educate students on the question before the house: “Should a Child Ever Be Called a ‘Super Predator?’”

He's a Beautiful American, too. And Before someone says "Guilt by Association", sorry, that Dog Don't Hunt. Barack went LOOKING for these Kinds of People. I won't even TALK about Rev. Wright, because everyone KNOWS about HIS FEELING on America, and White People.
My point IS, that can you Liberals REALLY, with a Straight Face, tell us that THIS MAN is the Best Democratic Candidate? Wait, forget THAT, can anyone tell me that THIS man has the PROPER FRAME OF MIND, to become the President of the United States?
Probably Barack's BIGGEST influence, like most men, is his Wife, Michelle.

The most profound influence in his life, his wife Michelle, is notoriously less circumspect than her careful husband about where she’s coming from. Her college thesis, which Princeton tried to keep under lock and key, testifies to a race-obsessed worldview. She may have refined it, but she’s never grown out of it.

After four years at one of America’s most esteemed academic institutions, Michelle recoiled at the thought of “further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant.” That the sky has been the limit for her, that she has managed to ride the “periphery” from Princeton to Harvard Law School, to one of the country’s top law firms, and to a plethora of prestigious institutional positions, has not much altered her perspective. Through the windows of her mansion on Chicago’s south side, American society still appears as a caste system.

The United States, she says, is “just downright mean.” Never, prior to her husband’s presidential run, had she had a reason to feel proud of it, she told a campaign throng. But by last November, with Barack’s pursuit of the brass ring catching momentum, she suddenly got plenty proud. And confident: so much so that she was moved to tell MSNBC, “Black America will wake up and get it” -- unite and carry him over the finish line.
See, I was RIGHT AGAIN! I didn't THINK many Liberals would have the Courage of their Convictions to answer! I didn't THINK anyone could give me ONE GOOD REASON to vote for Their Candidate! I TOLD ya, Libs! I TOLD ya, way back 6 months ago, that THIS guy wasn't fit for Duty, haha! And that the Media, by BABYING, and HIDING ALL HIS FLAWS, wasn't doing him any FAVORS.
Bwaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha! No GUTS, No GLORY!
Nice try, Desh! Why don't you Proudly Tell me your Support for Alan Keyes, HE is "Black", as you put it! WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT HIM, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

Could it BE, cuz' you're a................................HYPOCRITE? Hmmmmmmmmmm?
Hey Desh, would you support Clarence Thomas, for president, or Prof. Thomas Sowell? Do you even know that IS??? I didn't think so! Quick, "Google" it!