If elected will Romney put the old Bush team back in the administration?

Interesting how you predict his election. I'm hopeful we'll see that you are wrong, he'll win but hire different people.

We just can't afford three Bush's in a row.
Interesting how you predict his election. I'm hopeful we'll see that you are wrong, he'll win but hire different people. We just can't afford three Bush's in a row.

LOL, the dancin' Dalai applied Damocletian logic...here's multimillionaire Mittzie in his own words:

Question: What will be the legacy of George W. Bush?

Mitt Romney: Well there will be things that are great accomplishments . . .

I think we will recognize that he kept us safe these last few years, and that was not easy to do.

He fought for the Patriot Act.

He made sure that when Al Qaeda was calling, we were listening.

He made sure that terrorists that were caught, we interrogated to find out what they knew so we could protect our country.

He kept us safe.

That’s the first responsibility of a president.

Secondly, he went after the guys that went after us.

No more in this world do you say, “Hey, we can go after America and nothing happens.”

He made sure people realize there are consequences for attacking us.

They attacked us at the U.S.S. Cole.

They attacked us in Saudi Arabia.

They attacked us in our . . . in African embassies in Tanzania and Kenya.

And actually they attacked our Marines in Lebanon. We didn’t respond.

And finally when George Bush was president and they attacked us on 9/11, we did respond in a major and aggressive way, and they know there are consequences for attacking us.

His commitment to education and “No Child Left Behind”, I also support.

And his effort to help people get prescription drugs I think was a good effort, although I think we should’ve reformed Medicare as part of the process because the Medicare Part D alone, I’m afraid, added a huge new entitlement that I think will not be a positive part of his legacy.

There are other elements that were not as successful.

I wish we would have been able to see the reform of entitlements.

That just didn’t happen. He tried, that was unsuccessful.

And of course the conflict in Iraq was not superbly managed. Following the collapse of Saddam Hussein, we just did not have the right level of troop strength. We did not have the rules of engagement or the . . . the plans and preparations in place to . . . to have Iraq become stable in the timeframe it should have become stable.

So there will be pluses and minuses; but overall we’ll know that this is a president who did what he thought was right for America at every turn.

Interesting how you predict his election. I'm hopeful we'll see that you are wrong, he'll win but hire different people.

We just can't afford three Bush's in a row.
Yea well you'd better start dealing with reality. If the election were held today Mitt would lose by over 100 electoral votes.
You're drinking Kool-Aid. You could give Mitt Romney a complete frontal lobotomy and an over dose of oxycontin and he couldn't possibly be that stupid.

I pretty much had the same thought. I think this is nonsense passed around to scare the ABB crowd who think that just mentioning Bush will make any republican lose an election.
It stands to reason that Mitt would rely on old Bush people if he were to win. When a party wins the White House, it's smartest people generally end up working there. Of course, Mitt will bring in new people, but there will be some overlap. I would happen with pretty much any Republican and isn't specific to Mitt.
From the horse's mouth...

"That George H.W. Bush and his son former Florida Governor Jeb Bush would endorse Romney was as predictable as the sunrise. What is equally predictable is that a Romney administration will bring back into power the same establishment Republicans that brought us no net loss of wetlands, “No Child Left Behind,” “we’re all Keynesians now” federal spending and other decidedly un-conservative policies of past Bush administrations."


So you wing nuts want to go back to the same failed ideology that got us into this mess. Damn you guys are dumb.
I would love to see your map of that.

From a base of http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/2012_elections_electoral_college_map.html

I see MO, AZ, FL, NC going to Romney. The rest to Obama as of now. That would put it at 303-235. Are you including FL or NC to Obama?
Yup....on the RCP averages are within the margin of error making their razor thin leads for Obama but they are still leads so I'm giving him NC and FL. Even if Obama were to lose MO AZ FL CO and NC he'd still win 301 to 245. My guess is that unless something dramatic happens between now and November Obama wins by 60 to 70 electoral votes. Florida is a tough State to predict. Obama is anethma in the redneck riviera region but Republicans have alienated huge numbers of Latinos on the immigration issue. Florida also has a very unpopular Republican governor. Florida should be a nail biter...again but Obama can lose Florida and still win. Romney cannot. With PA now firmly leaning Obama, Ohio and Florida will be the two most critical swing States followed by NC and VA. The political commercials here in Ohio are all ready thick as fleas on a dog and it's 6 months till the election.
Same Old Shit?!!
