If Obama saved the economy, why is extending unemployment an emergency?

Big Money

New member
Democrats do seem to be playing it both ways — taking credit for engineering the economic recovery, but claiming that the economy is still too fragile to withstand changes to assistance programs.

House Speaker John Boehner told Obama a month ago that another extension of temporary emergency unemployment benefits "should not only be paid for but include something to help put people back to work. To date, the president has offered no such plan."

Congress should end the federal unemployment insurance program and return the authority back to the states, which already have programs in place.

After six years, an extension can no longer be called an 'emergency' with any credibility. There is plenty of waste in the federal budget from which to find an offset.

It’s an emergency because he’s not been doing well politically lately, (see ACA), and he needs a hammer to beat the fucking Republicans over the head with. He never gave a flying fuck about the unemployed his economic policies have proven that. He just wants to make Republicans look like the Grinch that stole Christmas.

As fucking stupid as Republicans are, He’ll likely pull it off. Republicans wouldn’t dare tell the American people that the federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in unemployment payments because they, (the Republicans), have voted for federal unemployment benefits several times in the past and they know Obama will sure as hell shame their sorry asses into violating the Constitution again.

There are no PRINCIPLES in Washington, there’s only the fucking political games they play to suck the morons into voting one way or the other for one or the other faction of the corrupt Anti-Constitution Duopoly Party.