Ickes: Hillary will win because of Superdelegates


New member
"“Hillary will end up with more automatic delegates than Obama,” Ickes said, and the number of elections won by Obama is “irrelevant to the obligations of automatic delegates.”


I love the use of "automatic" now to describe them. First, one of Hillary's aides called the 22 states Obama won "insignificant states," and now Ickes is calling them "irrelevant."

You want cynical, vote Hillary. If this ends up happening, where Obama wins the pledged delegates & a bunch of Clinton cronies make the final call, I doubt I'll ever vote for a Democrat again. I certainly won't vote for Hillary, under any circumstances. Bush could run again & I still wouldn't vote for her.
You want cynical, vote Hillary. If this ends up happening, where Obama wins the pledged delegates & a bunch of Clinton cronies make the final call, I doubt I'll ever vote for a Democrat again. I certainly won't vote for Hillary, under any circumstances. Bush could run again & I still wouldn't vote for her.

That's how I feel too.
Shit! If you people wanted a woman as head of state then you could have just bided your time and waited for Queen Victoria.

Why in the name of all things Holy you'd want to elect Bill's husband as President is a complete bafflement to the real world.

We could never understand why people voted for George Bush (twice) so please don't convolute the misunderstanding by voting for the woman who people in America love to hate.

Why can't Democrat voters understand American voting intentions?

If I have said it once I have said it twice...it won't be 'HillBilly' nor 'Obama Momma'(two socialist in a pod)....It will be John with Mikey(vp)...he will eat anything...just a joke guys/gals!...but John and Mike will probably be the end result of this fiasco...;)
If I have said it once I have said it twice...it won't be 'HillBilly' nor 'Obama Momma'(two socialist in a pod)....It will be John with Mikey(vp)...he will eat anything...just a joke guys/gals!...but John and Mike will probably be the end result of this fiasco...;)

"socialists" LOL

In the contest between the two right-wing parties in America, there is only one sane option, no? The record of the incumbent party is...in a word...unredeemable.

Hence the Democrats provide the only realistic alternative.

However, if they decide to make the wrong choice (how is that remotely possible the world sits down and asks) then it's President McCain and God help the rest of us.

Come on the EU...get your arses into gear and let's invade. Proper representative democracy may be a novelty.
"socialists" LOL

In the contest between the two right-wing parties in America, there is only one sane option, no? The record of the incumbent party is...in a word...unredeemable.

Hence the Democrats provide the only realistic alternative.

However, if they decide to make the wrong choice (how is that remotely possible the world sits down and asks) then it's President McCain and God help the rest of us.

Come on the EU...get your arses into gear and let's invade. Proper representative democracy may be a novelty.

Charver, could you guys in England please become part of the United States? We need a little bit of liberal balancing. You guys would add at least 200 more representatives (and if you split it into enough states, maybe 20 or more senators), all of whom, all though insanely right wing, would be far more liberal than the stone age American ones.

"socialists" LOL

In the contest between the two right-wing parties in America, there is only one sane option, no? The record of the incumbent party is...in a word...unredeemable.

Hence the Democrats provide the only realistic alternative.

However, if they decide to make the wrong choice (how is that remotely possible the world sits down and asks) then it's President McCain and God help the rest of us.

Come on the EU...get your arses into gear and let's invade. Proper representative democracy may be a novelty.

Sorry to put a damper on your little party here...but last time I checked...Tony Blair was not on the ballot...albeit he is a socialist on British standards...Obama and Hillary are socialists on the 'Back in The USSR'(Beattles) standard...get the difference?;)
Sorry to put a damper on your little party here...but last time I checked...Tony Blair was not on the ballot...albeit he is a socialist on British standards...Obama and Hillary are socialists on the 'Back in The USSR'(Beattles) standard...get the difference?;)

Tony Blair is right-wing by British standards. Obama/Hillary, were they British, would be one of the most conservative members of the Conservative party in Britian. McCain would just be laughed at and have stones throne at him whenever he opened his crazy mouth. Romney would be the most conservative citizen in the nation.
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Good Lord...............

Tony Blair is right-wing by British standards. Obama/Hillary, were they British, would be one of the most conservative members of the Conservative party in Britian. McCain would just be laughed at and have stones throne at him whenever he opened his crazy mouth. Romney would be the most conservative citizen on the continent.

I am really starting to get my defensives in order...y'all college kids of today have not a clue as to what the hell ya are talking about! Brittain for the most part is conservative..albeit a few undesirables have slipped into their parliment over the years...where the hell is BraveHeart when ya need him? Never mind, today as yesterday he would have been quartered in the dungen...a sorry state of affairs is happening in the old country...blind today as yesterday!

All I can yell is....'FREEDOM"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am really starting to get my defensives in order...y'all college kids of today have not a clue as to what the hell ya are talking about! Brittain for the most part is conservative..albeit a few undesirables have slipped into their parliment over the years...where the hell is BraveHeart when ya need him? Never mind, today as yesterday he would have been quartered in the dungen...a sorry state of affairs is happening in the old country...blind today as yesterday!

All I can yell is....'FREEDOM"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha you are a fucking moron and should be stuck in a home.

If you ever had a prime, it is clearly long past.
what you and yours will ever achieve out of life...Cupcake!;)

Yeah, I can only hope that my someday I will be as good as a washed-out, lonely old drunk who spends his days and nights posting on a political website (despite knowing nothing about politics) and incoherently rambling to himself about the glory days when he used to shoot brown people and throw college kids in jail for pot.


Of course, freedom. Liberty. The root word of liberal is "liberty". The root word of conservative is "conserve", as in "Conserve the public good of the past", which always meant opposing the freedoms of the masses.

you still have not a clue...must suck to be so horny that 'Code Pink' looks good and satisfies...enough said...'Child of the Corn'!

see my posting 'Chain of Fools'..Aretha on 'Now Playing'..;)