If not now, when?


Unite or Die
When are you going to ban Legion Troll? Soon I hope. I don't ever bitch to you about anyone who posts their views but this guy adds nothing and is just a waste of space.
Such irony.

Spare us this sort of bullshit, willya? Your contributions are just a tad above Legion's. Crashk stays on topic for the most part and is a good member of our forum. You may not agree with his politics, and most of the time I don't either, but lets not pretend there is any similarity between Crashk and Legion.
Knock it off DY. If enough people demand action and action is taken it is proof of democracy. Remember democracy? It's what you righties believed in before you LOST the election. Sleep well.

Democracy is secondary to more important things such as civil liberties, constitutionalism, and federalism, so its not really what this righty believes in. :cof1:

As for the OP, Legion is an annoying faggot, but I don't really believe in banning him. He finally got around to groaning me 8 times last night, though...
Knock it off DY. If enough people demand action and action is taken it is proof of democracy. Remember democracy? It's what you righties believed in before you LOST the election. Sleep well.
We TEA Party members scored hugely in the last election. :)
Democracy is secondary to more important things such as civil liberties, constitutionalism, and federalism, so its not really what this righty believes in. :cof1:

As for the OP, Legion is an annoying faggot, but I don't really believe in banning him. He finally got around to groaning me 8 times last night, though...

Yeah, he got around to groaning me 15 or 20 times. I guess its a new hobby.
something funny about this. He has just groaned me and he groaned just about everyone during the last 24 hours..but he is not listed as being present!
Why is that?
Knock it off DY. If enough people demand action and action is taken it is proof of democracy. Remember democracy? It's what you righties believed in before you LOST the election. Sleep well.

Democracy does not allow the majority to strip the rights of the minority.
Democracy does not allow the majority to strip the rights of the minority.

It actually does, which is why the philosophers of the 18th Century used mobs as an analogy for democracy in a ruined state. Republicanism is the mechanism which prevents that, but in America, we also have federalism and constitutionalism. All three are mechanisms for preserving civil liberties. Democracy is the tricky little requirement which we must dabble in for the people to engage in representative rule (voting for public officials) and to have some guarantee that the mechanisms for preserving liberty will continue to function. For these reasons, Jefferson declared at his inaugural that "we are all federalists, we are all republicans," and a similar statement about the names of our modern parties would express the values of American government.
It actually does, which is why the philosophers of the 18th Century used mobs as an analogy for democracy in a ruined state. Republicanism is the mechanism which prevents that, but in America, we also have federalism and constitutionalism. All three are mechanisms for preserving civil liberties. Democracy is the tricky little requirement which we must dabble in for the people to engage in representative rule (voting for public officials) and to have some guarantee that the mechanisms for preserving liberty will continue to function. For these reasons, Jefferson declared at his inaugural that "we are all federalists, we are all republicans," and a similar statement about the names of our modern parties would express the values of American government.

Yeah I know. It should be assumed I'm speaking of Republican Democracy based in individual rights.