If the minimum wage should be over $20@ hour, why didn't Dems nake it so?

Big Money

New member
If the minimum wage should be over $20@ hour, why didn't Dems make it so?

Didn't Democrats control Congress and the White House at one time?

How come they didn't raise the minimum wage to over $20@ hour?
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Because they realize that crippling businesses isn't the way to grow an economy but love to have the issue as a political football. They can then pretend that it is all the republicans' fault. It's a winner for them with the low information voter.
I wonder how that's playing with the long-term unemployed and the working poor?

As with other "blocs" who the Democrats pretend to care about, those people cannot be as gullible as the 'Crats think, can they?
I wonder how that's playing with the long-term unemployed and the working poor?

As with other "blocs" who the Democrats pretend to care about, those people cannot be as gullible as the 'Crats think, can they?

You'd be surprised how many of the leftist assholes still believe and swear to "if you like your healthcare insurance and your doctor, you can keep them, period!" You must not forget these leftist idiots are brain-dead.