ICC issues arrest warrants for top Russian military leaders


"Cypress you motherfucking whore!"
ICC issues arrest warrants for Russian army chief, former defence minister

International Crimes Court accuses them of war crimes and crimes against humanity for directing attacks on civilian targets in Ukraine.

The point of this is to drive anti-Russian narrative warrioring and to make it challenging for the Russians to travel.....this has nothing to do with justice. The problem for the dying West is that these acts of abuse drives the world into the new world order, which is run by the Chinese. America and Europe will eventually find ourselves alone and destitute.
A few war crimes and crimes against humanity never hurt anybody. Why is everybody picking on poor, innocent Russia?
The Ukrainians are the terrorists in this story.....the Russians have been very careful about not hitting civilians....as the world understands outside of the brainwashed West.
The dying American Empire resorting to terrorism on the way out as it has will not just remove it from power faster, but it will also make our situation after the final collapse worse as the world remembers what we did. The Han especially have long memories, and believe in vengeance.,
At the front talks about Western terrorism against Russia:

Is Russia Going to Crush Ukraine? - This Could Put an End to Israel | Col. Jacques Baud​

Just as the Russians have decided to brand as truth tellers to contrast with the constant lying of the West they have also relentlessly followed established rules of war to contrast with Western terrorism. As the West ramps up its terrorism I wonder if that will hold....the West now fully deserves to have terrorism unleashed against us.

This Ruling from the ICC demonstrates that the West is no longer willing to even pretend to pursue justice....there is only power.
Baud is wrong when he calls it Ukrainian terrorism....it is American terrorism being done claiming that it is Ukrainian.....the Ukrainians dont do anything but push the button for launch (if even that) ....everything else is done by the Americans when it comes to ATACMS.

EDIT: Ukrainains also drive the launchers and load the launchers.
ICC issues arrest warrants for Russian army chief, former defence minister

International Crimes Court accuses them of war crimes and crimes against humanity for directing attacks on civilian targets in Ukraine.


The ICC are nothing but criminals themselves.

BUT I'd pop for pay for view to watch those morons try and execute arrest warrants.
A few war crimes and crimes against humanity never hurt anybody. Why is everybody picking on poor, innocent Russia?

No doubt you fully support a world government with courts that override national sovereignty.

The USA is not party to the ICC - so let your friends in Iran and Qatar try and enforce this,
Baud is wrong when he calls it Ukrainian terrorism....it is American terrorism being done claiming that it is Ukrainian.....the Ukrainians dont do anything but push the button for launch (if even that) ....everything else is done by the Americans when it comes to ATACMS.

EDIT: Ukrainains also drive the launchers and load the launchers.

You truly hate America. Will you attempt to invade Taiwan before the Legitimate President takes office? Because you KNOW once Trump is back in office, you Chinese will have to back down, or pay the price.
Putin got out ahead of this maybe 4 months ago when he said that his biggest mistake during his reign as Father of Modern Russia was believing the West, believing in the West. Putin was always pro-Western, he wanted to believe. He fucked up.

Them days are all done.
The Ukrainians are the terrorists in this story.....the Russians have been very careful about not hitting civilians....as the world understands outside of the brainwashed West.
They would not have killed any civilians or military if they had not invaded the Ukraine to expand Putin's power and territory.

Trying to justify the invastion on "Nazis" is silly. In 2012 the Nazis won 10% of the vote in parliamentary elections. In 2019 that number dropped to 2%. How many Nazi's have the Russians killed?
No doubt you fully support a world government with courts that override national sovereignty.

The USA is not party to the ICC - so let your friends in Iran and Qatar try and enforce this,
Wrong again. You continue to make assumptions about posters with zero knowledge.

Qatar is not even a member of the ICC.