idiots on Global Warming...


Well-known member
Every major scientist who understands the theory of Global Warming acknoledges that the effect is extreems on both sides of hot and cold for the enviroment ultimatly caused by an OVERALL increase in global tempature.

The CONSERVATIVES love to play on this issue and make jokes when extreems on the cold side are reported, they laugh and pretend it means climate change is not occuring.

Every major scientist who understands the theory of Global Warming acknoledges that the effect is extreems on both sides of hot and cold for the enviroment ultimatly caused by an OVERALL increase in global tempature.

The CONSERVATIVES love to play on this issue and make jokes when extreems on the cold side are reported, they laugh and pretend it means climate change is not occuring.


Were you just watching Wedding Crashers and trying to quote Will Ferrell?
Every major scientist who understands the theory of Global Warming acknoledges that the effect is extreems on both sides of hot and cold for the enviroment ultimatly caused by an OVERALL increase in global tempature.

The CONSERVATIVES love to play on this issue and make jokes when extreems on the cold side are reported, they laugh and pretend it means climate change is not occuring.


Global Warming didn't become climate change until people started pointing out that there were temperature extremes, both hot and cold (through most of history these extremes have existed, of course).
chances are the earth will eventually be hit by asteroid or have volcanic activity causing another iceage so what difference does it make. we should focus on building colonies in space or on earth under the sea or on land thats housed and protected from the elements.
We will never get along well enough to acompolish anything that grand in our lifetimes Chap.
We would rather hate, kill and otherwise screw ourselves.

Animals with pants and tools, a very dangerous thing.
Every major scientist who understands the theory of Global Warming acknoledges that the effect is extreems on both sides of hot and cold for the enviroment ultimatly caused by an OVERALL increase in global tempature.

The CONSERVATIVES love to play on this issue and make jokes when extreems on the cold side are reported, they laugh and pretend it means climate change is not occuring.


k genius, what was the previous rate of warming from say the last ice age, comparative to today?
Roll call for the membership of the flat-earth society on this board!

Little Acorn

I'm taking a stab in the dark, and guessing they don't have a college single level physics, chemistry, calculus, or earth science class between them. Well, maybe they took Rocks for Jocks, or something. Armchair scientists all!

Surprisingly, the JPP flat earth society are also the same people that got it totally wrong on Iraq, on Bush, and on Bushonomics. Will wonders never cease!
membership of the flat-earth society
Little Acorn
don't have a college single level physics,
earth science class
they took Rocks for Jocks
Armchair scientists all!
got it totally wrong on Iraq
on Bush
on Bushonomics.

Eleven lies in one post.

Is this a record? :rolleyes:

BTW, the apparent implication that people aren't allowed to quote knowledgable scientists unless they too are specialists in that field, makes it an even dozen. :lolup:
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Roll call for the membership of the flat-earth society on this board!

Little Acorn

I'm taking a stab in the dark, and guessing they don't have a college single level physics, chemistry, calculus, or earth science class between them. Well, maybe they took Rocks for Jocks, or something. Armchair scientists all!

Surprisingly, the JPP flat earth society are also the same people that got it totally wrong on Iraq, on Bush, and on Bushonomics. Will wonders never cease!

As a matter of fact I never got less than an A in any math or science class. It's jackasses like you who think resonable people can't disagree.
As a matter of fact I never got less than an A in any math or science class. It's jackasses like you who think resonable people can't disagree.

Dude, cutting those frogs open in your 9th grade science class doesn't qualify as a real science education. You opinion is meaningless on global warming. Your only skill is to wildly google around, trying to find the handful of skeptics who are left on the planet.
Roll call for the membership of the flat-earth society on this board!

Little Acorn

I'm taking a stab in the dark, and guessing they don't have a college single level physics, chemistry, calculus, or earth science class between them. Well, maybe they took Rocks for Jocks, or something. Armchair scientists all!

Surprisingly, the JPP flat earth society are also the same people that got it totally wrong on Iraq, on Bush, and on Bushonomics. Will wonders never cease!

Look... the king of lies and deceipt is back at it again. The really funny part is that ole Gumby here is attempting to act superior again yet he is so unbelievably clueless that he doesn't know that a mean is an average. Yet he questions others math skills.

He doesn't comprehend that you can have a record decade of warmth, while at the same time not see an overall increase in temperatures over that decade.

He is also too moronic to understand the Goddard data... the most accurate temperature readings we have ever been able to produce for the globe... show that the average global temperature record was set in 2005, 1998 and 2007 were tied for the second warmest on record. But here is where Gumbys stupidity and desperate attempt to cling to consensus cause him to fail miserably.....

While the decade was indeed the warmest on record.... what was the net change in temperature over that time as PROVEN by the data from Goddard..... the net change gumby was zero.

The next thing Gumby fails to understand is that this doesn't mean man isn't causing global warming. But he is so desperate to cling to his consensus, that he refuses to listen to any data that shows something else is going on. Either something is offsetting mans contribution to global warming or man is not the primary factor. Now Gumby absolutely refuses to believe the second could even stand a remote chance of being true. So for his sake, lets assume something is offsetting mans contribution.

For those with the actual intellectual capacity for discussion.... what could be causing this change?

For those wondering... the only "flat earther" type... is indeed Cypress. Like those that shouted consensus and called Copernicus a blasphemer for daring to suggest that the earth revolved around the sun. So desperate were those of the consensus view to cling to their beliefs that they refused to listen to any opposing views or data.
Dude, cutting those frogs open in your 9th grade science class doesn't qualify as a real science education. You opinion is meaningless on global warming. Your only skill is to wildly google around, trying to find the handful of skeptics who are left on the planet.

Perhaps you could provide us with your scientific credentials.

As far as skeptics are concerned, let us not forget that the skeptics are the ones that are usually right, not the overwhelming scientific consensus.

For instance, when the world was believed to be flat, it would have been the skeptics that were correct.

When the world was believed to be the centre of the Universe, it was the skeptics that were correct in stating it was not.

When scientists decided that psychological traits could be determined by the shape of the head, it was the skeptics that were right in deciding it was not true.

When scientists decided that women and blacks were less intelligent than white males, it was the skeptics that were correct.

This leads me to believe that the hive-mentality of science is not something that should be championed, but the exact reason why skeptics should be given equal coverage.
Dude, cutting those frogs open in your 9th grade science class doesn't qualify as a real science education. You opinion is meaningless on global warming. Your only skill is to wildly google around, trying to find the handful of skeptics who are left on the planet.

Har har! The world is gonna laugh about people like you.
Every major scientist who understands the theory of Global Warming acknoledges that the effect is extreems on both sides of hot and cold for the enviroment ultimatly caused by an OVERALL increase in global tempature.

The CONSERVATIVES love to play on this issue and make jokes when extreems on the cold side are reported, they laugh and pretend it means climate change is not occuring.


Two points to your above rant....

1) Over the past decade, it has remained warm, but we have NOT seen an overall increase in average global temperatures. (for idiots like Cypress... this does not mean that the temperatures remained the same the entire decade.... it means there was not an OVERALL change)

2) No one is suggesting that climate change is not occuring. The climate changes just as it has for hundreds of thousands of years. Is man contributing to a warming pattern? Yes. But is mans contribution being offset by a natural phenomenon? The obvious answer is that YES, there is something causing the offset to mans increase. Hence the lack of change in average global temps over the past decade.
two simple questions.

Is cO2 the main climate driver as AGWers contend, or have I misunderstood their argument?

If CO2 is indeed the climate driver, how do we interpret cooling and/or periods of less rapid warming that coincide with increasing CO2 concentration?

OK a third question

Why is this so unreasonable to ask?
We need to just gather data until we see what happens? Then it will be proven , but perhaps too late ....

If the global warming/co2 theory is correct, it may well already be too late to do anyting but possibly mitigate the extent of the problem a bit on the far end.
And on that same thought we can of course do nothing now and perhpas make the problem more severe ?
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We need to just gather data until we see what happens? Then it will be proven , but perhaps too late ....

If the global warming/co2 theory is correct, it may well already be too late to do anyting but possibly mitigate the extent of the problem a bit on the far end.
And on that same thought we can of course do nothing now and perhpas make the problem more severe ?
As it is, most of the scientists believe that we are already too late to mitigate it, and the plans like Kyoto too small to make the difference. Kyoto would serve to limit our ability to innovate and create the solution rather than serve to do anything positive about global warming. Incentivize it with profits and solutions will arrive, punish innovation and we will stumble into the future with our hands tied.