If i was the govt right now I would:


Abreast of the situations
1) Bail out bad mortgages. take ownership of thoes contracts with absolute rights to sell them.
2) Forced hedge funds to have full disclosure and institute public fund regulation onto them. Additionally impair there ability to manipulate the prices. Strict criminal penalty on planned coordinated hedge attacks... etc
3) ban all short selling temporarily 90days
4) institute uptick rule on short selling going foward
5) ban naked short selling (done)
Regardless I would break up all companies that are too big to fail and insittute tax or regulatory policies to prevent them from becoming too big to fail again.

a critical thing you left out.

I do not want to see this situation happen again.
Regardless I would break up all companies that are too big to fail and insittute tax or regulatory policies to prevent them from becoming too big to fail again.

a critical thing you left out.

I do not want to see this situation happen again.
So you would deprive people of their property just because they got really big? Not Monopoly big, just too big?
So you would deprive people of their property just because they got really big? Not Monopoly big, just too big?

Our tax system encourages these companies to roll their profits into growing bigger. Most of the regulation gives them a competitive advantage.

I'd rather see changes there, but I'd also rather see these companies broken up than bailed out because they are "too big to fail." You could break them up without depriving anyone of their property. Or at least, without the levels of wealth confiscation that we will see with the bailouts.
1) Bail out bad mortgages. take ownership of thoes contracts with absolute rights to sell them.
2) Forced hedge funds to have full disclosure and institute public fund regulation onto them. Additionally impair there ability to manipulate the prices. Strict criminal penalty on planned coordinated hedge attacks... etc
3) ban all short selling temporarily 90days
4) institute uptick rule on short selling going foward
5) ban naked short selling (done)

1) Agree
2) Agree
3) HELL NO... #4 will take care of the problem of massive short selling efforts, you do not want to ban all short selling.
4) Agree
5) Always been the case... just not very well enforced.