
Verified User
If the Marxist Harris - Walz ticket gets up on the 5th November then "It's all over Red Rover" - for the republic; and, in particular, for White - (Anglo)- Americans.

If Kamala Harris defeats Donald Trump this November, America will rapidly morph into a giant- sized, version of post-apartheid South Africa, wherein cities like NYC become chaotic, deadly shit-holes like Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town are today. Or to put it another way a process of "Californication" will quickly spread through the other 49 American States. Western Culture/Civilisation will wither and die as the "great unwashed" defecate, urinate and fornicate throughout the entire public domain.

A Harris victory in the looming Presidential election will see the creation of a bold new, radically-expanded, Multicultural American society. In this "brave new America" all cultures will be regarded and treated as having an equal value and worth. There will be inly one exception to the rule, namely, the members of the White Western culture. Any American practicing or participating in what the new "Realm of Kamalot" (the new monarchy ruled by Her Majesty, Queen Kamala the First" has declared to be a prohibited expression of Western Culture will face severe penalties. For example, in the field of literature, reading, or being in possession of any of any of the Canonical the works of: Shakespeare; John Milton; T.S. Eliot; C.S Lewis; Aristotle; Virgil; Oscar Wilde; John Steinbeck or other such "Dead White Males", would be punished with a public flogging in the Town Square, followed by a substantial custodial sentence.


With Queen Kamala seated on the throne of KAMALOT, it will also be made illegal for any (straight) male and female to enter into a monogamous, heterosexual marriage contract and then engage in sex for the purpose of procreation.This is due to the fact that Kamala is a devout, Black Marxist who views a White, Western cultural institution like marriage/ the Nuclear family as a pillar of capitalism. and Individuals preaching the empirical scientific method will be regarded as heretics and "enemies of the State."


In KAMALOT, persons teaching ot practicing the Western: empirical,scientific, method will be regarded as intellectual dissidents and enemies of the state.


In "KAMALOT", authors of American histories, (in particular, those reactionary, revisionist scholars who pen objective histories detailing the event of the Founding - era of the American republic, will be charged with White supremacist political subversion/sedition, as such histories inevitably glorify the very worst of the republics White tyrants, villains and reprobates, including slaveholders like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They also perpetuate the great lie that America was built by the White (Anglo) race and its Western culture; and conceal the truth - the incontrovertible fact - that the American the Republic was built solely off the back of the Black man - off HIS honest "blood and sweat" - not that of the White Western European scallawags !!

IN ANY CASE, as Queen Kamala will, (we know), declare at her "Grand Coronation Ceremony" in Washington DC:..... "My loyal subjects, the year, 2025, shall henceforth be known as YEAR ZERO - the start of all our history So, to publicly claim that characters like: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere and Benjamin Franklin were REAL - "flesh-and-blood" - White (Anglo-Protestant) heroes in the birthing of America , would be to insolently contradict Queen Kamala - and this could only be viewed as constituting a shocking, personal insult to Her Majesty !! The mandatory punishment for such misconduct would likely be a (minimum) 24-month period of detention in a purpose-built, Kamalot State Re-Education Camp (These camps would constructed and operated along much the same lines as those built by the North Vietnamese Communist Government after the fall of Saigon in April 1975).


In post-Revolutionary KAMALOT, White, Western music would also be also forbidden through the realm. There is a stark parallel here with the policy of the great,Ayatollah Khomeini, hero of the 1979 Iranian Revolution; and, from 1979 to 1988 , Iran's supreme ruler The Ayatollah famously banned ALL Western, -and predominantly White - "Pop" and "Rock and Roll" music from being played or broadcast anywhere in Iran. Queen Kamala, like the Ayatollah Khomeini will no doubt also ban all White Western music because it is a "cultural" product of the decadent and wicked, White (Anglo) Western race (especially in America)). I remember reading an article about two American college students who were on a world - tour, travelling holiday being arresting and placed in prison for playing Frank Zappa where they were staying in Tehran. They would have been in quite a bit of trouble, I think, as they were playing tracks from Frank Zappa's ,1979, double album , called "Sheik Yerbouti" (this was a play on words satirising a ,1976 ,American hit disco song called, "Shake Your Bootie", by "KC and the Sunshine Band). Also the cover of their Frank Zappa album, depicted him as an Arab wearing traditional, Arabic head- gear (NB: Frank Zappa was born in the US in Baltimore, but has dark, classically - Arabian features.

The Ayatollah's hard-line ban on Western "Pop"/ "Rock and Roll" music ironically inspired some pop music hits in the West, like Clash's, 1982, hit "Rock the Casbah"; the Stranglers's: "Shah, Shah - a - Go, Go" (1979) and Pink Floyd's, "The Wall", (1979), along with many others.

So, as bizarre and outlandish as it now seems, in ,1979, the Ayatollah Komeini did, INDEED, totally ban Western "Pop"/"Rock and Roll" music from being played in Iran.This meant that if you were heard playing music like: the "Beatles"; the "Rolling Stones"; "The Kinks"; "Elvis Presley"; Bob Dylan; David Bowie; etc; on your "Ghetto Blaster" where you were staying in Tehran, and a "snitch" ( like an Iranian version of little "Tampon Tim" Walz) notified the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, you would have been dragged off into the nearest custodial facility some place, and soon after, discover that you were, "knee-deep in the shit", especially , if you were a long-haired, White Yankee rocker (i.e; a person already in the Ayatollah's "bad books," to say the very least !!!

The Ayatollah condemned the poisonous effect of White European/Anglosphere, Western "pop"music had on Iran's faithful,Muslim people. He believed Western music induced"Westoxification" among his people.. "Westoxification,", the Ayatollah claimed was a sickness of the mind equivalent to the delirious, drowsy mental state produced by toxic drugs like morphine and related narcotics (opiate)s like heroin.

Interestingly, the Ayatollah did not ban just the modern-era Western "pop" music of his time. The Head of his Supreme Cultural Revolutionary Council also confirmed that the the music of the classical Western composers such as: Beethoven; Bach; Handel; Mozart; Wagner, etc; were also banned from all public broadcasts (on radio and television) for being "decadent and un-Islamic.

If it happened once, it can happen again.
"I believe that should Kamala Harris win the Nov 5th, 2024, Presidential election, it is likely that White, Western music will once again be banned, and the only legal music in "Kamalot" will be Black rap/Hip Hop music. In particular because these are Queen Kamala's favourite genres. Queen Kamala, for instance, particularly likes the rap music o: "dat Booty-Twerkin', titty-poppin', muthafuckin', dick-suckin', nigga BEEACH -"Megan Thee Stallion." as she exemplifies the the superior essence of Black musical culture in America.


A final example of the anti-White' Western cultural clampdown that would sweep across America, should Kamala Harris win the November 5, Presidential election of 2024 relates to the fine arts. With Queen Kamala on the throne of Kamalot it would be forbidden to place on display - in any private or public space-copies or replica of any Western artworks There would be thousands of prohibited individual artists and artworks on the banned list. Here are some well-known examples to give you an idea: Leonardo da Vinci ("The Last Supper", "Mona Lisa"); Raphael, ("The School of Athens"); Michelangelo ("The Sistene Chapel Ceiling"); Rembrandt van Rijn, ("The Night Watch"); Vincent Van Gogh, ("Starry Night"); Botticelli, ("The Birth of Venus"); Claude Monet, ("Sunrise"); Picasso, ( "Les Demoiseller d' Avignon"); Gustave Klimt, ("The Kiss"); Edward Hopper, ("Night Hawks"). In "KAMALOT" any officially-approved artwork will exemplify a Black aesthetic, like the graffiti that is spray-painted in NYC. In fact, the painting of graffiti (Street Art) will be decriminalised (and encouraged) throughout the entire realm of Kamalot as a means to beautification of the lived environment.


It is not so easy to confidently predict the outcome of American Presidential elections, and this , of course, applies to the looming Nov 5th race between Donald Rump and Kamala Harris. Harris is a radical, Black Marxist, closet Black supremacist and nit-wit (kind of like a thinner, female version of Idi Amin). Should she win the 2024 election, life for White, Western ("Anglo") American will start to become very unpleasant,very fast. And not merely for the cultural reasons I have set down above.

Should Harris win the election the wisest option for White (European) Americans would be flight. Flight to a Western safehaven in the Anglosphere like Australia. My advice is that even if you do not believe that Harris will defeat Trump in November, it is always be "better to be safe than sorry". So make sure you are fully- prepared and fully- organised to get yourself and family out of the US FAST if things suddenly turn pear-shaped on the 5th of November. Staying put is not an option. Your fate would be the same as that which met the White Westerners who remained in post-Apartheid South Africa.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound 11
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I'm white and I'm in America. How someone not even from America could post this drivel is a prime example that bigotry rots your brain.
I'm white and I'm in America. How someone not even from America could post this drivel is a prime example that bigotry rots your brain.
You may be White and living in America, but you are also queer (homosexual) if I correctly recall ? (And your avatar tends to confirm this) The later is a psychiatric, neurogenetic (brain) disorder. So it's a bit rich for you to be talking about how I have a rotted brain when I have no history of unnatural sexual behaviour/s.
You may be White and living in America, but you are also queer (homosexual) if I correctly recall ? (And your avatar tends to confirm this) The later is a psychiatric, neurogenetic (brain) disorder. So it's a bit rich for you to be talking about how I have a rotted brain when I have no history of unnatural sexual behaviour/s.
You don't correctly recall, more brain rot from you. I'm not gay but listening to Queen as a young'n and watching Scott Thompson on the Kids in the Hall showed me that gay people aren't something to be feared.

I chose the avatar because my screen name is also a reference to Freddie Mercury, a song from his solo album of the same name. And all these Queen references also influenced my love of fighting games as a kid, there's a series called Guilty Gear with a ton of classic rock and metal references in it, the main character of which is Sol Badguy.

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If the Marxist Harris - Walz ticket gets up on the 5th November then "It's all over Red Rover" - for the republic; and, in particular, for White - (Anglo)- Americans.

If Kamala Harris defeats Donald Trump this November, America will rapidly morph into a giant- sized, version of post-apartheid South Africa, wherein cities like NYC become chaotic, deadly shit-holes like Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town are today. Or to put it another way a process of "Californication" will quickly spread through the other 49 American States. Western Culture/Civilisation will wither and die as the "great unwashed" defecate, urinate and fornicate throughout the entire public domain.

A Harris victory in the looming Presidential election will see the creation of a bold new, radically-expanded, Multicultural American society. In this "brave new America" all cultures will be regarded and treated as having an equal value and worth. There will be inly one exception to the rule, namely, the members of the White Western culture. Any American practicing or participating in what the new "Realm of Kamalot" (the new monarchy ruled by Her Majesty, Queen Kamala the First" has declared to be a prohibited expression of Western Culture will face severe penalties. For example, in the field of literature, reading, or being in possession of any of any of the Canonical the works of: Shakespeare; John Milton; T.S. Eliot; C.S Lewis; Aristotle; Virgil; Oscar Wilde; John Steinbeck or other such "Dead White Males", would be punished with a public flogging in the Town Square, followed by a substantial custodial sentence.


With Queen Kamala seated on the throne of KAMALOT, it will also be made illegal for any (straight) male and female to enter into a monogamous, heterosexual marriage contract and then engage in sex for the purpose of procreation.This is due to the fact that Kamala is a devout, Black Marxist who views a White, Western cultural institution like marriage/ the Nuclear family as a pillar of capitalism. and Individuals preaching the empirical scientific method will be regarded as heretics and "enemies of the State."


In KAMALOT, persons teaching ot practicing the Western: empirical,scientific, method will be regarded as intellectual dissidents and enemies of the state.


In "KAMALOT", authors of American histories, (in particular, those reactionary, revisionist scholars who pen objective histories detailing the event of the Founding - era of the American republic, will be charged with White supremacist political subversion/sedition, as such histories inevitably glorify the very worst of the republics White tyrants, villains and reprobates, including slaveholders like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They also perpetuate the great lie that America was built by the White (Anglo) race and its Western culture; and conceal the truth - the incontrovertible fact - that the American the Republic was built solely off the back of the Black man - off HIS honest "blood and sweat" - not that of the White Western European scallawags !!

IN ANY CASE, as Queen Kamala will, (we know), declare at her "Grand Coronation Ceremony" in Washington DC:..... "My loyal subjects, the year, 2025, shall henceforth be known as YEAR ZERO - the start of all our history So, to publicly claim that characters like: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere and Benjamin Franklin were REAL - "flesh-and-blood" - White (Anglo-Protestant) heroes in the birthing of America , would be to insolently contradict Queen Kamala - and this could only be viewed as constituting a shocking, personal insult to Her Majesty !! The mandatory punishment for such misconduct would likely be a (minimum) 24-month period of detention in a purpose-built, Kamalot State Re-Education Camp (These camps would constructed and operated along much the same lines as those built by the North Vietnamese Communist Government after the fall of Saigon in April 1975).


In post-Revolutionary KAMALOT, White, Western music would also be also forbidden through the realm. There is a stark parallel here with the policy of the great,Ayatollah Khomeini, hero of the 1979 Iranian Revolution; and, from 1979 to 1988 , Iran's supreme ruler The Ayatollah famously banned ALL Western, -and predominantly White - "Pop" and "Rock and Roll" music from being played or broadcast anywhere in Iran. Queen Kamala, like the Ayatollah Khomeini will no doubt also ban all White Western music because it is a "cultural" product of the decadent and wicked, White (Anglo) Western race (especially in America)). I remember reading an article about two American college students who were on a world - tour, travelling holiday being arresting and placed in prison for playing Frank Zappa where they were staying in Tehran. They would have been in quite a bit of trouble, I think, as they were playing tracks from Frank Zappa's ,1979, double album , called "Sheik Yerbouti" (this was a play on words satirising a ,1976 ,American hit disco song called, "Shake Your Bootie", by "KC and the Sunshine Band). Also the cover of their Frank Zappa album, depicted him as an Arab wearing traditional, Arabic head- gear (NB: Frank Zappa was born in the US in Baltimore, but has dark, classically - Arabian features.

The Ayatollah's hard-line ban on Western "Pop"/ "Rock and Roll" music ironically inspired some pop music hits in the West, like Clash's, 1982, hit "Rock the Casbah"; the Stranglers's: "Shah, Shah - a - Go, Go" (1979) and Pink Floyd's, "The Wall", (1979), along with many others.

So, as bizarre and outlandish as it now seems, in ,1979, the Ayatollah Komeini did, INDEED, totally ban Western "Pop"/"Rock and Roll" music from being played in Iran.This meant that if you were heard playing music like: the "Beatles"; the "Rolling Stones"; "The Kinks"; "Elvis Presley"; Bob Dylan; David Bowie; etc; on your "Ghetto Blaster" where you were staying in Tehran, and a "snitch" ( like an Iranian version of little "Tampon Tim" Walz) notified the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, you would have been dragged off into the nearest custodial facility some place, and soon after, discover that you were, "knee-deep in the shit", especially , if you were a long-haired, White Yankee rocker (i.e; a person already in the Ayatollah's "bad books," to say the very least !!!

The Ayatollah condemned the poisonous effect of White European/Anglosphere, Western "pop"music had on Iran's faithful,Muslim people. He believed Western music induced"Westoxification" among his people.. "Westoxification,", the Ayatollah claimed was a sickness of the mind equivalent to the delirious, drowsy mental state produced by toxic drugs like morphine and related narcotics (opiate)s like heroin.

Interestingly, the Ayatollah did not ban just the modern-era Western "pop" music of his time. The Head of his Supreme Cultural Revolutionary Council also confirmed that the the music of the classical Western composers such as: Beethoven; Bach; Handel; Mozart; Wagner, etc; were also banned from all public broadcasts (on radio and television) for being "decadent and un-Islamic.

If it happened once, it can happen again.
"I believe that should Kamala Harris win the Nov 5th, 2024, Presidential election, it is likely that White, Western music will once again be banned, and the only legal music in "Kamalot" will be Black rap/Hip Hop music. In particular because these are Queen Kamala's favourite genres. Queen Kamala, for instance, particularly likes the rap music o: "dat Booty-Twerkin', titty-poppin', muthafuckin', dick-suckin', nigga BEEACH -"Megan Thee Stallion." as she exemplifies the the superior essence of Black musical culture in America.


A final example of the anti-White' Western cultural clampdown that would sweep across America, should Kamala Harris win the November 5, Presidential election of 2024 relates to the fine arts. With Queen Kamala on the throne of Kamalot it would be forbidden to place on display - in any private or public space-copies or replica of any Western artworks There would be thousands of prohibited individual artists and artworks on the banned list. Here are some well-known examples to give you an idea: Leonardo da Vinci ("The Last Supper", "Mona Lisa"); Raphael, ("The School of Athens"); Michelangelo ("The Sistene Chapel Ceiling"); Rembrandt van Rijn, ("The Night Watch"); Vincent Van Gogh, ("Starry Night"); Botticelli, ("The Birth of Venus"); Claude Monet, ("Sunrise"); Picasso, ( "Les Demoiseller d' Avignon"); Gustave Klimt, ("The Kiss"); Edward Hopper, ("Night Hawks"). In "KAMALOT" any officially-approved artwork will exemplify a Black aesthetic, like the graffiti that is spray-painted in NYC. In fact, the painting of graffiti (Street Art) will be decriminalised (and encouraged) throughout the entire realm of Kamalot as a means to beautification of the lived environment.


It is not so easy to confidently predict the outcome of American Presidential elections, and this , of course, applies to the looming Nov 5th race between Donald Rump and Kamala Harris. Harris is a radical, Black Marxist, closet Black supremacist and nit-wit (kind of like a thinner, female version of Idi Amin). Should she win the 2024 election, life for White, Western ("Anglo") American will start to become very unpleasant,very fast. And not merely for the cultural reasons I have set down above.

Should Harris win the election the wisest option for White (European) Americans would be flight. Flight to a Western safehaven in the Anglosphere like Australia. My advice is that even if you do not believe that Harris will defeat Trump in November, it is always be "better to be safe than sorry". So make sure you are fully- prepared and fully- organised to get yourself and family out of the US FAST if things suddenly turn pear-shaped on the 5th of November. Staying put is not an option. Your fate would be the same as that which met the White Westerners who remained in post-Apartheid South Africa.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound 11
I'm going to guess, assuming you're a real person and not a bot, that you didn't write this.

I'm more curious from a big picture perspective. You say you're in Australia and your goal is essentially to keep America white (even though the toothpaste is out of bottle on that one).

I suppose you could post on a site like Stormfront and there could be someone new who visits that site and the board regulars have a chance to radicalize them, but otherwise it's basically a bunch of likeminded people - so pointless.

You somehow found this site of maybe 25 people of whom none are political 'undecides' so not sure the value of your time here. Or have you found like hundreds or thousands of these types of sites where you copy and paste this same message and in your world found there's a positive ROI on your time?
If the Marxist Harris - Walz ticket gets up on the 5th November then "It's all over Red Rover" - for the republic; and, in particular, for White - (Anglo)- Americans.

If Kamala Harris defeats Donald Trump this November, America will rapidly morph into a giant- sized, version of post-apartheid South Africa, wherein cities like NYC become chaotic, deadly shit-holes like Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town are today. Or to put it another way a process of "Californication" will quickly spread through the other 49 American States. Western Culture/Civilisation will wither and die as the "great unwashed" defecate, urinate and fornicate throughout the entire public domain.

A Harris victory in the looming Presidential election will see the creation of a bold new, radically-expanded, Multicultural American society. In this "brave new America" all cultures will be regarded and treated as having an equal value and worth. There will be inly one exception to the rule, namely, the members of the White Western culture. Any American practicing or participating in what the new "Realm of Kamalot" (the new monarchy ruled by Her Majesty, Queen Kamala the First" has declared to be a prohibited expression of Western Culture will face severe penalties. For example, in the field of literature, reading, or being in possession of any of any of the Canonical the works of: Shakespeare; John Milton; T.S. Eliot; C.S Lewis; Aristotle; Virgil; Oscar Wilde; John Steinbeck or other such "Dead White Males", would be punished with a public flogging in the Town Square, followed by a substantial custodial sentence.


With Queen Kamala seated on the throne of KAMALOT, it will also be made illegal for any (straight) male and female to enter into a monogamous, heterosexual marriage contract and then engage in sex for the purpose of procreation.This is due to the fact that Kamala is a devout, Black Marxist who views a White, Western cultural institution like marriage/ the Nuclear family as a pillar of capitalism. and Individuals preaching the empirical scientific method will be regarded as heretics and "enemies of the State."


In KAMALOT, persons teaching ot practicing the Western: empirical,scientific, method will be regarded as intellectual dissidents and enemies of the state.


In "KAMALOT", authors of American histories, (in particular, those reactionary, revisionist scholars who pen objective histories detailing the event of the Founding - era of the American republic, will be charged with White supremacist political subversion/sedition, as such histories inevitably glorify the very worst of the republics White tyrants, villains and reprobates, including slaveholders like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They also perpetuate the great lie that America was built by the White (Anglo) race and its Western culture; and conceal the truth - the incontrovertible fact - that the American the Republic was built solely off the back of the Black man - off HIS honest "blood and sweat" - not that of the White Western European scallawags !!

IN ANY CASE, as Queen Kamala will, (we know), declare at her "Grand Coronation Ceremony" in Washington DC:..... "My loyal subjects, the year, 2025, shall henceforth be known as YEAR ZERO - the start of all our history So, to publicly claim that characters like: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere and Benjamin Franklin were REAL - "flesh-and-blood" - White (Anglo-Protestant) heroes in the birthing of America , would be to insolently contradict Queen Kamala - and this could only be viewed as constituting a shocking, personal insult to Her Majesty !! The mandatory punishment for such misconduct would likely be a (minimum) 24-month period of detention in a purpose-built, Kamalot State Re-Education Camp (These camps would constructed and operated along much the same lines as those built by the North Vietnamese Communist Government after the fall of Saigon in April 1975).


In post-Revolutionary KAMALOT, White, Western music would also be also forbidden through the realm. There is a stark parallel here with the policy of the great,Ayatollah Khomeini, hero of the 1979 Iranian Revolution; and, from 1979 to 1988 , Iran's supreme ruler The Ayatollah famously banned ALL Western, -and predominantly White - "Pop" and "Rock and Roll" music from being played or broadcast anywhere in Iran. Queen Kamala, like the Ayatollah Khomeini will no doubt also ban all White Western music because it is a "cultural" product of the decadent and wicked, White (Anglo) Western race (especially in America)). I remember reading an article about two American college students who were on a world - tour, travelling holiday being arresting and placed in prison for playing Frank Zappa where they were staying in Tehran. They would have been in quite a bit of trouble, I think, as they were playing tracks from Frank Zappa's ,1979, double album , called "Sheik Yerbouti" (this was a play on words satirising a ,1976 ,American hit disco song called, "Shake Your Bootie", by "KC and the Sunshine Band). Also the cover of their Frank Zappa album, depicted him as an Arab wearing traditional, Arabic head- gear (NB: Frank Zappa was born in the US in Baltimore, but has dark, classically - Arabian features.

The Ayatollah's hard-line ban on Western "Pop"/ "Rock and Roll" music ironically inspired some pop music hits in the West, like Clash's, 1982, hit "Rock the Casbah"; the Stranglers's: "Shah, Shah - a - Go, Go" (1979) and Pink Floyd's, "The Wall", (1979), along with many others.

So, as bizarre and outlandish as it now seems, in ,1979, the Ayatollah Komeini did, INDEED, totally ban Western "Pop"/"Rock and Roll" music from being played in Iran.This meant that if you were heard playing music like: the "Beatles"; the "Rolling Stones"; "The Kinks"; "Elvis Presley"; Bob Dylan; David Bowie; etc; on your "Ghetto Blaster" where you were staying in Tehran, and a "snitch" ( like an Iranian version of little "Tampon Tim" Walz) notified the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, you would have been dragged off into the nearest custodial facility some place, and soon after, discover that you were, "knee-deep in the shit", especially , if you were a long-haired, White Yankee rocker (i.e; a person already in the Ayatollah's "bad books," to say the very least !!!

The Ayatollah condemned the poisonous effect of White European/Anglosphere, Western "pop"music had on Iran's faithful,Muslim people. He believed Western music induced"Westoxification" among his people.. "Westoxification,", the Ayatollah claimed was a sickness of the mind equivalent to the delirious, drowsy mental state produced by toxic drugs like morphine and related narcotics (opiate)s like heroin.

Interestingly, the Ayatollah did not ban just the modern-era Western "pop" music of his time. The Head of his Supreme Cultural Revolutionary Council also confirmed that the the music of the classical Western composers such as: Beethoven; Bach; Handel; Mozart; Wagner, etc; were also banned from all public broadcasts (on radio and television) for being "decadent and un-Islamic.

If it happened once, it can happen again.
"I believe that should Kamala Harris win the Nov 5th, 2024, Presidential election, it is likely that White, Western music will once again be banned, and the only legal music in "Kamalot" will be Black rap/Hip Hop music. In particular because these are Queen Kamala's favourite genres. Queen Kamala, for instance, particularly likes the rap music o: "dat Booty-Twerkin', titty-poppin', muthafuckin', dick-suckin', nigga BEEACH -"Megan Thee Stallion." as she exemplifies the the superior essence of Black musical culture in America.


A final example of the anti-White' Western cultural clampdown that would sweep across America, should Kamala Harris win the November 5, Presidential election of 2024 relates to the fine arts. With Queen Kamala on the throne of Kamalot it would be forbidden to place on display - in any private or public space-copies or replica of any Western artworks There would be thousands of prohibited individual artists and artworks on the banned list. Here are some well-known examples to give you an idea: Leonardo da Vinci ("The Last Supper", "Mona Lisa"); Raphael, ("The School of Athens"); Michelangelo ("The Sistene Chapel Ceiling"); Rembrandt van Rijn, ("The Night Watch"); Vincent Van Gogh, ("Starry Night"); Botticelli, ("The Birth of Venus"); Claude Monet, ("Sunrise"); Picasso, ( "Les Demoiseller d' Avignon"); Gustave Klimt, ("The Kiss"); Edward Hopper, ("Night Hawks"). In "KAMALOT" any officially-approved artwork will exemplify a Black aesthetic, like the graffiti that is spray-painted in NYC. In fact, the painting of graffiti (Street Art) will be decriminalised (and encouraged) throughout the entire realm of Kamalot as a means to beautification of the lived environment.


It is not so easy to confidently predict the outcome of American Presidential elections, and this , of course, applies to the looming Nov 5th race between Donald Rump and Kamala Harris. Harris is a radical, Black Marxist, closet Black supremacist and nit-wit (kind of like a thinner, female version of Idi Amin). Should she win the 2024 election, life for White, Western ("Anglo") American will start to become very unpleasant,very fast. And not merely for the cultural reasons I have set down above.

Should Harris win the election the wisest option for White (European) Americans would be flight. Flight to a Western safehaven in the Anglosphere like Australia. My advice is that even if you do not believe that Harris will defeat Trump in November, it is always be "better to be safe than sorry". So make sure you are fully- prepared and fully- organised to get yourself and family out of the US FAST if things suddenly turn pear-shaped on the 5th of November. Staying put is not an option. Your fate would be the same as that which met the White Westerners who remained in post-Apartheid South Africa.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound 11



stop...I wish ppl would see the forest rather than the trees, this election will boil down to one thing, do we want another black in the white house or Trump. That's why Trump will probally win this Nov. Has nothing to do with policies or ideology, but everything to do with COLOR!! Clearly she's the better of the two, but she's a she and she's black.1725043863908.png


stop...I wish ppl would see the forest rather than the trees, this election will boil down to one thing, do we want another black in the white house or Trump. That's why Trump will probally win this Nov. Has nothing to do with policies or ideology, but everything to do with COLOR!! Clearly she's the better of the two, but she's a she and she's black.View attachment 30662

If it’s simply an anti-black thing why is Harris polling so much better than Biden?