I wont feel bad if the dems lose in November


Abreast of the situations
Let’s face it. It’s looking more and more like McCain will win in November. And frankly the democrats deserve it. Yet again they are squandering what was a sure thing for the most part. The Republican were a divided party running an unpopular war. Just a few short months ago general consensus and poll numbers said there is no way that they would win in November… a sure thing.

So what do they do? Fall right into Hillary’s trap of civil war. If she can’t win then the dems won’t win.

Obama who’s oration had woken up a new segment of voters are starting to sour on this constant bickering and the idea that he can’t close the deal.

Civil war has created a divide in the dem party that will cause supporters of either side (obama or hillary) to abstain from coming together in the end.

McCain’s been given priceless time to secure his base and bring the republicans back together.

And Hillary is smiling more then ever these days knowing that her plan is working.
Let’s face it. It’s looking more and more like McCain will win in November. And frankly the democrats deserve it. Yet again they are squandering what was a sure thing for the most part. The Republican were a divided party running an unpopular war. Just a few short months ago general consensus and poll numbers said there is no way that they would win in November… a sure thing.

So what do they do? Fall right into Hillary’s trap of civil war. If she can’t win then the dems won’t win.

Obama who’s oration had woken up a new segment of voters are starting to sour on this constant bickering and the idea that he can’t close the deal.

McCain’s been given priceless time to secure his base and bring the republicans back together.

And Hillary is smiling more then ever these days knowing that her plan is working.

There is a long way to go until November so I wouldn't be handing the Presidency to McCain just yet. There are 'experts' who believe this long primary is actually a benefit for the Democrats. Whether it is or isn't everything still favors the Democrats right now.
Let’s face it. It’s looking more and more like McCain will win in November. And frankly the democrats deserve it. Yet again they are squandering what was a sure thing for the most part. The Republican were a divided party running an unpopular war. Just a few short months ago general consensus and poll numbers said there is no way that they would win in November… a sure thing.

So what do they do? Fall right into Hillary’s trap of civil war. If she can’t win then the dems won’t win.

Obama who’s oration had woken up a new segment of voters are starting to sour on this constant bickering and the idea that he can’t close the deal.

McCain’s been given priceless time to secure his base and bring the republicans back together.

And Hillary is smiling more then ever these days knowing that her plan is working.

McCain is at his ceiling. Notwithstanding his lack of an opponent and time to shore up his base he is tied with two candidates that are ripping each other to shreds. To me, it's looking less and less likely that McCain will win in November. I mean, if he can't manage to be ahead at this stage in the game where he has no one attacking him at all, what leads you to believe that he will be doing better at any point in the future?
McCain is at his ceiling. Notwithstanding his lack of an opponent and time to shore up his base he is tied with two candidates that are ripping each other to shreds. To me, it's looking less and less likely that McCain will win in November. I mean, if he can't manage to be ahead at this stage in the game where he has no one attacking him at all, what leads you to believe that he will be doing better at any point in the future?
Nobody attacking him? Please. I hear the speeches of the two people vying for your nomination.
McCain is at his ceiling. Notwithstanding his lack of an opponent and time to shore up his base he is tied with two candidates that are ripping each other to shreds. To me, it's looking less and less likely that McCain will win in November. I mean, if he can't manage to be ahead at this stage in the game where he has no one attacking him at all, what leads you to believe that he will be doing better at any point in the future?

He went from behind hillary and obama to statistically even with them.. and has secured his base not to mention been stocking away money for a complete onslaught after the civil war ends.
This is as good as it gets for McCain, by a wide margin, and he's still polling in the mid-40's for the general, in statistical ties with Obama. It really doesn't bode well.

A multi-million dollar swiftboat like campaign is about to be unleashed on him, to run all the way through November. If he does end up winning, it will be in a squeaker.

Plus, we have almost 6 months of constant media scrutiny ahead, just waiting for him to lose that temper of his. Just like the media overcompensated with attacks on Obama after giving him a free ride for months, they'll switch gears & take down McCain when the Dem primary is through.
He went from behind hillary and obama to statistically even with them.. and has secured his base not to mention been stocking away money for a complete onslaught after the civil war ends.

Check the long-term polls Chap. He's about where he was several months ago with no real movement overall. Below are the McCain-Obama and McCain-Clinton long-term aggregates:



Securing his base hasn't amounted to shit in the polls. As for his stocking away money, last I heard he was returning checks to people in anticipation of accepting public financing since he can't raise more than the Democrats.
This race is still solidly in the hands of the Democrats. The campaign against McCain has yet to really begin and still McCain is even with the Democrats.

You will not get a good feel for who is truely ahead untill after both conventions are over.
you have democrats split between two candidates who would crush Mcfossil.
Your going to see Obama with his sell out crowds Dominate McSame in Nov. this is as good as it gets for McKeating.
You have two democrats split today... They will not be split in August. The one who is not the nominee will strongly urge her voters to support the nominee.
You are only one. I will vote for anyone who admits Iraq was a mistake and will work toward ending it without some amorphus goal of winning first.

I am used to seemingly being the one. I pretty much felt that way for opposing the invasion of Iraq. Unfortuantely being right in America today often means feeling like the maytag repairman.

Went thru the same thing on predicting the economic problems. got the if you predict it long enough...a busted clock is right twice a day...doomer, etc on that one.
I knew it was inevitable, but just not when. And that it would not just be a typical dip and readjustment.