ICE Raids Work


LAUREL — Howard Industries found itself at the center of activity again Tuesday.

Hundreds of job applicants lined up, eager to take advantage of the sudden job openings at the plant located in Jones County, where the unemployment rate is 6.3 percent.

ICE agents on Monday seized 595 plant workers suspected of being in the country illegally. Several workers, who did not identify themselves, said Tuesday they were working and trying to keep the plant operational in the wake of the sudden loss of co-workers.

They said it was common knowledge many of their co-workers were suspected to be illegal.

It's an idea that maddens Samantha Stevens, 18, of Heidelberg, who was among those who pulled up to Avenue A across from the plant's entrance throughout the day. She said she has been unable to find a job since she graduated from Heidelberg High School in the spring and blames, in part, the willingness of companies to hire illegal workers.

"We were here first. It's not fair for them to have a job," she explained.

Others welcomed the vacancies left by the detained workers.

Gwendolyn Watkins, 40, of Stonewall said she drove 40 miles to Laurel to fill out an application with the electronics maker. She worked at Tower Automotive in Meridian as a production worker for eight months before job cuts in June left her unemployed.

She now hopes to get on at Howard, and said that, while "everyone needs a job," she believes that legal workers should be the priority.

Another story not covered by the so-called media.

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You also can't help but notice that many, if not most, of the new applicants pictured above are African-Americans. How is it that self-appointed African-American leaders are expending more energy these days on "protecting" illegals instead of focusing on African-American citizens' well-being?
They busted a shop in my area about 3 years ago. I think it had about 300 illegals working there. They left--got new phony social security numbers, and were back in a week. They were never investigated again to the best of my knowledge, and I know they are still operating. the name of the place, If I remember right, was Challenge machine, and the plant in question is one of several that they operate here. I do not believe any of their other facilities were investivated. (but I also don't believe it is a private business owners job to stop illegal immerigration--government is suppose to protect the borders)

Why do they continue? As world forces make us compete against slave labor--our labor has to go down in those competing industries. When I say we are becoming a nation of low labor employees--I know what I am talking about. It is the socialist/communist way--right out of the red book. YOUR WORKERS--OUT OF OUR CRAPPY GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS--THAT IS ALL!!--SHUT UP AND GET TO WORK--AND PAY US ALL YOU CAN!!! IF WE LOSE TOUCH WITH WHAT YOU NEED TO BARELY SURVIVE--WE MAY TAKE TOO MUCH--TOO BAD-

"TAX THE HELL OUT OF THE PEOPLE FOR GREEN TECHNOLOGY, AND LET IT ALL HASH OUT WITH TIME" (a Obama quote--and what a well thought out plan that is--I think "hash out" are the key words here). hasty green moves at any expense---yours and your quality of life--not his--not Gorr's--I promise you--but we can already see that.

How great that is for civil and human liberities of this country.

Wanna bet those people, breaking our laws (allowed to) do not get deported?

It makes no sense---until you consider world involvement of making products, and how the money is made for the big cats. To the central banks, and the coporations involved with them in global trade, along with the WTO--we make too much money for the work we do. But--you say--we have to make this much money, or I will lose the lifestyle I earned! Guess what!!!! too bad! Now be a good little boy/gal, and vote for any body accept Palin. I think--even Romney would sell us out way before Palin.

Every time we elect somebody that is poor in business philosophies, our economy goes south even further about 10 years later. I am convienced that business savy is very very important--but not as much as the integrity to do the right thing for the citizens of this country. A great business person can make money--but their nature is to get it from anywhere--including your pockets with oursourcing (for example). A person with integrity to serve the people who elect him/her, is worth their weight in gold. All they need is good experts in any field--and boy oh boy--there is no shortage of those. :)

You know me---I think Palin is the person who can promote the best change for all of us. She just has that killer, go get the corruption thing going on. No matter what side of the fence your on--ya gotta agree--we really have to curb down this corruption. If we support her now---they won't have a chance of indoctronating her to accept corruption. She will be the only one there that is high on the people--and I bet it is contagious. Her record does show that she is not biased, when it comes to corruption. That really scares the corrupters--who you see on CNN/NBC/etc etc etc etc etc ec--you get the point.
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Corporations will most likely never allow anything to actually be done about illegal immigration.

War on middle class americans has begun in earnest. Soon there will be only ceo's and slaves.
Corporations will most likely never allow anything to actually be done about illegal immigration.

War on middle class americans has begun in earnest. Soon there will be only ceo's and slaves.

They would do it if they could. But--there are more of us---we can take em!

I would be willing to bet Palin, after she wins the 2012 election, will have a big problem with Mexico. We do have a right to protect our sovernty, while offering oppertunity to others. Of course, we need a healthy national economy to offer oppertunity--right? Obama wants us to learn spanish, manditory in public school for a reason. I also bet you will never hear Palin use the term "my friends" (if you know the nationality of that term).

I am telling you folks---I am pretty sure I know what kind of person Sara Palin is--and if 80% of the Alaskan poplulation like her, she can possibly get those numbers up everywhere. Well--accept for San Fransisco I guess. Dem congress in single digit support, and Bush not much higher. What the fuck do you have to lose with anybody who gets 80% support in any population of the USA?

I grew up in a small area. People have heart to do the right thing like no city can produce. Of course, most don't have as much as Sara Palin. She seems exceptional to me, and may be McCain gave her a shot to save the country he also loves. I think McCain saw it in here too. Some of you folks need to realize that greatness is not how well you decieve people for your own interrests. Can anybody tell me of any politician during our lives that has the focus for the people who elect her more than Palin (with the record she has)? I am sure she won't make anybody happy all the time, and some people pissed all the time (socialists--the actual 10% of the population that thinks they are 80%)--but I think she has the will to get things done, and I think she actually loves fighting corruption. See--how they tried to suck her in the corruption with the jet she put on e-bay. Why do ylu think she was offered a tax payer paid jet. Once you get into corruption, Sara Palin understands, it is hard to get out of it. It is a mafia! To have someone like her thrust into a VP spot was a move by MCain to take this nation out of check (in chess terms). It just might work.

This is why, unfortunatly, I think the social commies around the world, will probably try to assinate her. I think she is that good. She is rare, because she is not apart of the good ol boy neetwork (as she says)--and I am totally willing to give her a shot. This is exactly why she will excite a lot of Americans---IMO---people, for the first time in their life--see a politician that they don't think will lie to them. Anybody I know will accept a blemish or two for that. We all have more blemishes in our lives (and know a bit about congresses record), and will get disgusted by what the media is doing. All that, in a pretty little package--a pit bull wearing lip stick. She has my support.

She infiltrated the federal mafia--and I have to thank McCain for that. If I get disappointed by her in the future--I am grabbing my pitch fork this time. :)

enough messing around on here--I got things to do. Have a good day folks.
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They would do it if they could. But--there are more of us---we can take em!
How? Our instrument of action, the congress, is comprised of people paid off to not do anything.
I would be willing to bet Palin, after she wins the 2012 election, will have a big problem with Mexico. We do have a right to protect our sovernty, while offering oppertunity to others. Of course, we need a healthy national economy to offer oppertunity--right? Obama wants us to learn spanish, manditory in public school for a reason. I also bet you will never hear Palin use the term "my friends" (if you know the nationality of that term).

I am telling you folks---I am pretty sure I know what kind of person Sara Palin is--and if 80% of the Alaskan poplulation like her, she can possibly get those numbers up everywhere. Well--accept for San Fransisco I guess. Dem congress in single digit support, and Bush not much higher. What the fuck do you have to lose with anybody who gets 80% support in any population of the USA?

I grew up in a small area. People have heart to do the right thing like no city can produce. Of course, most don't have as much as Sara Palin. She seems exceptional to me, and may be McCain gave her a shot to save the country he also loves. I think McCain saw it in here too. Some of you folks need to realize that greatness is not how well you decieve people for your own interrests. Can anybody tell me of any politician during our lives that has the focus for the people who elect her more than Palin (with the record she has)? I am sure she won't make anybody happy all the time, and some people pissed all the time (socialists--the actual 10% of the population that thinks they are 80%)--but I think she has the will to get things done, and I think she actually loves fighting corruption. See--how they tried to suck her in the corruption with the jet she put on e-bay. Why do ylu think she was offered a tax payer paid jet. Once you get into corruption, Sara Palin understands, it is hard to get out of it. To have someone like her thrust into a VP spot was a move by MCain to take this nation out of check (in chess terms). It just might work.

This is why, unfortunatly, I think the social commies around the world, will probably try to assinate her. I think she is that good. She is rare, because she is not apart of the good ol boy neetwork (as she says)--and I am totally willing to give her a shot. This is exactly why she will excite a lot of Americans---IMO---people, for the first time in their life--see a politician that they don't think will ie to them. Anybody I know will accept a blemish or two for that. We all have more blemishes in our lives, and will get disgusted by what the media is doing. All that, in a pretty little package--a pit bull wearing lip stick. She has my support.

Palin is a fascist.
They would do it if they could. But--there are more of us---we can take em!

I would be willing to bet Palin, after she wins the 2012 election, will have a big problem with Mexico. We do have a right to protect our sovernty, while offering oppertunity to others. Of course, we need a healthy national economy to offer oppertunity--right? Obama wants us to learn spanish, manditory in public school for a reason. I also bet you will never hear Palin use the term "my friends" (if you know the nationality of that term).

I am telling you folks---I am pretty sure I know what kind of person Sara Palin is--and if 80% of the Alaskan poplulation like her, she can possibly get those numbers up everywhere. Well--accept for San Fransisco I guess. Dem congress in single digit support, and Bush not much higher. What the fuck do you have to lose with anybody who gets 80% support in any population of the USA?

I grew up in a small area. People have heart to do the right thing like no city can produce. Of course, most don't have as much as Sara Palin. She seems exceptional to me, and may be McCain gave her a shot to save the country he also loves. I think McCain saw it in here too. Some of you folks need to realize that greatness is not how well you decieve people for your own interrests. Can anybody tell me of any politician during our lives that has the focus for the people who elect her more than Palin (with the record she has)? I am sure she won't make anybody happy all the time, and some people pissed all the time (socialists--the actual 10% of the population that thinks they are 80%)--but I think she has the will to get things done, and I think she actually loves fighting corruption. See--how they tried to suck her in the corruption with the jet she put on e-bay. Why do ylu think she was offered a tax payer paid jet. Once you get into corruption, Sara Palin understands, it is hard to get out of it. It is a mafia! To have someone like her thrust into a VP spot was a move by MCain to take this nation out of check (in chess terms). It just might work.

This is why, unfortunatly, I think the social commies around the world, will probably try to assinate her. I think she is that good. She is rare, because she is not apart of the good ol boy neetwork (as she says)--and I am totally willing to give her a shot. This is exactly why she will excite a lot of Americans---IMO---people, for the first time in their life--see a politician that they don't think will ie to them. Anybody I know will accept a blemish or two for that. We all have more blemishes in our lives, and will get disgusted by what the media is doing. All that, in a pretty little package--a pit bull wearing lip stick. She has my support.

Just get yourself a sarah palin blow up doll and shut the hell up already.
Corporations will most likely never allow anything to actually be done about illegal immigration.

War on middle class americans has begun in earnest. Soon there will be only ceo's and slaves.

The War on middle class Americans has been going on since Reagan. It's what the Republican party and their corporate sponsors are all about, everything else they say is bullshit, its all about making a buck and maintaining power at the middle class's expense. They no longer believe in society.

Their exploitation of labor is not a new thing.

Thom Hartmann says it better than I can...

Want to stop illegal immigration and illegal hirings?
Put the people who hire illegals in jail for a couple of yrs. Send all that knew that illegal hirings were going on to court and bring the hammer down on them. Let the word get out that if you get caught with illegal aliens in your work force, you go to jail.
People and companies who hire illegal labor are criminals, but then so is Bin Laden.
Great article crashk. We do need a new invigorated labor movement here.

When palin and mccain talk about "cleanin up government" they mean, removing any ability for the state to help workers oppressed by the totalitarian corporate structures which dominate society.