If MP Poilievre Is So Against WEF Then Why Does He Support Their Climate Crisis Hoax?

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Again the WEF and their idiots claim that humans are the cause of the so called climate crisis and yet not one of them has proven that 3% of the Earths surface area occupied by humans has even raised the Earth's atmospheric temperature 0.000001 degree of which is they could (laughable) doesn't prove that humans are the cause of any so called climate crisis and Pierre Poilievre hasn't opposed such to my knowledge which is evidence that he supports the WEF and their sick agenda while trying to fool Canadians into thinking that him and his ministers, MP's within his caucus or their staff if elected will not be supporting the WEF. Has he a secret platform where he has announced opposing such?

Why does Poilievre not oppose the switching of various reliable energy sources to the electric death trap if he opposes the WEF? Why does he support switching to EV garbage if he opposes the WEF?

Why does Poilievre support the WEF's LGBT hate groups lies and deceptions being forced upon Canadian citizens? I have heard no announcement that he opposes such disgusting filth being thrust upon Canadian citizens including innocent little children in schools which divides us as lies always do lead to war and divide. If MP Pierre Poilievre is against the WEF then why doesn't he support removing at least the 2017 amendment to Canada's Bill C-16? I have heard no such announcement. Why doesn't MP Pierre Poilievre support restoring marriage to a respectable state of which thousands of years since marriage was created proves that marriage is about honouring the one sexual union to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously exclusively honouring heterosexual unions if he is against the WEF and their sick agenda? Marriage was never about honouring that if it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and this soon to be short lived mockery made of marriage is quite obviously a disgrace that the Conservatives have cowered from since the WEF's idiot main stream media was being used to slander them as homophobes for opposing it to get them to fall in line like a bunch of cowering babies. Oh sure Pierre Poilievre has touted about Trudeau staying out of New Brunswick legislation when it comes to such disgusting filth being imposed upon innocent children in schools below a certain age when it needs to be criminalized all together if one really is against the WEF and their sick agenda but no mention of removing such disgusting filth imposed upon Canadians in the first place of which if it never was imposed, the East coast never would have had to create legislation in attempt to begin curving away from the WEF agenda as billions of revenue are wasted nationally on sick and filthy LGBT lies and deceptions used to divide Canadians while attempting to make criminals out of decent Canadians for not willing to go along with such disgusting filth along with leading children along with the general public to permanently destroy their reproductive organs.

Oh and what about Canada having more citizens than homes thanks to this sick little WEF agenda (which has been going on within several countries around the world simultaneously since 2015) I do not see Pierre Poilievre announcing to shut down borders until we have built enough homes for the people already in Canada before considering more immigration!

Oh I could go on naming more issues to do with the WEF and their sick little agenda that I do not see MP Pierre Poilievre opposing but I'll save some for if come a time need be for later that a hammer needs to be dropped. On other words I'll give Poilievre some time and a chance to prove he is actually being genuine with such claims!

Otoole and Scheer went along with the WEF agenda quite openly without stating that specifically their goal was in part to appease the WEF so that the media wasn't used to smear them appeared to be more important to them than actually standing up for Canadian citizens thus they both failed as leaders of the Conservative party for such as pandering to the Liberal - NDP - WEF coalition of conspirators against Canadians. I guess it appeared easier for them to just fall in line at Canadian citizens expense thus no opposition offered just the illusion that they were fooling themselves to think that they were any kind of "opposition". Opposed to what when you just go along with such rubbish?!

Could it be because Pierre Poilievre is more concerned about MPs's keeping their jobs than he is concerned about standing up for the well being and sanity of Canadians? What else explains that if he is so against the WEF then why doesn't he seek to undo the damage they have done and are currently attempting right down to every last thing that they stand for yet have never proven?

You think about that Canada. I love all MP's because they too are living human beings as I have spent the past almost 24 years come spring fighting for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life here in Canada as well around the world and in this case fellow Canadians but it is sad to see MP's turn coward after 2010 and I am sick of lies and cowardice such as claiming one thing without actions to prove it!

I think that it is time that Conservatives negotiate a new platform with Poilievre as their leader that convinces Canadians that the Conservatives are against the WEF and their sick little agenda because otherwise there is little or next to nothing to back up such claims along the lines that they do not support co aligning with the WEF and their sick little agenda!

If Pierre is going to ban his party from being involved with the WEF then why hasn't he announced opposing the above mentioned issues which directly have to do with the WEF and their sick little agenda? Let's keep it real shall we.

Pierre Poilievre - Putting The Screws To Him

On another note I think my Title for an up coming release will be something like "How Are Tax Payers Being Sued For Officials Breaking Laws Accountability"


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!