If Brenton Tarrant Was American He Would Be A Democrat


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Italy’s Benito Mussolini, left, with British fascist leader Oswald Mosley in a visit to Italy in 1936.

The primary suspect in the massacre Friday of 49 people at two mosques in New Zealand named a prominent British fascist leader who was allied with Italy’s Benito Mussolini in the 1930s as the historical political figure with whom he most identified.

The suspect, 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant, published a 74-page manifesto before killing 49 people and injuring another 20 at the Christchurch mosques.

Tarrant wrote that Sir Oswald Mosley “is the person from history closest to my own beliefs.”

Describing himself as a “racist,” Tarrant state’s he’s not a conservative and could be labeled a socialist, “depending on the definition.”

Mosely, who was photographed with Mussolini on a visit to Italy in 1936, was the leader of the British Union of Fascists in the 1930s after serving as a member of Parliament.

Already, Democratic leaders, including Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, are casting blame on President Trump for the attacks.

In his manifesto, Tarrant describes his political ideology in a Q&A format. In summary, he says he could be described, “depending on the definition,” as “right wing” as well as “left wing,” and a “socialist.”

He asks: “Were/are you a socialist?”

He responds: “Depending on the definition. Worker ownership of the means of production? It depends on who those workers are, their intents, who currently owns the means of production, their intents and who currently owns the state, and its intents.”

He says explicitly he is not a conservative, saying “conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.”

To the question of whether or not he is a Christian, he writes, “That is complicated.”

Tarrant says he’s “an actual fascist.”

“I am sure the journalists will love that,” he says, adding he considers himself “an Eco-fascist by nature.”

Tarrant also declares that the “nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.”

He poses the question of whether he is or was a “homophobe.”

“No, I simply do not care all that much what gay people do,” he writes. “As long as they are loyal to their people and place their peoples well being first, then I have no issues.”

‘Words do have consequences’

Blumenthal reacted to the massacre on Friday.

“Words do have consequences, and we know that at the very pinnacle of power in our own country, people are talking about ‘good people on both sides,'” he said.

Blumenthal was referring to Trump’s reaction to the deadly violence in Charlottesville in August 2017 amid protests and counter-protests over the fate of a Civil War statue.

Democrats continue to push the narrative that Trump was affirming white supremacists when he said there were “good people” on both sides of the issue. However, Trump was referring to the debate over Civil War statues, and he condemned the white supremacists.

The White House reacted to leaders who cast blame on Trump for the New Zealand massacre.

It was “outrageous,” the statement said, to make any connection between the “deranged individual” and the president, “who had repeatedly condemned bigotry, racism, and has made it very clear that this is a terrorist attack.”

Mosque killer: I'm a socialist 'eco-fascist'
Posted By Art Moore On 03/15/2019 @ 3:10 pm


I am not going to waste a lot of time on the shooting in Christchurch in the days and months ahead. I have to admit I love the few details I learned to date.

The shooter killed Muslims hardly evens the score for all of the non-Muslims killed worldwide by Muslims. I do not have to know more than this. The media will make Tarrant more evil than Muslim killers because only evil people kill Muslims.

On the plus side television mouths are f----d. The shooter is still alive. Had he been killed television could have said Trump colluded with Tarrant.

Parenthetically, being a good Democrat Tarrant cannot hate the United Nations for despatching Muslim refugees to countries all over the world. If killing invaders is his thing he should have shot government officials for letting the U.N. dictate New Zealand’s immigration policies.

The New Zealand shooter called immigrants “invaders.” Hours later, so did Trump.
By Alex Ward
Mar 15, 2019, 5:40pm EDT


Brenton Tarrant claims to be a fascist; so I wonder how much he knows about Il Duce?

Benito Mussolini (1883–1945), not Hitler, was the Father of Fascism. He was a journalist before he was a dictator. Mussolini’s profession before becoming a dictator does not say anything important when applied to the totalitarian element in American television journalism, but it certainly offers some interesting food for speculation about the use of propaganda apparatus —— just as Il Duce used it in his time. Nobody knows how to use the tools of propaganda better than a journalist. There may not be a budding Mussolini among the lot of them, but who can say they are not collectively looking for a leader to guide us all to Shangri-la? Clinton and Obama fell short, but there is no reason for television to call off the search.

When Benito Mussolini addressed the Socialists in the Italian Chamber of Deputies, June 21, 1921 in his first speech as a member of parliament he said the following:

“We deny your internationalism, because it is a luxury which only the upper classes can afford; the working people are hopelessly bound to their native shores.”


Terrant should be reminded that Mussolini’s criticism of internationalism made his argument meaningless when the United Nations began destroying national boundaries. Democrat fascists long-ago realized that mass migrations serve Communism’s cause much better than was fully understood in 1921 —— The League of Nations.

I will close with a bit more about Mussolini that might interest those who do not know he worked for MI5 during WWI:

Recruited by MI5: the name's Mussolini. Benito Mussolini
Documents reveal Italian dictator got start in politics in 1917 with help of £100 weekly wage from MI5
Tom Kington in Rome
Tuesday 13 October 2009


I doubt if Mussolini did it for the money alone. He was too politically astute to hop in bed with the British without getting more than he was giving. It can be argued that he went on to become Italy’s dictator thanks to the help he got from the British. By the time WWII got going I will bet that British spy masters were doing a lot of soul-searching. MI5's manipulating Mussolini in 1917 obviously backfired.

How many spies in history ever did as well as Il Duce after hanging up their decoder rings? You might say that Mussolini mastered the art of using the people who were using him. That is the eternal dream of spies and informers.

There are all kinds of institutional spies as opposed to peeping Toms who spy on strangers and neighbors for their own gratification. Some spy on the people for their government; they usually work for the secret police or some such institution. Others act for foreign governments against their native country; they are traitors first and spies second. Some spies spy on foreign governments for their native land; they are the good guys.

Mussolini should be a lesson to all Americans. He was more than a politician who came to power in his own country. Being a secret agent for a foreign power added a fascinating dimension to his character; nevertheless, he was still a spy, and a traitor, at the time he was working for the British. It is safe to say that the Italian government would have executed him had they known what he was up to.

Those in high places in our government who work for the United Nations/International Community (UNIC) engage in Mussolini’s brand of treason without running the risk of being executed. Ask them what they are doing and they will tell you they are doing what is best for the country. None will admit that their abuse of power on behalf of foreign governments is treason.

Finally, Mussolini was a journalist and newspaper publisher when he was committing treason for the British government. In addition to being above suspicion the owners of America’s major news outlets are wealthier, and far more influential, than Mussolini was before he became Il Duce.
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Why is that every politically naive halfwit with a gun shoot the wrong people for the wrong reason? Tarrant must really think that Americans care about him using his guns to kill Muslims in New Zealand. He might have gotten his civil war had he shot a piss pot full of U.N. officials in NYC instead of waiting for H.R. 193 to shutdown the United Nations peacefully:


The 28-year-old white supremacist who livestreamed himself slaughtering Muslims inside a New Zealand mosque said he hoped the massacre, among other things, would spark a civil war in the United States.


He says he also wanted “to create conflict between the two ideologies within the United States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the United states.

If anything, had Tarrant should have found out the reason for the Second Amendment in the first place. Had he learned that lesson he would know why Americans do not need a civil war to easily defeat every attempt to disarm them.

“This conflict over the 2nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the US along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.”


“This attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing of the US along cultural and racial lines.”

Suspected New Zealand mosque shooter hoped to spark civil war in US
By Yaron Steinbuch
March 15, 2019 | 9:04am


Tarrant’s lack of knowledge made him believe that a few race riots would trigger a civil war. There is less of a chance today than there was during the Cold War when the threat was backed up by the Soviet Union attacking a weakened United States.

Finally, I would love to hear Brenton Tarrant connect United Nations economic refugees to his civil war:

Terrant should be reminded that Mussolini’s criticism of internationalism made his argument meaningless when the United Nations began destroying national boundaries. Democrat fascists long-ago realized that mass migrations serve Communism’s cause much better than was fully understood in 1921 —— The League of Nations.

This law suit is not about a federal program IT IS ABOUT A UNITED NATIONS PROGRAM:

The U.N.’s massive Dadaab camp in Kenya sends a steady stream of Somali refugees to the United States.

A lawyer who was Michigan’s state solicitor general and chairman of the American Bar Association’s Council of Appellate Lawyers has been tapped to argue Tennessee’s effort to leave the [UNITED NATIONS] federal refugee resettlement program.

The case is before a panel of judges of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The appointment of lawyer John Bursch was announced by the Thomas More Law Center, which has been handling Tennessee’s case.

Richard Thompson, TMLC president, said Bursch’s “integrity, outstanding litigation skills, and impressive record on appeals prompted me to ask him to join our fight.”

“I can’t think of anyone more qualified to represent Tennessee and the constitutional principles involved in this case,” he said.

A hearing is scheduled March 19.

TMLC was retained by the Tennessee General Assembly in 2017 to file a first-of-its-kind Tenth Amendment lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the [UNITED NATIONS] federal refugee resettlement program.

The complaint contends the federal government violated state sovereignty by forcing Tennessee to continue paying for the [UNITED NATIONS] program after it exercised its right not to participate.

The Tenth Amendment states that any authority not designated to the federal government is reserved to the states and the people.

So how did the United Nations end up with:

states' rights
also States' rights (plural noun)

1. All rights not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution nor denied by it to the states.

2. The political position advocating strict interpretation of the Constitution with regard to the limitation of federal powers and the extension of the autonomy of the individual state to the greatest possible degree.

states' righter (noun)

Bursch has argued 11 U.S. Supreme Court cases and obtained summary reversal on three more, compiling a Supreme Court merits record of 10-2-2.

Tennessee decided last year to appeal a lower court’s dismissal of its case.

“The [UNITED NATIONS] federal government is forcing the tax-paying citizens of Tennessee to fund the [UNITED NATIONS] federal refugee resettlement program despite their elected state officials withdrawing from the program,” Kate Oliveri, a lawyer for Thomas More, explained at the time.

After Tennessee withdrew from the program, the [UNITED NATIONS] federal government then assigned a private organization to run its resettlements in Tennessee, prompting the lawsuit. The feds also threatened to cut billions of dollars in funding from the state if it didn’t pay the costs of the program.

In the original complaint, filed in 2017, TMLC explained there are critical constitutional questions, such as whether or not the [UNITED NATIONS] federal government can force the state to pay for a voluntary program from which it formally has withdrawn.

Citing Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ admonition that the states “are separate and independent sovereigns” and “sometimes they have to act like it,” the state took the fight to the courts.

The state officially withdrew from the [UNITED NATIONS] federal refugee resettlement program in 2007, but “the [UNITED NATIONS] government continues, to this day, to commandeer state tax dollars to fund it,” TMLC said.

It’s all part of the fight over the settlement of refugees from the Middle East in small communities nationwide that escalated under the administration of Barack Obama and continues under the Trump administration.

QUESTION: Why is Trump not defending this country against United Nations economic refugees? ANSWER: I know the answer, but he better answer the question before November 2020 if he expects conservatives to vote for him.

One concern is that terrorists could be brought to the U.S. under the guise of being a refugee. Also, critics have noted that many refugees are [UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC REFUGEES] young men looking for economic opportunities, and they are overwhelmingly Muslim.

The case was filed on behalf of the state of Tennessee, the Tennessee General Assembly, and state legislators Terri Lynn Weaver and John Stevens.

“Tennessee has a history of supporting the Tenth Amendment and state sovereignty,” the legal team explained. “In 2009, House Joint Resolution 108, which passed in the Senate 31-0 and in the House by 85-2, demanded that the federal government halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the U.S. Constitution.”

TMLC said that when Congress adopted the [UNITED NATIONS] Refugee Resettlement Act in 1980, the intent was to assure full federal reimbursement for the costs. But the reimbursements soon were reduced and were eliminated entirely by 1991. The state contends the Constitution forbids the federal government from “commandeering state funds” to support the [UNITED NATIONS] federal program.

Appeals court to hear Tennessee's demand to drop refugee program
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 03/16/2019 @ 8:11 pm
