I would like to welcome Grind to the JPP Staff...


Staff member
Since the abrupt resignation of Beefy (who will still have his Supermod Access), I have had some need for some help.

Welcome to the staff.
That was just a poll taken by LadyT that had no bearing on the actual results. She gerrymandered her constiuency and it didn't help. The final results, and only vote, can be seen here:

[ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=10016"]I would like to welcome Grind to the JPP Staff... - Just Plain Politics![/ame]

It's public, so you can do as many recounts as you want.
Isn't that the weird one where Sean Connery runs about with his cock out?

I don't remember that bit, but it was a Sean Connery one, sort of a futuristic dystopia film. It put me in mind, for some reason, of the Wizard of Oz. I think it was the big mask.
Tiana, that picture is making me want to hurl! Good god where did you even find it?

Grind sent it to me in one of our "private chats". Ask Dano. I'm sure he remembers reading those series of PMs. I hope posting private information doesn't get me banned.