I wonder if the D's will push the 25th amendment.....


Well-known member
Talk about being stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea! :laugh: They put themselves in this position,....NOBODY ELSE DID,....THEY DID. Now let them sizzle over the fire. They earned it.

The VERY SECOND that Biden is removed the RNC needs to start running ads of Dems making CURRENT statements declaring how healthy and mentally fit the turnip is . It will hammer home the fact that either A......Their judgement is absolutely HORRENDOUS,....or B......they have lied the whole time. Psssssssst.....Its B,....as we all KNOW. ;)
The key component to victory at ANYTHING is knowing how your opponent will react beforehand. The left has proven time and time again to NEVER admit fault no matter how glaring and obvious it is. They instead tend to only dig their hole deeper and tell even the most outlandish of lies because to them it is much better than stating an obvious truth. They tend to look at truth telling as a weakness rather than a strength. This tells me that they will instead attempt to frame Joe's condition as something that just sort of CAME ON instead of merely admitting the fact that he has been in obvious decline for YEARS. They liked about his condition literally right up to the moment of the debate. We wont allow them to sweep THAT FACT under the rug either. Instead we will relentlessly POUND IT down the throats of the public as well well should. They either have horrendous judgement,......or they are LIARS. We all KNOW which one is true when it pertains to this specific set of circumstances. This is the way forward now....... ROLL THE TAPE........it speaks for itself.
