If the 2008 election wereheld today

If the election were held today Ralph nader might be the only one on the ballot since neither major party has decided on a candidate.
If the election were held today Ralph nader might be the only one on the ballot since neither major party has decided on a candidate.

Because, of course, you get on the ballot in all 50 states merely by officially declaring your candidacy. This is a federally run election, after all.
Because, of course, you get on the ballot in all 50 states merely by officially declaring your candidacy. This is a federally run election, after all.

the candidates are not chosen by the govt, but by political parties.
And since neither maror political party has chosen a candidate yet....
so if the election were held today I guess we would have no one to vote for. Kinda like voting for Nader though :D
Sadly, when the major parties make their selections, the only difference from today is there will be names on the ballot.

But still no one to vote for......
The democratic nominee has already been decided.

We're just waiting for the Clintons to run their course.

Obama vs McCain is a blowout.

If it's Obama/Nunn .. BLOWOUT