If the SCOTUS reflects the republic, we're done.


1960s Chick Magnet
The Uncle Tom was appointed by Bush I.
The idiots Alito and Roberts were appointed by Bush II.
And the three total troglodytes appointed by the orangutan left the entire civilized world shaking its collective head.

With six of nine SCOTUS justices
all probably belonging in prison,
Biden should be having his soldiers march right into that Supreme Court,
announce to the present occupants that they've just retired,
and then unilaterally,
install a competent court of his own.

Balls are the missing ingredient in my Democratic Party today.
We have no balls.
The Republicans have no brains.

Perhaps we should all live for the moment and stop giving a shit.
It's all swirling down history's toilet drain anyway,
and it's probably too late to do anything about it.